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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2018 in all areas

  1. First Name: Equanimity Last Name: N/A Gender: Female Orientation: Bi Nicknames/Alias: Nimi Age/D.O.B: ????, --/--/00-- Place Of Birth: UNKNOWN Species: Abductor Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: N/A Affiliation: N/A Religious Beliefs: Agnostic Childhood: Chaotic, witnessed suicide, accidental murder of a close friend Adulthood: Disturbed, spent 200 years alone in isolation, began working for Nanotrasen after being held at gunpoint at a deal, broke away from it and became a supporter for the Syndicate, and began research into the theoretical concept of Redspace. Detailed Information Appearance: Equanimity maintains a posture of grey, with red features. She is capable of genetic polymorphism, and can change her appearance and race as she wishes, though the process requires a redspace catalyst. She often takes the form of a Kidan, a Grey, or a Vox, depending on the mood. She also, due to her Redspace Attunement, has a Redspace Shade form, which is not often shown. Character Voice: She has a calmed voice that can sound murderous or formal with a slight inflection of tone. Personality: She has a dismissive attitude towards other people, and doesn't often speak to her co-workers, maintaining a close group of friends. Medical Record: [EXPUNGED] Character Biography Background: nOJ1qme8be0ROXfxD3iRMdYHlZ0metc88jaRPFGM 1HUylNohOOn6WK3AoNl7RuzrfT2nDKdVmDDBzqpx ebLphipgSOK61s0pw3UT30t7B4gpe5pMrnCvwXAl ePZ8hN73CkKchevjP5g7EM8PUaYSNpEOAoioKJ0Y iuXZBLQtJ4jWyVWsueUzSFJIF3UTdkX6yXhTwQgB Qr8aq38WxcUvjwACYmcl1Nc5K4ELeKQmeM4KTEng JPv4tgypv4fthe91ujEB1leOgfGBVLycIdx6hRmC enGm9jRyl0jnCDPp2VgM0hrUicZtmRXU6zoQ5NnN OGqlhwLkouJTBPa37a5FddPwA8loGiSjKz87dxUo S9ElRebqMDXZ1yWxXmv0HXNe5b0iyA56B1qxZtiA jdu8upGEZZm6mCi490KmHJ3VtIgZbVWYHta5S7Zv 867NvqFY6dIQvgeuG4KokJq0XTuMGzZXC02wOyMe 3xIikYgujWBjfKdXnRnMzjVMLtjsxUQqhCSMUVWF adW0UmkLAT2gxTx0MRG2KDayKFXEKNCpGV9VoOcA sOTvfCJ7xzOPoBOzivoJl0VnJKMO3f2pPMCC1auL Family: Equanimity has no family to speak of, though she is married to Jake Chambers. History: To put it all into words is insanity. I can't show you everything, either. I've forgotten much of it. Being thousands of years old will do that to you. Personal Relationships Chayakriti [Close Friend/Romantic Interest] - "One of my closest friends and a past lover. She's my best friend and I enjoy spending time with her. It's a shame we're not in a relationship anymore, but it was for the best, I think. Much respect to her." Jake Chambers [Romantically involved/Close Friend] - "It's not every day you see a mime flirting with a Blueshield, especially a freshie, but I never thought we'd end up getting married. Here we are." Yaya [Acquaintance] - "Hangs around Chayakriti, he's an odd one. I don't know a lot about him, but he's interesting. Perhaps we'll get to know each other a little better." Qoorso Quum [Unsure] - "I'm... I'm unsure about his opinion of me. I don't get to talk to him often, and I've never really had a calm discussion with him..." Rsik Ugsharki [Friend] - "Not my favorite person in the world, but he's a good person to hang around him and I have some respect to him." Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Like - Syndicate "I mean, there isn't a lot to dislike about them, from my perspective. Why the hell not?" Like - Synthetica "All praise, I guess. I'm still agnostic, either way." Like - Wizard Federation "Pew pew pew!" Like - Shadowling Hivemind "Nothing wrong with being in the shadows. Respect" Like - Changeling Hivemind "On the occasional chance I'll come under one of you guys, go ahead and keep it. Call it a present from me." Like - Vampires "You guys know there's an entire company whose business is helping Vampires live normal lives?" Like - The Occults of The Damned "Leave me out of your religious stuff, but praise who and what you want." Neutral - Donk Co. "You're a band of strange motherf---ers, but god damn your products deliver." Neutral - Honkmother "Don't come near me, and we'll be just fine." Neutral - Silent Father "..." Neutral - Vox Arkship(s) "You're still a mystery to me... for now..." Dislike - Nanotrasen "I don't like slavers. Let's leave it at that." Enemy - Solar Federation "I'd prefer if you didn't shoot me, please." Enemy - Abductors "You don't own me anymore." Race Relations Human (Neutral) - "Fun to experiment with, and a good template for a lot of research projects." IPC (Neutral) - "Uninteresting. Just another robotic construct. Good for several things, but I don't have a real "use" for them." Unathi (Dislike) - "I'd like it if you fuckers stopped hitting me with your tails, please." Vox (Neutral) - "I like their