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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Good to know cain still makes fun of Pretzel when she's not around, that and makes life ever harder for Boris.
    2 points
  2. So this suggestion is here to complete one objective and that's to explore the unique relationship that the Chaplain role has with the vampire antagonists. Officially, Chaplains are not allowed to engage in any form of direct combat with vampires. It's considered validhunting and is generally looked down upon by staff. Some would even go as far to say that the Chaplain's overstepping their boundaries by getting involved in the affairs of any vampires period but I'll address why I think that's a massive misunderstanding and a general waste of the role. Let's begin: 1. The Chaplain could be a fighting role if the round demands it. We very often see the Chaplain used in cult rounds in a combative capacity. It's not uncommon (in fact one could argue it's almost mandatory) for the Chaplain to be used as an invaluable asset by security to assist in capturing, deconverting, and combating cultists. I see no reason why it should be any different for Chaplains on a vampire round. This role seems to be molded by a combination of creativity from the player and how that player reacts to the round. As a result, the Chaplain's duties are wide and versatile and should be allowed to extend to Vampire hunting if security allows it. 2. The Chaplain's SPECIAL. Similarly to the clown's ability to speak in comic sans or the Mime's ability to create walls, some roles have completely unique and inborn abilities at round start that are designed to facilitate and expand upon their special role on the station. Chaplain probably has the best inborn abilities. On top of being a conduit for the GODS the chaplain is naturally immune to the vampires' abilities (glare, bites, etc.), similarly to how they're immune to Cult magics and conversions, which is why they're so heavily sought after during cult rounds. Why is this not the same for vampire rounds, more specifically why is it not allowed? 3. The Chaplain is specifically equip to deal with Vampires. So hearkening back to my last point, the Chaplain has specific abilities that make them immune to the vampire's abilities. They also spawn with items that vampires are specifically weak to. Examples being: As well as holy water, which vampires are deadly weak to, which Chaplains spawn with a flask of and also the ability to make more out of any regular water. These are invaluable counters to vampires and they're specifically made to help deal with vampires so why is it not ok for security to employ Chaplains to assist in hunting a vampire? So to wrap this up, I'm not saying that Chaplains, upon realizing it's a vampire round, should be allowed to don their crusader armor, grab some beads and a sword and go to town hacking apart anyone who's bumbling about maintenance. What I am saying, is that, similarly to cult rounds, they should be allowed to supplement security in matters strictly pertaining to the apprehension (or extermination) of vampires. If you don't want this to be the case, remove these functions from Chaplain because they're clearly indicative that it should be. I'm personally looking for more of an administrative mindset to this, but I am curious what the playerbase thinks as well. From what I gather, there's no concrete consensus on this issue, so I'd like to take this opportunity to bring it into the light so we can maybe get that concrete consensus in an open, public discussion. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
    1 point
  3. It's very easy to be able to assist against cultists/vampires as a chaplain: Get permission from the HoS, then go to the HoP, and get hired as security. This goes the same for really any other job - if you want to help fight antags, join sec.
    1 point
  4. What if sleeping players got sent into a dream state? Put up a black and white filter over the screen and put them in control of a generic character in a big room full of stuff they can mess with. Let them see other sleeping "souls" in the room with them, but have them unable to talk. Kinda like being a cult shade except without the culty stuff, and being sent somewhere else until you wake up.
    1 point
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