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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Well, ya kinda said it yourself- if you used that knowledge, it would have been metagaming. I'd say that little circle of vision exists to provide players who are asleep for an extended time (surgery, etc) a view into the game, so they don't get bored. A nice medium between 'your character is knocked out so you can't see anything no matter what' and letting the whole screen be visible. There's always quality control, bringing the hammer down on people who metagame stuff they see while they were supposed to be knocked out, if that's the problem, and besides, who's going to believe a dude who springs up out of a sound sleep and yells "HEY, I SAW (XYZ) JUST NOW!" Is your concern the immersion quality? Hearing stuff and seeing that little circle? Perhaps think of it as the way you slip in and out of sleep, and catch little glimpses of what's around you, but don't really recall it afterwards? Really, I just see it as being for the player's sake, but that could be your IC inbetween, or something of the sort
    2 points
  2. Somewhere in deep space, three Unathi are at the mercy of a twisted admeme nukie... This was a fun round... Rsik (me) had gone out exploring sector 9 with Emerson Hawker. We found the old unathi gas chamber ruin... pretty grim stuff. Emerson said he was going to stay behind and have a long snooze (ssd). Warned him against it, but he insisted. He ended up putting on a straight jacket (don't ask) and going to sleep. Off I go on my merry space adventures, although I said I'd check up on him later. Sometime later in the round, I receive this rather mysterious message... I had a sense of dread that something bad had happened to Emerson... I fly back out and I notice that suddenly there is power to the place. The airlocks are bolted, but even more alarming is the syndicate pod parked outside... Unable to open the airlock, I rush back to get a multitool, and enlist the aid of Slith and Asrair after saying over coms that I think Emerson is in trouble. All three of us ready and in two pods between us, we rush back out. When we get there, there is a lizard skin outside the airlock that wasn't there before... Atmos has its fun with us as we attempt to get inside, as we do, we see a Syndicate Nuclear Operative sitting calmly behind a desk, a Tajarra called Kesrin Hadii. He wasn't holding Emerson captive, but he found it funny all the same to play mind tricks with us. Emerson was awake at this stage, and we fetch him, bringing him back to the station. Slith decided to stay behind however... After dropping off Asrair, myself and Emerson headed back to pick up Slith. This is where things go a bit wrong... Turns out Slith was a bit silly and tried to slip up the nukie. He got himself put in a straight jacket. That's when we all suddenly started to get a bit brave thinking we could robust this operative... Slith grabbed him on the sly, while I slapped a pair of cuffs on him. Unfortunately he had a freedom implant, soon as he was loose, he started shooting disablers at everyone. I took out my retro laser, pew pew... I managed to catch the operative with a few hits but I go down after a few exchanges of lethal fire. And that's how we all became prisoners of a unathi hating kitty... Cheers to Guilty for making that a fun round!
    2 points
  3. Like Baystation, the ENTIRE screen should be covered with black so you don't know HOW you got in maint, stripped naked and left with a note saying "Shouldn't have fucking taken my insulated gloves you rotten piece of shit." Because with the little hole, a good mouse placing and knowledge of the map, along with your inventory being visible, it makes it super easy to determine where you're going and why you're going. I saw someone who was trying to kidnap me and absorb me but didn't because security was walking around BECAUSE of the little hole.
    1 point
  4. I looked through every vulpkanin hair style and couldn't find what i was looking for. I suggest adding some longer hair options and not just super short stuff. If you think this is a good idea I suggest or just want more info/examples reply.
    1 point
    1 point
  6. I really don't think we have a major or even minor problem with people obtaining useful meta knowledge while they sleep. Also if you knew who was attacking you before falling unconcious there is no rule against you screaming "SO AND SO ATTACKED ME" when waking up. Even if you are killed by them and cloned. So long as you saw who they were before dying. Not the best sport but its allowed. Just like kidnapping can be fun if the victim plays along instead of screaming "HELP SCI MAINT" on comms immediately. As with most things in this game, it doesn't require game mechanics to make it better, how people PLAY can make it better. Thats what makes Spess so special.
    1 point
  7. NT Rep Zeke Varloss Zeke and his floofly baby Detective Sax Bunch of doodles of myself
    1 point
  8. Easy solution? Would you also suggest people cant see anything as a ghost? Because if someone is a ghost and gets cloned they could in theory use meta knowledge gained as a ghost...which again...would be breaking the rules... This game would not be nearly as interesting to a large chunk of the playerbase if you couldn't watch what was happening when you are dead. If we "fixed" every single feature that people were capable of abusing we would have to remove an absurd amount of content from the game and it would be extremely vanilla, most likely unplayably boring. The features that can be abused is kept in check by the community, the admins, and the rules.
    1 point
  9. Well for one more than one way of communicating exists on the station. Paper, PDA Messaging, PDA Notes, Chat rooms on computers, General motions using "Me" and Hell even floor and crayons. All of this also goes for being deaf as well. Now let's go over all the alternative ways of seeing. Eyes and... just eyes. Absolutely no one would start with the blind disability other than to see what it was like for a round or two if the screen was completely black. You already can't read or right papers, use your PDA, see the "Me" acting thing, know if someone four tiles away from you, and use any and all consoles. (A few I'd need to confirm such as the PDA.) I'd also like to say it's a video game and we need to make compromises for both gameplay and the players enjoyment. If you want to be completely blind so badly just open you IC note tab and slap it over your character.
    1 point
  10. Just close your eyes when you character is blind/sleeping. Think of how immersed you will be. If this did happen it would make it so the rare/never used blind disability will be used even less.(Why don't you spawn with a fucking cane?)
    1 point
  11. Nymph ops. Goal? All the stations blood.
    1 point
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