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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2018 in all areas

  1. New piece done by Sumico, this one of Szlaa and Kerri Mendy
    3 points
  2. this is getting increasingly more relevant people go on about cluwnes and not the idea of the gamemode so i'm just gonna leave this here.
    1 point
  3. Heres an idea about the Clunwe Spell. Thanks for giving me that inspiration ID (or rather gave me the idea how it would be still in the spirit of said spell). If a Wizard uses the Clunwe spell you are given an option. It gives you a button/spell thats "Self Disintegrate". But heres the thing. You dont just gib. You gib in a bunch of confetti and make the sad trumpet sound. That way people who hate the clunwe thing could instantly get out and spectate and those who find it alright can stay and get put down. No loss for anyone.
    1 point
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