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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Here's a confused Zeke. The people wanted more human Zeke... Right?... Here's Terry and Zeke having a nice chat at the bar. Here's a sort of Spooky Zeke. None spess characters, here's Lavinia and Ma'Zul Here's Ellerith
    2 points
  2. This is the list of things I like about wizard rounds. It is the perfect round type to force when you need to buy 5 minutes to see if a patch got into the server and then reset without ending the round.
    1 point
  3. Probably beating a dead horse here (there will be a line or two about that spell too) but Wizard should get some rebalancing before even thinking of forcing ragin, let alone putting it in rotation or any of its varieties. Wizards have some extremly problematic and unfun spells and combos, you know which I am talking about (from least horrible to most horrible gameplay wise and RP wise.) But hey lets still list them and explain whats wrong: Disintegrate: A spell that just instant kills the target if in touching range. No fun at all and when combined with one of the two instant stun spells is a safe and boring kill. Horsemask: Really annoying low RP and basicly a stale 2010 meme that should have died off long ago. Blind does the same but is more effective and doesnt ruin peoples round because noone knows how to make Fluorosulph because everyone is anyways hunting the wizard using that spell with... said fluorosulph... in smoke grenades... and RSGs filled with Sarin... I have seen many people cryoing over wizards/crew using horsemask. And I get them. Its just not fun and downright complete shit. Anything that transforms into lesser forms: That is corgi/none sentient animals/ animals with no attack or nothing to do. It basicly is disintegrate but you cant get yourself killed so you can spectate. You HAVE to ghost to spectate the round and loose respawn rights in the process. Mindswap: An ability that should only be used on Clings because it makes sense for them to have. For wizards its just leading to them being stunned then being thrown to death with floor tiles "just to be sure". Its one of the spells that makes cheesing wizards so utterly compelling. Lichform: Respawn and use your other spells from this list alongside mostly evasive things or stuns to make the round drag on as much as possible. Suggestion how to improve it: Make it an actual set of spells that turns the wizard into a real full blown necromancer with spells that allow raising zombies (which can infect crewmembers ala rommerol from TG), throw "deathbolts" which basicly just freeze people to death. Cause "fogs" that bring great pain to everyone moving in (and lets their organs rot), animate skeleton that basicly turns the person into a skeleton, a fleeting form but with alot of anger and will to help the necromancer. Being close to the necromancer would keep them alive, corpse detonation aswell would be cool if a corpse is there for more than say 3 mins and might get more dangerous the longer the corpse exist. And good old bonespike that basicly pierces armor and does internal organ damage but can be dodged easily. And maybe keep the ressurection in. But make it a "all or nothing" kind of deal. They spend all their points on becoming a lich with all those spells and thats it. Clunweform/Curse of Clunwe: I get its a meme from goon. But on goon its balanced. Why is that? Its on a 2 minute cooldown last time I checked and its CUREABLE. The chaplin on goon can cure it by just whacking you a few times with his bible on the head. Permanent clunwe should really be only a thing as a very special "punishment" for doing things like /pray Dabs at the gods or sending assfaxes. And even the latter. Makes no sense. Why would a megacorp with any kinds of extradimensional tech and a full arsenal based on nanotech waste time turning someone into this instead of quitely, efficiently sending someone to take them out or use some kind of other "technology based" weapons at their disposal (nanomachines to turn them into a borg.). Wizard clunwe should be cureable. Nothing permanent. Maybe even make it wear off after X ammount of minutes (including the fucking clothes). This spell is just outright terrible and number one reason to cryo on wizard rounds instead of playing along, alongside the spells listed above. Remove outright, rebalance or maybe replace with something less, sorry for the choice of words, retarded. And it gets worse with the instant stun spells wizards have. clunwe spell should cost 2 + 5% of max karma of the caster PER CAST and if the caster has no karma he gets turned into a clunwe then people would think about using it. Now that the negative is out of the way some positive things: Wizards have many tools to cause chaos. The engaging kind. For instance: The summon gun spell, while pretty broken, allows for extremly extensive gunfights only seen once every blue moon during nukeops. Fireball, while unoriginal, can be flunged along corridors and hit random people making them very paranoid when they hear the sound of it being fired. Soulstone Belt and Artificer: Gets the people killed right back in the round and allows them to cause chaos and help the wizard, essentially making one big fight on the whole station. One of the most fun things I have seen in wizard rounds and an always buy, atleast for me, whenever I roll wizard Necrostone: Same deal as soulstone belt but more limited. Flesh to Stone and Animation Staff: Should be combined into one item honestly. The animation staff itself is a fun item, but flesh to stone can make it even more fun. You get turned into a statue and are supposed to wreck havoc while lurking in the dark. Flesh to stone alone is just terrible, but with animation staff its pretty good. Door Staff: While its uses are pretty limited it can result in a few chaotic situations. Like people looting the captains spacesuit cause its a wizard on station and they want to survive/fight Things that make wizard rounds potentially more enjoyable: Potion of bloodrage/Enrage: Gives the Doomslayer buff to everyone on screen/the target. What it does: Basicly people affected by Doomslayer get a chainsaw, adminmeds and an objective to RIP AND TEAR while seing everyone else as a demon. For 60 seconds. They are NOT friendly to the wizard. But also not necessarily completly hostile to him. Could lead to some interesting things like stealth wizards who keep enraging people every now and then. 2 points cost/3 points cost Mind Control: Control someone for 10 minutes. Basicly Wololo staff but without the staff. Instantanous (debateable) and 2 people who can be under mind control PER invested level. Can lead to some pretty interesting stuff. Pierces mindshields. 3 Points cost. Paranoia/Mass Hallucination: Makes someone suffer from extremly vivid hallucinations for 10 minutes/ Makes everyone see extremly vivid hallucinations for 1 minute. 1 point cost, (both), target spell/range is on screen. Both spells are silent. Plasma Breath: Basicly a small breath like spell that allows the wizard to throw ignited plasma. Like a flamethrower. Also grands the wizard heat and fire immunity. 2 points cost. Dragon Form: Turns the wizard into a lesser ashdrake (and lets them turn back on will) gives them a new set of abilities but unable to cast spells during drakeform. 3 points cost. Runeblade/Spellsword: The thing that shoots those orange circles. Could be nice to have for wizards since it costs 2 points and only has 5 charges maximum. So wheres the difference in the things listed above as "bad things" and "good things". Pretty simple actually. "Well designed" spells are engaging, and are not a instant death/humilation/round ending spells. They get you a different thing to do other than "get killed" during a chaotic round. They are not ruining anyones round or make them feel "robbed" in a very disgusting and bad way. Theres a good kind of chaos and a bad kind of chaos. Aslong wizards have spells that are listed above and explained why they are bad it will always be a terrible gamemode where people will always rush to kill the wizard to get a different, more engaging round which allows for more things to happen. Atleast thats how I see it and perceived it so far. Cause a Wizard using a Soulstone belt and artificer doesnt get nearly cheesed as badly as a stun into clunwe wizard with evasion and necromutation. I did both (except the clunwning but thats frankly because I find that spell pretty terrible, disintegrate is more effective and doesnt make the person wait for death) and didnt get cheesed as much with a "dark mage" "build" than with a "Bullshit tier spell" "build". Its all about the arsenal they have aviable. Not about the antag itself. The antag itself is fine, atleast on paper. The tools/weapons are not. But thats just my opinion on that entire deal.
    1 point
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