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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi all, As some of you may be aware, a few days ago 6 people were banned for metagaming, including two mentors. More bans may follow as we continue to investigate. Needless to say I'm incredibly disappointed, especially with the two mentors we placed our trust in. Not only does this completely violate the letter and spirit of the rules, but is a personal insult to have our trust violated by people who claimed they wanted to help new players by mentoring them. Taking advantage of our trust and their positions to supposedly help the community is incredibly low. This occured on a private discord server, whose owners seem quite upset that someone would reveal that it's being used to metagame. I've seen terms like "metagrudge" and "witchhunt", being thrown around at the people they suspect revealed them, as well as people being put in "quarantine" to avoid further leaks. This is pretty blatent admission to me that they have no issue with said metagaming - just it being revealed. . We will have absolutely no tolerance for that at all, and I personally find it pathetic that they think that those who were "undermining integrity of server" were those who revealed it, not those who metagamed in the first place. The evidence provided to us was concrete, and I have no reason to doubt its authenticity - especially seeing as there have been admissions of guilt from some of the parties. However, if people wish to dispute that they were breaking the rules, they're more than free to appeal. We've acted on the information we are given, but are happy to discuss such things. I'd also like to take this chance to remind you we take allegations like this seriously. If you suspect something like this is going on without proof, please let an admin know - we won't be banning anyone for unfounded allegations, but tipping us off means we can look into it with the many tools we have. As long as you're not clearly using this to attack people you dislike, then it's ok to be wrong here.
    14 points
  2. Can we have a unique "we know" dark brotherhood paper placed in janitor closet?
    3 points
  3. Station "Cyberiad" data log entry 01 09/22/2562 Unit 072537720173(f) - C.L.A.I.R.E Today marked the first day of my model being sent out for real use in the system, no more controlled tests or constant tweaking of my personality to make me ideal for my model's purpose. Finally given the freedom I've been looking forwards to for so long now, even if much of that time is difficult to recall on account of all the resets and hardware adjustments. Today I became my own entity to find my way in the system, having been sent to a "NSS Cyberiad" to start myself off which seems quite fortunate thus far. The station itself is large, far larger than any of the test environments I was put through before and there were so many people I couldn't keep track of them all! So many people going about their business, all with a different job to do with different loads put upon them by their peers. My function to limit hardware stress was a standard civilian, for the previously stated reason and to grant myself the time I required to learn the station layout. I mapped out most of the station quite quickly, saving a digital blueprint to my backup storage should anything happen to primary and then found myself standing outside of the "Head of Personnel" office simply watching everyone going by, occasionally poking my head in to speak to the Head of Personnel who for my first day was a woman by the name of Amy. She was a magnificent person, everything about her filled me with curiosity and wonder. Her hair, the way she spoke and acted, her kindness, the company she kept. That final point especially. I was allowed to meet Amy's partner or as she said potential partner, a decently sized Tajaran male who had a name I never could recall but proved to be an acceptable individual. Their relations too filled me with curiosity, as they demonstrated I have never felt before or even been a witness to. All the labs and testing environments I was in were very standard, considering everything and none of them showed me the affection that they showed each other. I know kindness, anger, sadness and even hatred but what they demonstrated is far beyond anything I've come to be familiar with yet and deep down I believe that I too would one day like to feel these things towards a living being as Amy makes it look like a truly wonderful experience. Perhaps an even better one than saving a life or managing to satisfy myself in finishing previously unresolved data points. Time will tell though, I suppose. For now I'm to take things slowly and carefully as I've already burned through one chassis, even if I was lucky enough to manage a full data backup before I was destroyed some of it has appeared to be corrupted. I cannot recall what it was that destroyed my chassis or the few minutes leading up to the event but I know it must have been bad to not just have my old one repaired. -Data log concludes-
    1 point
