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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Well since I am already here I might as well drop a new screenshot of fine for you all to enjoy.
    5 points
  2. Encyclopedia Medicina When I first started playing SS13 the first job I picked up was medical doctor. Over the years I code dived to learn more about the profession and recording my findings. I eventually moved on from medical, but the notes remained. I've reformatted all the data I've mined from looking at the code and placed it into Encyclopedia format, along with my own experiences and advice in medical. Because the info was extracted over a period of a few years some info might not still be accurate although I've tried to go back and update everything. If there is anything you know for sure is inaccurate please let me know. I've tried to stick mostly to facts and not opinions although a but of editorializing was necessary. If you disagree with anything herein feel free to reply and give your reasons respectfully. If anything is inaccurate or incomplete please let me know so a correction can be made.
    3 points
  3. Paradise station - The Perfect Mix Of ERP And Action
    3 points
  4. I wish I remembered to take of screenshot but I will explain what happen involving myself, @ZN23X and @Normalyman as Agent Vega and Captian Gerhald and myself as Representative. Basic bridge nonsense, however Vega decided to go get X-rays from genetics. Returning to bridge, she would stare at Gerhard and Wolf and look away claiming she sees through walls. Would go beet red when she stared at either of them. Wolf made poor Vega very uncomfortable by flexing and posing and asked bad questions. She decided to get rid of her x-ray. Radiation storm happens and you could hear a small whisper how this is her greatest dream stuck in a tight area of maintenance with Gerhard and Wolf.
    3 points
  5. Settling Disputes On Moghes - Rsik/Lyn
    2 points
  6. For what its worth (Basically nothing) I personally subscribe to the model of "That seems neat and unique, lets merge it." Approach to balance. I completely understand where you are coming from. But it really does come down to Neca's rock paper scissor example. While our current system has the appearance of being arbitrary, it does a decent job of upsetting almost everyone, which is a pretty fair indicator of a fair system. Yes it is chalk full of balance decisions that many in the community find questionable. But it is extremely hard to look at a species other then the karma ones and say they have any advantages/disadvantages. IPC stand out, because IPC have different mechanics. I see three ways around the Rock Paper Scissor issue. 1) Make all the species reskinned humans (IPCs need to eat fuel to break it down into methane for a fuel cell or something and have black oil blood) 2) A trait system where we can assign things points, and just kinda let whatever happen. IPC can just have less points to spend on traits then humans, to offset stuff. They can pick between EMP weakness or the change to cells. (Or they could take a weakness trait and only speak in trinary or something) 3) We could change game mechanics or gameplay to put less of an incentive on everyone killing each other all the time. That is kinda what I have for ideas, otherwise well I get this, but at the same time it's very bad to buff a species that was already human+ to human++. I do understand that there were nerfs merged at the same time. This is good! But it wasn't the intention of that PR. That was only to buff with "We'll handle nerfs later." when you take into account the absolutely glacial pace of Para development, it was a pretty dire outlook. Everyone in this is right, Yeah, we have had plenty of human to human+ buffs with promised future nurfs that never materialized, I would not fault you for saying there were never any nurfs intended by the author/maintainers/heads at all, as often, no nurfs are ever offered. I will not fault anyone for pattern recognition, even if the conclusion drawn is faulty, the pattern still exists. But none of that really addresses the concern about how species should be handled. It just refers back to previous examples that may/may not have been the right/wrong decisions for the right/wrong reasons. I have three ideas, the first is the easiest to both get coded and pass the merge process, it is the one I like least, but it is the most likely way to resolve this after just not resolving it. It is not possible to just have things appear out of nothingness and into fully formed PRs, someone has to code them, and that is primarily what we lack. You cannot merge something that was never coded.
    1 point
  7. If books in the game could be that long. .... I would strangle the librarian for that book, every round.
    1 point
  8. I corrected myself!!! Good looking guys aren’t food! Well maybe food for the eyes...amm I right @ZN23X
    1 point
  9. Same here, I loved that round so much. Possibly rolled around on the floor laughing after it was over I'll make sure Tetra will write that up but I think you are looking for this here @Trubus Also because you liked this part so much ?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. No worries @Trubus I plan to do an entire write up of that round from my IC perspective cuz it was honestly the most fun I've had playing a round since becoming an admin. Stay tuned lol
    1 point
  12. Hey, folks. I've been around a while but never actually got around to making a forums account. Whoops. I'm SPIRIT, AI, Zikikatika, Vox, Omicron, Grey, Azri Tikan, Slime, Kiriz Reshia, Unathi, and Azira Katami, Taj. ... I have too many characters, huh. Anyway, you'll usually find me in medical or science, or AI if I have the time. I'm always happy to help explain stuff to newer folks, so if you see one of me in your department and need a guide, feel free to ask. And remember, "AI DOOR" is much less helpful than "AI open Xenobiology, breach!" - especially for those of us with crap ping, doorknob tracking can take a while. See you in game, nerds.
    1 point
  13. Adding onto that, lockers have a defined volume of 200 liters, meaning that if you can wrangle atmospherics into updating the tile and the contents of the locker, you can space yourself safely in a locker without a suit. Out of 4 attempts, I have only managed to space myself in an atmos filled locker once and survive without my own internals.
    1 point
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