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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Here are some fun demon characters! Ignius is a rock formed demon who watches over one of the levels of hell. Parts of his limbs are detached from him and tend to float around where they would be if they were attached. He tends to have 5 eyes that rest in his open mouth but can float out to get a better look at things. The big eye with the Red iris is his main eye, the smaller eyes sometimes vary in appearance. When he speaks it almost sounds like it's just echos. Garridar is a demon that has a form which is a sword. He used to work along side of the ruler of hell as a partner and weapon, since the ruler has vanished Garridar has only stayed in his demon form. Garridar can summon magical based swords to fight with, he also has rather sharp like claws as well. Garridar has no mouth, the only way he can talk to people is by telepathy. He is androgynous looking and actually contains no specific gender, he will go with any sort of pronouns people would call him.
    4 points
  2. > Started round as HOP. > Set up spare ID for computer > Deal with some scrubs > People whining about Wizard on the loose > Go to talk to captain > CE and someone else just standing in bridge with dumb looks on their faces > Look at captain's chair > Captain is pile of limbs > Golems proceed to bash bridge doors in > Full ERT is called (Inquisitors) > They trap Wizard in holodeck > Wizard proceeds to play basketball with the ERT until shuttle arrives > Praise Nanotrasen
    2 points
  3. Blatantly taking Szlaas post. Szlaa and her sister Thali in a family esque kind of pose.
    2 points
  4. I join the NSS Cyberiad, and look at the available jobs. No station engineer, so I pick civilian/assistants/maintenance explorer. I got bored at one point, and then a bright idea has come, decided to infiltrate the gateway and make an explorer journey, just like the urban explorer in real-life, but this time in space. Before infiltrating the gateway, I explored all maintenance and searched for the following items: engineering tools(wrench, screwdriver, wire cutter, cable, crowbar, welding tool, and multitool(this one is the hardest part)) engineering gear(welding helmet, gas mask, hazard vest, insulated gloves) oxygen tank food and drink supplies lighter power cell igniter space suit flashlight metals and rods At some point, there's a traitor in the station but quickly taken down. several hours later, managed to collect several things on the list, except multitool and space suit. At some point, noticed a lonely backpack sitting on the table in the dorms. Checked the backpack and holy crap, found the traitor version of multitool, which can detect if AI is nearby or watching the holder. Quickly hide it in my duffle bag. While making my way to the maintenance near the gateway access, all station has gone alert due to changelings sighting, and later a poor clown suspected to be a changeling through the radio channel. While all station was busy interrogating the clown (Bubble if I recall), I quickly deconstruct the wall that stands between the gateway and maintenance. My heart was beating very quickly when deconstructing the wall, as there's a chance AI spotted me and alert everyone. About the space suit, I abort it as it was too risky to find one. Wall has been deconstructed, and I reconstruct the wall again so it won't alert any crews that pass through the said maintenance. After I finished reconstruct the wall, it's time to enter the gateway. And before entering the gateway, I leave an apologize note. I enter the gateway and the first thing I saw? A wild space carp (oh crap...). I return to the cyberiad gateway again, the space carp followed me and proceed to wrecked me out. Managed to scream through the comms, and 2 crews came to the gateway access, killed the space carp(apparently), dragged me to the medbay, and proceed to hospitalize me. Several minutes after my health is 100% healthy, I decided to infiltrate the gateway for the second time. Successfully infiltrate the gateway in the same way, but before entering the gateway again, I craft a makeshift spear. In the middle of crafting, a chief medical came in through the ID locked airlock, and I hurry up to abort the crafting and run through the gateway portal. I run as fast as I can, but soon the chief medical caught me before I start to explain. But instead dragged me back to the station, throw me to the brig and let the security handle the rest, he restrains me and proceeds to choke me out until I'm dead. And the kicker? Remember that I mention there's a changeling at the station and everyone go on full alert? Well, he's the changeling. It turns out that he used the abandoned shuttle, which the gateway was lead to, as his hideout. After I died, he changes himself to my character that just murdered by him, grabs all my stuff, exit the gateway and return to the station, strolls like nothing happened, and continue his mission apparently. Meanwhile, I rejoin again as a newly made robot, which only ordered to stroll the primary hallway and drag any critical health people to medbay until the shifts end. And the changeling? he's survived and still strolling at the station until the rounds end, apparently.
    1 point
  5. I'm looking at your art on a big monitor for the first time and it is such a treat for the eyes.
    1 point
  6. Paradise station github is here, where you're more than welcome to contribute to improving it ? https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise
    1 point
  7. Holy shit I love the first one
    1 point
  8. Well since it seems this thread has been revived, Ill guess I'll state what I've stated before. IPC's are a in a good position when it comes to roleplay and feeling different from, say, a human. I'd argue that more people play IPC because it actually feels alien, not because it is strong. But, that is just conjecture, really. When it comes down to it, IPC's only have three issues. In sec/command roles, a IPC is easy pickings, and is seen as a loot pinata for obvious reasons. For this reason, any IPC's in this role that don't partner with other species will likely be killed without any fighting chance against a enemy with a EMP. Sticking close with other sec/crew members does help remedy this a bit, but still, it is a liability to be in a combat role as a IPC. I personally see this part of the races mechanics, and that its not meant to be played in combat roles without support, but that's just me. IPC's that are targets to enemy agents are very easy to kill, as long as they can find you. There is little you can do to defend yourself, if anything, assuming they use a EMP. Even if they didn't, the brute weakness will still put you at a considerable disadvantage. Its pretty much a free objective if you can isolate them. Finally, the EMP range (in this case I am talking about agents 2 tc nades they get) tend to be so large that killing an civi IPC, unrelated to the engagement, is quite common. An agent could use a nade to keep themselves from being tazed in a sec chase, and if a IPC happened to be in that area, they would be instantly killed. With the last point I made, there was a PR a while back to fix it. It was meant to make the IPC's take heavy damage from a EMP, and be stunned for a decent while (half a min iirc) instead of instant death. That would of solved the issue of unwanted collateral deaths, while still making sure they are easy to kill if they are your target or your pursuer (sec). Sadly, it was shot down on the basis of being a buff to IPC, but really it was anything but. I can't speak for others, but if I knew I wouldn't kill some random IPC in the hallway I didn't see every time I prime a EMP nade, I would use it far more often.
    1 point
  9. You can use a screwdriver on metal bullets to put an inscription on them. kill someone in maint with bullets that contain hints about your identity.
    1 point
  10. A dramatic scene with Jonah and Zeke, sometimes I have this idea running around in my head of what if Zeke was mind-slaved or convinced to help out with the Syndicate and how would this effect Jonah finding out Here's Zeke laying.
    1 point
  11. Well, mop cleans everything. Even water
    1 point
  12. taking a break of drawing magical girls to draw uhhh uhhh... ? Here's some sketches of a darkwitch named Eileen Boyd and a demon named Erzaun; They're actually for a darkwitch concept design contest
    1 point
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