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  1. At least the dress doesn't make my butt look big like Gerhard there!
    3 points
  2. First Name: Terry  Last Name: Watson Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Wot, that Yellow vulp Bastard, Ian's Cousin, the yellow one Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 25 08/27/2536 Place Of Birth: Arca 3, Vazzend Fringe systems Species: Vulpkanin Secondary Language: Gutter Blood Type: O- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Affiliation: Me, myself, and I Religious Beliefs: Binarism (The Twins.) Childhood: Petty criminal, mechanic apprentice Adulthood: NT employee, professional shittalker Detailed Information Appearance: 5'3 vulp with a light yellow coat, short black hair. While his pelt is on a bit of the 'fluffy' side, it doesn't really hide the fact he's rather on the scrawny side. Original Eyes are brown, while cybernetic are a bright yellow. Heavy and deep scarring is visible on his left arm, with a hole in his left ear sporting a pair of blue earrings. Character Voice: Loud, bit baritone with a very clear and distinct tone. Not to smooth, not to rough. (Honestly out of all the characters I have designed over the years, Terry is the only one I feel my own voice may fit for. I may provide a voice clip later on.) Personality: Cocky to a fault, Hero Syndrome, Charismatic, Sly Medical Record: Due to length of the document here are the cliffnotes Note 1. PTSD brought on by encounter with red space entity known as [REDACTED]. Patient has shown signs of extreme panic when left in an unlit room for a time, claiming to hear [REDACTED] voice. Note 2. Heavy scarring on arm is resistant to all methods of healing or reversal, even cloned limbs seem to atrophy to the same state as the original. Patient states [REDACTED] is responsible for them. Motor function is impaired, but arm is still operationl Note 3. Original eyes were lost through an incident with a syndicate agent that lead to their removal with a screwdriver, new eyes are not same coloration as old. Note 4. Seems to have a mistrust of Fox plushies? Quote 'Fuckers literally can break bone' definitely in need of a psych evaluation. Character Biography Background: Born Techteinech Zweilicht on Arca 3 to two lower class civilians, following the wanderlust that many vulpkanin feel at times. The middle child of eight children, all but Techteinech being female. At an early age he had shown signs of being a trouble maker, including multiple run ins with the law, breaking and entering being among the lead reasons for his arrests. After an incident leaving a good friend, and his girlfriend at the time, dead with the help of his parents he managed to get accepted into the Mars Institute of technology. Acceptance of employment by NT after graduation, name sited down as Terry Watson for ease of communication with other species. Family: Onnmir Zweilicht - Mother Samlllfar Zweilicht -Father Binbaram Zweilicht - Oldest sister Vulftek Zweilicht - Older sister Tahes Zweilicht - Older sister Grohel Zweilicht -Older sister Mirmak Zweilicht - Younger sister Samor Zweilicht - Younger sister Genwu Zweilicht - Younger sister (Missing) History: Photo attatched as taken age 12. Arca 3 Security precinct #6. Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear (Use this for Individual Relations) (You May also use colour coding, if you wish) Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy (Use this for Characters personal opinion on Paradise stations factions!) Other Information Special skills include Chain smoking, Cardboard Cutout Enthusiast (Officer Board for life), an inability to keep his mouth shut when he's pissed something off that is out to kill him. Theme: Wot Theme Delta Theme
    1 point
  3. Retaliates and Begins pouring gasoline over the inferno!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I see we're going down and interesting path but I'm going to change it up a little. Here's Zeke all dressed up with a rose
    1 point
  6. What if I enjoy seeing them in dresses
    1 point
  7. Lets be honest. I'd look better in a dress @shatterdcoyote and @Normalyman
    1 point
  8. Yes! I'm sure @Spartan would love to see it as well. >:3c
    1 point
  9. Some older stuff, some slightly newer stuff, mostly because I haven't posted in forever.
    1 point
  10. A drunk Zeke Here's Zeke in a pretty dress. I was then told to draw more males in dresses, so here's a sketch And here's Terry and Gerhard in a dress!! they're pretty and cute.
    1 point
  11. I found an old freshman year photo of me in theater class. Over my few years here I got the nickname "Dirt Napp". I forgot my line mid-play and and was the bad guy, but luckily for me my instincts where to scream "DIRT NAP YES NO?" When It got to the part I pulled out my gun.
    1 point
  12. If you enter throw mode with an open hand, you will catch everything that's thrown at you. Especially useful for catching and returning bananas and PDAs from clowns and 'special' botanists.
    1 point
  13. Redhead security girls 4 lyfe
    1 point
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