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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2018 in all areas

  1. So with Nanotrasen hiring many different species, it seems odd that they'd all be offered the same cookie cutter emergency kit. Sure, it could be used to help another crewmate, but what if that crewmate is synthetic, or a vox? It simply makes sense to me for some species to have slightly different emergency kits to fit their needs. And, after a short (and lively) discussion on the Discord, I figured I'd post my thoughts for this here. As a note, I've only played Human, Unathi, Diona, Drask, and IPC. If you think my suggestions for the species' emergency kits I've not played are outrageous, please feel free to suggest something more in line! Vox: Spare emergency capacity voxxygen tank, spare mask, epipen. Plasmaman: Spare emergency capacity plasma tank, epipen. Unfortunately here, I've not got set idea on to handle spares for them. Perhaps a spare suit that, and their suits only fit plasmamen (if they don't already), or a ticket that can be redeemed for a new suit. Drask: Standard emergency kit, but with the air supercooled. IPC: Replace the air tank and mask with an emergency welder and set of cable coils. The epipen can remain, as it is valuable if trying to assist others as well. Other races: Standard kits, unless I'm missing something that they should have. Of course, the air tanks would be replaced with the proper ones depending on their jobs (extended capacity emergency tanks) where applicable. Thanks for taking a look!
    1 point
  2. I got a commission ordered for my character Szlaa Kaallu, I'm sooo happy with how it turned out, having it for profile pic makes me so happy ? The artist's deviantart deviantart.com/sumicoarts/ Discord @Sumico#7836
    1 point
  3. So I am CE, shift's going well, no crazy things happening, cap suddenly say on command comms he's gonna ass fax CC. AI tries to convince him not to, but it’s too late. I ask for demotion, NT rep gets the paperwork done, while people fix cap’s pieces. Not sure how the vote went, but he got demoted. I was confused why a until then reasonable cap had decided to ass fax, but someone send an explanation on Discord.
    1 point
  4. Hello, in this I'm going to detail a few ideas that should change borers from their sad state they are now to a mid round antagonist role that actually causes issues while not being too dangerous for the station, all of the changes suggested should be relatively simple. As they are now, borers and hosts come in few shapes. You either have great roleplay borers that make things fun, or shitters that take you over and make you bash your head in, fill you with fliptonium and generally troll. As for hosts, you either get in security/antagonists who want you for powergaming purposes such as infinite meth, someone who doesn't do anything, thus making you a glorified PAI or someone who will bolt to a vending machine the second you say "hi" to OD on sugar. My suggestions should hopefully make it harder to kill the fun for either side and have them work together as the symbiote the host now is. First change, remove the ability for borers to take over their hosts, now you may go "Hang on, this is signature, why would you do this?" This has just lead to people hating borers, it doesn't promote any symbiotic activity, it just kicks the player from their own body for a while. The second change however now gives borer hosts an antagonist flag and objective. "You never knew you were so alone, but now you can hear a beautiful chorus of singing! Everyone should experience this unity! Objective: Protect your borer and ensure the spread to new hosts." This addition will make borers slightly more antagonistic yet beneficial at the same time, hosts will now be encouraged to protect their borer and help spread borers to other people. Now that borers cannot control their hosts, they can reproduce without being in control and they now can also directly infect people next to them with a borer, provided they both stay still, similar to shadowling enthrallment. The third change, let borers retain their psychic stun ability while in a host, this will give borers and their hosts a tag team approach to things as the borer will stun the victim and the host can cuff them. To prevent abuse and easy fleeing from security, it will take a hefty chunk of stamina from the host and leave them very slow. Meth cannot fix stamina damage. The fourth change, borers and borer hosts can see other hosts, represented by an icon besides their head like thralls. With these changes in place, borers should be a somewhat interesting antagonist that will spread like cultists but without the heavy negative effects. Borers will not remove current traitor objectives, only add theirs as a secondary objective. They will not trigger a round ending event but their presence on the station will be taken much more seriously. TL:DR Borers are now proper mid round antags. They can't ruin people's rounds easily and neither can hosts They shouldn't interrupt the flow of the round too much They will be taken seriously Borers can't control hosts, hosts can't purposefully get rid of their borer. Hosts are encouraged to kidnap and force people to take in a borer.
    1 point
  5. New one of Szlaa wanting to hang out with Slith ?
    1 point
  6. Was that by chance with a certain Vampire old fellow, and a glass of Demons blood? ?
    1 point
  7. New piece done by Sumico, this one of Szlaa and Kerri Mendy
    1 point
  8. I've been learning this game for a while, and might be set on sticking to playing Szlaa Kaallu, unathi. Mostly playing IAA (but as alt title Human Resources Agent). She likes to help people, can be naive at times, and has a mushy heart. It's sometimes difficult to roleplay though, getting distracted some shifts, but I'd want to work hard to keep her perceived as good and sweet. I tried in some earlier rounds to use her IAA access to change to custom role "Tour Guide" and show people around the station, or be available for questions, but the interest wasn't really there (though did get some people a couple rounds). Uhm. I don't really know what else to write, but would love it if any people would like to ask questions.
    1 point
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