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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2018 in all areas

  1. I found it dead. Help never came. P.S whoever did this is a god and my hero
    3 points
  2. newest by Sumico, a bit more intimate.
    2 points
  3. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me is burglary and theft and items like gilded pens, stamps and ashtrays are all fair game for the enterprising greytider. The captain's office and quarters have a good amount of cool items to steal such as the bedsheet, soap, flask and genuine Bob Ross painting, but many of the other offices are quite barren unless the person has forgotten to lock his locker. I just wish these spaces could have a few more ornate fluff items, luxury items or just simply mildly useful but exclusive items that a non antagonist is allowed to steal. I also wish the we could increase the amount of credits and precious metals in the vault, a few thousand credits and a couple of gold bar seems out of proportion to the level of security. Feel free to give your ideas, i will be willing to help sprite if the community thinks this is a decent idea.
    1 point
  4. Just putting it out there that us going back to ZAS is firmly in the category of "never going to happen".
    1 point
  5. I have sprited an ornate box, originally intended as a snuffbox(I would like to see nasal or oral snuff be added at some point, but that is for another thread.) What could it contain? I just know i would steal it if i had the chance.
    1 point
  6. I grab the bottle from medbay whenever I'm the security ghetto doctor brig phys ? Partially for officers, partially for Tetra's addiction.
    1 point
  7. Do you know what's worse than being in perma? Being in perma, in lockdown, colorblind and blind. The black and white gives it a whole new level of hopelessness.
    1 point
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