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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2018 in all areas

  1. One shift when the botany department were busy growing lube melons i decided to help the poor chef out by growing some much needed wheat in the garden. My attempts at improving the potency of my wheat crop instead resulted in me gazing upon a few stalks of the humble oat; Avena sativa. To my dismay the chefs employed by Nanotrasen seem to have never seen an oat in their lives and have no idea how to cook even a simple oatmeal porridge! I suggest adding a few oat based recipes as well as an oatmeal reagent produced by grinding the oats. Here are the two recipes i had in mind: Oatmeal porridge Suggested recipe: 10u Oatmeal 5u Water 1u Salt Suggested machine: Microwave Oatmeal balls This recipe might not be all that familiar to players outside of Scandinavia, but it is a classic oat based pastry around these parts. It's the perfect food item to make when a radiation storm blesses you with the delightful Swedish accent, bork bork! Here is a snippet from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havregrynskugle Suggested recipe: 10u Oatmeal 5u Sugar 5u Cocoa 5u Coffee Suggested machine: Candy maker It's also might also be worth considering adding a bag of 30u oatmeal to the flour locker at roundstart so the chef may cook a few bowls of oatmeal porridge for breakfast. The bag could be a simple palette swapped flour bag(like the rice bag currently is), or i could create a new sprite. Do you have thoughts about my suggestion, critique of my sprites or perhaps another great oat recipes you'd like to suggest? Post below!
    1 point
  2. play a human female in medbay and act like an anime character
    1 point
  3. Don't play engineering, atmos, janitor or any other jobs so crucial for the station's upkeep that it is taken for granted. Sure, you can be a great atmos tech, but since it dosen't directly affect them, they don't get karma directly (unlike someone in medical, who gets karma up the arse just for doing their job as it involves interacting with people), and most of the time they aren't noticed. A good engineer or atmos tech doesn't get noticed. A great engineer builds an autism fort that makes all the other Engineers applaud him. They only time when Engineers and Atmos techs are really noticed (and would get karma) is if something is going badly wrong, either through their incompetence or bad things happening. You can bet on everyone blaming the Engineers and not on, y'know the traitor screaming over comms about their evil plan. In short, don't play for karma, play for fun, and you'll earn more karma (or won't if you play engineering).
    1 point
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