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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Do you know what's worse than being in perma? Being in perma, in lockdown, colorblind and blind. The black and white gives it a whole new level of hopelessness.
    3 points
  2. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me is burglary and theft and items like gilded pens, stamps and ashtrays are all fair game for the enterprising greytider. The captain's office and quarters have a good amount of cool items to steal such as the bedsheet, soap, flask and genuine Bob Ross painting, but many of the other offices are quite barren unless the person has forgotten to lock his locker. I just wish these spaces could have a few more ornate fluff items, luxury items or just simply mildly useful but exclusive items that a non antagonist is allowed to steal. I also wish the we could increase the amount of credits and precious metals in the vault, a few thousand credits and a couple of gold bar seems out of proportion to the level of security. Feel free to give your ideas, i will be willing to help sprite if the community thinks this is a decent idea.
    2 points
  3. This thread alone has motivated me to ask the brig phys for a pill bottle of salicylic acid every time i`m on warden duty. I barely knew half of those effects
    2 points
  4. You can grab the paddles off the defib without picking it up by Ctrl+clicking it. Hivelord remains are actually an organ that can be transplanted into the chest (Organ Manipulation Surgery) for a one-use perfect recovery. Even inert remains work once transplanted. Hivelord remains heal you to perfect health, including healing all internal damage, viruses, and regrowing lost limbs. They even remove cuffs, meaning a transplant can also be used for a surprise escape!
    2 points
  5. There is no such thing as Grand Breaking and entering. It would be Major Trespass which is up to 15 minutes. If we throw in Theft that's up to another 15, still half what you'd need to perma someone. They'll probably resist arrest, that's another 5. And if we throw +25% at them for not cooperating that's 43 minutes and 45 seconds, still not enough for perma.
    1 point
  6. Best. Idea. Ever. If it weren't for how lewd stealing underwear is.
    1 point
  7. they really only exist in there on the off-chance mining does jack-shit (it happens) and you need gold for virus cure edit: it is fun to steal the champion belt and then hold your new title.
    1 point
  8. Salicylic acid is coded to have a 'shock reduction' value of 25 and then to set a 'shock' variable to 0 if that variable is under 100. I don't really know how 'shock' is calculated. Just from my own experience I know that after recovering from critical damage sometimes you're still slowed, and taking Salicylic acid gets rid of that slowdown. MedChem basically never makes it There's a pill bottle of it that spawns in Medical that the Brig Phys might be able to swipe for you. Otherwise, you can find a pill of it in Brute and Burn kits and carry a couple around. You can also try to ask for Hydrocodone, which is far more likely to be made by MedChem and lets you ignore pain completely. Surgeons often carry it to speed up surgery as you can just inject someone with it and then do surgery on them while they're awake.
    1 point
  9. Agreed on the vault. Mining shovels out gold bars by the dozen, I don't think they should even be in there.
    1 point
  10. I use salicylic acid specifically as a painkiller. If you don't think its useful in its current form on Para then you don't play combat roles too frequently, or have yet to discover how amazing it is when you are beaten to hell and can pop one of these to prevent yourself from moving around at a snails pace temporarily. Its healing effects are mostly irrelevant. Salicylic is nearly useless in Medbay but its excellent in the field. (Snoflek edit: Tetra's medical records actually indicate she has a minor dependancy to salicylic acid because of this) That being said, there is such a variety of ways to heal burn and brute I don't see why its necessary to add a pill that heals burn as ineffectively as salicylic heals brute.
    1 point
  11. Well since it seems this thread has been revived, Ill guess I'll state what I've stated before. IPC's are a in a good position when it comes to roleplay and feeling different from, say, a human. I'd argue that more people play IPC because it actually feels alien, not because it is strong. But, that is just conjecture, really. When it comes down to it, IPC's only have three issues. In sec/command roles, a IPC is easy pickings, and is seen as a loot pinata for obvious reasons. For this reason, any IPC's in this role that don't partner with other species will likely be killed without any fighting chance against a enemy with a EMP. Sticking close with other sec/crew members does help remedy this a bit, but still, it is a liability to be in a combat role as a IPC. I personally see this part of the races mechanics, and that its not meant to be played in combat roles without support, but that's just me. IPC's that are targets to enemy agents are very easy to kill, as long as they can find you. There is little you can do to defend yourself, if anything, assuming they use a EMP. Even if they didn't, the brute weakness will still put you at a considerable disadvantage. Its pretty much a free objective if you can isolate them. Finally, the EMP range (in this case I am talking about agents 2 tc nades they get) tend to be so large that killing an civi IPC, unrelated to the engagement, is quite common. An agent could use a nade to keep themselves from being tazed in a sec chase, and if a IPC happened to be in that area, they would be instantly killed. With the last point I made, there was a PR a while back to fix it. It was meant to make the IPC's take heavy damage from a EMP, and be stunned for a decent while (half a min iirc) instead of instant death. That would of solved the issue of unwanted collateral deaths, while still making sure they are easy to kill if they are your target or your pursuer (sec). Sadly, it was shot down on the basis of being a buff to IPC, but really it was anything but. I can't speak for others, but if I knew I wouldn't kill some random IPC in the hallway I didn't see every time I prime a EMP nade, I would use it far more often.
    1 point
  12. Everytime we try to make changes, they end up not sticking. Its kinda exhausting. We have near zero ability to make even the smallest change, that requires a massive focus of effort and will. Then it is at continued risk for just getting removed, its just not worth it. The species used to be far more distinct then they are now, making everything re-skinned humans has been a process that has been occurring for 3-4 years now. I would say, over balance concerns. It may not be a planned change, but a number of things likely came together to have the change occur anyways.
    1 point
  13. >Teach him a lesson "Hey Chester.. Hear you've been inciting mutiny around these parts." "What? No, I just burned a flag and insulted the captain. I love the cyberaid!" "Oh really, is that the case?" Security officer walks in with telescopic baton in hand. "Uh.. Yeah?" "Well you see, I don't know if you've just been registered or not but around these parts we don't take kindly to that." "B-" "Elliot, break his kneecaps." "Wait what?" Security officer extends the baton.
    1 point
  14. Heres my robo character that i've made too many iterations of since i can't quite settle on a design for him. (Then again i do that for alot of things...)
    1 point
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