biology, but... I guess the prospect of my being able to polymorph to their species just freaks them out..." Plasma Men (Neutral) - "I have a feeling it's going to take... a long while to be able to polymorph into this species, especially due to their biology..." Slime People (Neutral) - "Eh. It's going to be good to have this species for polymorphing, but I don't think this will have much use." Vulpkanin (Dislike) - "Please don't." Drask (Neutral) - "This was an interesting project. Super-cooled body functions are not my forte, and finding a good way to polymorph was an absolute nightmare of failed tests and dead bodies." Diona (Like) - "I like their nymphs, but the gesalt is a nightmare. In addition, this is the only species I can't just polymorph into. Just a bit too much for my technology, I'm afraid." Grey (Like) - "The first I came into, and probably one of my favorites. I hate that I can't really speak Common all that well but it's hard to hate something that you relied on for so long..." Skrell (Neutral) - "Another basic race. Head-tentacles and extraneous limbs, and the absence of a liver. I didn't have that much trouble with the polymorphing." Kidan (Like) - "The exoskeleton was fun to develop, and the culture was fun to research. I enjoyed the time I spent, and I'll cherish the polymorph I have with this race." Tajaran (Like) - "Met a lot of good Tajarran. I like this species, but I'm not too keen on the polymorphing. Too much hair and rolled r's." @S(G&*&@!%&!^V!VSE Might as well give you a little something. Yeah, I can polymorph. I have a machine and research meant for that. To be clear, it took me forever to develop this tech, so I might as well provide a little more... insight to my technology, considering Nanotrasen will not get their hands on this shit. ---The Genesis--- Probably one of my first breakthroughs in advanced cloning technology. I took a lot of cloning tech and mixed it with some more advanced bluespace tech, in addition to some Redspace stuff which I won't get too much into. Purpose: The purpose of the Genesis is to pull my soul from a dead body, and generate a new body based on what kind of race I want. Since my research began into Redspace, I've been able to attune all of the bodies I had, and I've added a recycling chamber that can pull apart a body into biomass, which is essential for the machine. It's capable of instantly mutating and morphing my genetic code into a different race, which is good in case I can't polymorph for one reason or another. ---The Mindwave MK2--- This isn't necessarily MY tech, but it's not the same thing that the rest of my kind use. Purpose: The purpose of the Mindwave is to put one's consciousness into a machine and project it onto an organic body. Only natural genomes will work, which is why all of my bodies have crimson eyes. If my eyes were a different color, I'd be left without a body to work with. This machine has had several modifications, including one that allows me to project my form into a synthetic persona. That's right, I can become an AI or a Cyborg or a pAI if I feel like it. It's pretty amazing. S*RTB*$AHW^N&**A$ Other information 1. Equanimity has the ability to manifest fire at her fingertips, though it is mainly for show and will not burn. 2. Equanimity is Redspace Attuned, meaning she is capable of sensing Redspace and is capable of manipulating her body. Her body will often spark if a large concentration of Redspace is in the nearby area. 3. Equanimity is capable of deploying her consciousness into a Synthetic Persona, allowing her to use IPCs, AI Units, Posibrains, and other devices at will. 4. In her Grey body, Equanimity has the ability to manipulate those around her with her Psionics mentally. 5. Equanimity is actively hunted by other Abductor agents, so she is not immune to them. 6. Equanimity prefers to keep her identity secret, as she's a distrustful person. It takes a lot to get her to trust anyone. 7. Due to her consciousness being inside a Mindwave, she's capable of Duality, where two bodies of her are present. She will often act strangely if she is using this.
    1 point
  2. The place was a bit more clean.
    1 point
  3. Heres my robo character that i've made too many iterations of since i can't quite settle on a design for him. (Then again i do that for alot of things...)
    1 point
  4. You don't look at the form for two days and come back to find out @ZN23X had betrayed us all... you think you know a person...
    1 point
  5. As soon as the round started...
    1 point
  6. New piece done by Sumico, this one of Szlaa and Kerri Mendy
    1 point
  7. When can we expect the Alien/Xeno game mode to be brought back into "rotation"?
    1 point
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