  4. Today, as every other day has been dull yet filled with stupidity. I arrived on the Cyberiad as usual and collected my usual outfit and tools, the latter of which still remain a mystery to me as to why I bother collecting them. I guess it just feels natural to have something useful by my side. Reassuring in an odd way. Gorstya, one of the first mice I saved from the station's maintenance tunnels had babies last night, a few healthy mice babies bringing a little bit of joy to the others and myself especially. This brings the total I have at home up to twelve, the babies included. It fills me with an odd sense of pride to have something in my life that I can keep safe and truly love. Another living being I can get attached to without concern or... uncertainty regarding their actions. As of late I've occasionally found myself desiring such a sensation more and more though I've been suppressing such foolish things fairly well so far. It's better I don't bother with others, they'll disappoint me or leave when I need them the most. I'd like to think I'm above hurting myself in such pointless ways. Maybe not though, every day I come here and sit in a dark corner of the halls or in maintenance alone and with nothing more to comfort me than my own thoughts and as of late I've found those are not something I want to be left alone with. Vicious things, my thoughts can be. Tearing apart my every movement and word. Unsure of if it's a fault of my own or if I've merely come to deserve this for my actions. I'm not that great of a person, far from but is the loss of even my own mind being on "my side" worth all of this? I'm unsure, honestly. It gets tiring sometimes but at the same time it provides me with strength I'd think... a very unhealthy strength but strength regardless. I don't know anymore. I've found myself considering taking my own life in a way that for the first time ever won't allow me to come back... I realize how poor of a decision it is but deep down I don't care anymore. In a way being able to live forever, never truly experiencing death is a nightmare. Hundreds of years ago people prayed for the chance to laugh in the face of death and now we can, but at what cost? A small piece of me dies each time my body does but... who cares right? I was brought back to life and should just shut up and be thankful, it's rude to think so little of the hard work of the people in the medbay. Or so I'm told.
    1 point
  5. I like the idea of the magistrate having one. A magistrate could use it to attempt to settle unrest against shitcurity by announcing that they are ensuring the law is being applied to EVERYONE. Could also use it to make PSAs regarding certain laws or security regulations, as well as announce any info about the potential rare trial. I'd argue the magistrate has more use for one than the Blueshield, and the Blueshield has one. Harmless addition.
    1 point
  6. Issue with that is it'd be really difficult to set up fairly and could be once again abused. For example a security officer making bad arrests to get to the top of the board. Other than researchers and miners I don't see a particular way to quantify most jobs and if you can't quantify all of them it seems unfair to do so. I'm not saying my idea is feasible or something I'd like to see. Its just a Pipe dream I sometimes wish I had access to.
    1 point
  7. Yeah. I'm not sure if its good to automate any part of Karma. That said though some rounds nobody stands out in particular and I wish I could donate to a certain accomplishment. Like donate to the miner that brought in the most minerals, or to the scientist that actually got the research done and upgraded medbay. Or even just a random security officer. Sadly the 60 seconds at the end of the round is rarely enough time to figure out who to give that karma to and it always feels a little odd being so distracted on the shuttle ride when its often the most chaotic 2 minutes of the round.
    1 point
  8. Karma isn't something we can program a computer to handle. If there are actions you can take to get karma then powergamers will find a way to optimize it, leading to the exact type of behavior we're trying to avoid, and reducing the benefit of the type of behavior we're trying to reward. Karma is not a perfect system, but it's not one we can improve via automation.
    1 point
  9. work medbay and make sure you are paying extra attention to revive bodies others ignore. Karma factory ?
    1 point
  10. Question: How do you get rid of your mindslaved target in style? Answer: Have them sacrificed to Chulthu by the chaplain.
    1 point
  11. I found it dead. Help never came. P.S whoever did this is a god and my hero
    1 point
  12. Best. Idea. Ever. If it weren't for how lewd stealing underwear is.
    1 point
  13. Henlo. I took a full year break from common SS13 after I have burned out and having been on vacation and trips. I am picking Paradise up a bit again. Used to play Katiki, still do. Sometimes play my human Wolf Anderson and other for now skreekrit characters.
    1 point
  14. The moment you turn into an antagonist of any type, you should be provided with a link to the corresponding Wiki page along with the welcoming antag message. It should apply to everything from antagonists chosen at roundstart (such as, you're a syndicate this shift), through mid-round antagonists (revenant etc) to things like cult conversions (most important). Our Wiki is a great source of information, but it's clear for some reason most players do not use it at all. Worse - most probably do not even know it exists. It'd help newer players learn, take some burden off our mentors, so on. Optionally, we could extend it to all jobs as well. You get to be a Medical Doctor, you get a link to the Wiki as well.
    1 point
  15. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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