(I still have no idea what to do with this character.)
First Name: Domitia
Last Name: Aquila
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Nicknames/Alias: Dom/Dumbitia/Nerditia/Fatitia/Tequila/Shitasscuntmotherfuckerpieceofshit
Picture(If Available):
Age/D.O.B: 30
Place Of Birth: Mars, New Rome
Species: Human
Blood Type: O-
Alignment: Neutral Chaotic
Affiliation: SolGov
Religious Beliefs: Atheism
Detailed Information
Appearance: Stands at around 5'7 with pitch black hair, most likely dyed. Her hair is usually put into a ponytail - if not, it probably looks as if she's been struck by lightning.
Character Voice:
Personality: Obviously not mentally stable.
Medical Record:
Character Biography
Background: TSF Loyalist, communist hating, minimum wage lunatic.
Augustus "Shameful" Aquila - Father, 60
Brutus Aquila - Mother, 62
Justus Aquila - Brother, 14
Marcella Aquila - Sister, 39
Personal Relationships
Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear
Faction Relations
Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy
(Allied)Nanotrasen - "Questions are better left not asked with this company." (Dislike)The Wizard Federation - "These guys REALLY don't have anything better to do other than fuck about with spells?" (Allied/Like)Trans-Solar-Federation - "Served with the best and the brightest, capable men and women who knew what they were doing." (Enemy)USSP / Space Russia - "No good communists. Better dead than red." (Enemy)Syndicate - Bunch of terrorists, really.
Other Information