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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2018 in all areas

  1. The sewers were getting tired of our own dirt, the regress time itself claimed to be summoned and the demanded art (almost) certainly gonna be made because, hey, we are alive aren't we? A slightly updated and final version of the latest piece above. It is rather ancient - heard that some fragments of the robot were sent to that Donkey Kong's NO HOPERS can along with Sonic's shoes! Chuckles! Meanwhile, in zero and one realities of the force, humans still demand for personal visual mementos! Hey, look: ERRATA: Some reptiles do as well. And YOU can, too.
    1 point
  2. Or behind a cup of tea, your face
    1 point
  3. Seriously looking forward to seeing more of this ?
    1 point
  4. To repair IPCs, you will need the following: A Welder A Cable Coil A Screwdriver A Crowbar A Multi-tool (If doing brain/limb removal) A table (Normal or surgical. IPC surgery failure rates on normal tables is not a big deal except in Internal Component repair.) A cyborg analyzer and nanopaste makes things easier, but they're not required. Surface Damage (Does not require a table) Make sure you're on help intent Target affected area Use a turned-on welder for brute damage, and cable coil for burn damage. Repeat until all areas are green or 0 0 is reported on the limb using the cyborg analyzer. Limb Re-attachment (Requires table) Make sure you're on help intent Hold the limb in your hand Target the area it belongs in Use limb on area NOTE: IF ATTACHING THE HEAD, MAKE SURE THE OPTICS ARE FUNCTIONING/IN PLACE. You may need to repair/replace them. Internal Damage (Requires table) NOTE: THIS COVERS BRUTE/BURN ON THE HEAD, TORSO, AND LOWER BODY THAT WHEN YOU ATTEMPT TO REPAIR NORMALLY, IT SAYS This is too damaged to be repaired externally Make sure you're on help intent Target affected area Use a screwdriver and select "Cybernetic Repair" (I think. Something repair.) Use the screwdriver again to unscrew the area Use a crowbar to open Use a turned-on welder for brute damage, and cable coil for burn damage. (AND WAIT FOR THE PROGRESS BAR TO FINISH) Use the analyzer after each repair to check if it's fully repaired yet. (Or just ask the IPC.) If not, return to step 6. Once the repairs are complete, crowbar the panel closed. Component Damage (Can be done with a normal table, but you should probably use a surgical table for less failure chance. It will happen.) NOTE: THIS IS FOR WHEN THERE IS DAMAGE TO EITHER THE OPTICS (HEAD), MICRO BATTERY (CHEST), OR POSIBRAIN (CHEST) Make sure you're on help intent Target affected area Use a screwdriver and select "Internal Component Manipulation" Screwdriver again Crowbar to open Screwdriver to repair the component. This will either end with a black success text "Zero.Platform has successful repaired the Posibrain" or Failure Red Text: "Zero.Platform's hands slip, damaging the posibrain!" (or something, it's been a while) If you get red text, don't worry. Just try again until you succeed. (...Or just use nanopaste. But the number of times I had this available to me I can count on one hand, so.) Scan with the analyzer to see if all the damage has been repaired. If not, return to step 6. Close with the crowbar. HELP, I NEED THIS IPC'S BRAIN FOR GREENTEXT / THIS IPC WANTS TO BE BORGED (Requires a table) Make sure you're on help intent Target chest Use a screwdriver and select "Internal Component Manipulation" Screwdriver again Crowbar to open Multitool the brain out BONUS STEP: PLEASE TURN ON THE SPEAKER AND ENJOY THE SALT, IF YOU KILLED THEM. (To turn on the speaker, hold posibrain in hand and use it. This toggles the mute. A posibrain is muted by default when removed.) IPC Implants/component replacement (Requires table.) Make sure you're on help intent Target the area it belongs. (anti-drop in head, x-ray in eyes, etc) Screwdriver, select "Internal Component Manipulation" Crowbar open Use the implant/object on them to install. (For example, this is how you re-install a posibrain. Or install new optics.) Crowbar
    1 point
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