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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Encyclopedia Medicina When I first started playing SS13 the first job I picked up was medical doctor. Over the years I code dived to learn more about the profession and recording my findings. I eventually moved on from medical, but the notes remained. I've reformatted all the data I've mined from looking at the code and placed it into Encyclopedia format, along with my own experiences and advice in medical. Because the info was extracted over a period of a few years some info might not still be accurate although I've tried to go back and update everything. If there is anything you know for sure is inaccurate please let me know. I've tried to stick mostly to facts and not opinions although a but of editorializing was necessary. If you disagree with anything herein feel free to reply and give your reasons respectfully. If anything is inaccurate or incomplete please let me know so a correction can be made.
    1 point
  2. I think virology could use a full rework of some sort. The healing it can provide is stupid high, while also requiring a lot of dumb RNG work to get there, and the use of literal powergamey, no-rp symptoms no normal person would want to suffer. It's in a very awkward spot, to be honest. /tg/'s implementation has some good ideas (conditional healing, neutering symptoms) that I particularly enjoy. They also don't use a triple virus system, instead having only one virus effect you and higher resistance viruses overriding lower ones, which would solve these scenarios as well. That said, that's kinda out of the scope of this post I guess. I believe having the symptoms not stack would be a good idea. It reduces some of the variance from a regular virus to a perfectly crafted minmax triple virus, and gets rid of the OP healing you describe. If you just lower the numbers altogether you'll make non minmaxed viruses suck hard. Just my opinion though.
    1 point
  3. General Information First Name: Gerhard Last Name: Van Lutz Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Lutz, Gerd Picture (New Body): Age/D.O.B: 38 14.01.2524 Place of Birth: Neoralis 2-1 Species: Human Vulpkanin Secondary Language: Gutter Blood Type: AB- Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: „The Distand Voyagers“ Religious Believes: Various old idols Childhood: Noble Adulthood: Outlaw and Miner Detailed Information Appearance: You see a rather tired vulpkanin standing infront of you, his facial hair is hiding most of his face but you can still see the green eyes glancing at you. Character Voice: A deep and calm voice reaches your ear resounding inside your head, it seems that the one speaking does it in a more moderate way than most people around you. Personality: Always tries to be as polite as possible when talking to others but tends to lose this politeness when under heavy stess and therefore starts yelling orders. Loves passing knowledge onto the ones who respect him and is sceptical against people who aren't doing their job the way he would. Medical Records: Underwent a treatment in wich his appendix was removed, after he dragged himself to a village clinic screaming in pain. Got his right arm replaced with a robotic one on the 15.01.2562 by a roboticist that went by the name of Johnny. Gerhards body was destroyed by a bomb implanted into him, which lead to a brain transplantation into a deceased vulpkaning crewmember. Underwent a surgery to replace his lungs with cybernetic ones. Employment Records: Employed by Shellguard Munition presumably for a duration of three years, in which he was assigned to the resource department. It appeares that he has resigned before his contract expired. Security Records: Is wanted on the planet named „Neoralis 2-1“, allthough there are no records or specification on the reason for this arrest warrant. Biography Family: Wilhelm Van Lutz (Father) – Deceased Eudimia Van Lutz (Mother) – Alive Emanuel Van Lutz (Older Brother) – Deceased Maximilian Van Lutz (Younger Brother) – Alive Background: Gerhard was born into a family of rich landowners on a Sol near planet called „Neoralis 2-1“. His family where one of the first colonist to arrive at this planet and therefore acquired large parts of it's land, that was later rented to other colonists. As Gerhard was one of the nobles on this planet he got a good education about etikette and the concept of honor, which he values hight to this day. History: The events started with the death of his father „Wilhelm van Lutz“. Logically the heritage falled onto his older brother „Emanuel Van Lutz“, who wasted it on feasts, gambling and women. This was the time where Gerhard realized that he has to do something about it, because his mother was too ignorant about the situation and his younger brother „Maximilian Van Lutz“ had no influence. Sadly it ended up with Gerhard slaying Emanuel so Maximilian could take over the heritage and in doing so he had to flee from his homeplanet. With no work qualification he ended up as a miner working employed by „Shellguard Munition“ presumably for a duration of three years. Working for the company he was part of different mining operations on various worlds and got to know a Unathi called Mossgar. As their friendship grew stronger, it was interrupted by a goliath ending Mossgars life, while they where retrieving plasma ore for the company. Mossgar was then brought back to the mining ship, orbiting the planet, and cremated without further actions. After witnessing this Gerhard tore his contract appart and was once again on a search for a safe place to stay. He ended up settling on a planetoid with dense forests and large valleys named „Resh'tzarxx“. This planetoid was located on the edge of the inhabited galaxy and most of it's population was either Kidan or Tajaran. Due to the lack of a central authority „Resh'tzarxx“ was strewn with tiny villages and had only one big town called "Xe'lur City".Said city was mostly used by the smuggler group „Distant Voyagers“ to sell off their wares. Most of the people here where simple beeings, just wanting to continue their lives far away from the big galactical intriges, helping each other out and making sure that everyone makes it through the day. Seeing the opportunity to finally get some rest, Gerhard decided to live apart from everyone else and after a few years he found his peace regarding the events that took place on "Neoralis 2-1". But even this life didn't lasted forever, after Nanotransen found big plasma deposits on "Resh'tzarxx" and started harvesting them. The planetoid was quickly industrialized, the smugglers arrested, the villages built out and a central authority established. With the calm life slowly fading, Gerhard didn't saw any reason to stay here any longer and due to the fact that Nanotransen needed more workers, he applied and got a job in the supply department on a station called "Cyberiad". Personal Relationships E.L.O. (Admire) - "She is the only reason I was able to work myself up in the medical department" Shina Hoonkins (Close Friend) - "I can allways rely on her when I need the work done" Klees Hoonkins (Friend) - "It wouldn't be bad if he would find some time for a relaxing talk so I get to know him better" Alisa Zahram (Good Friend) - "She likes jobs with resposibility just like me" M.A.N.T.I.S. (Good Friend) - "I would like to see him as doctor more rather then searching for corpses in the maintenance" Henk De Fries (Close Friend/Respected) - "If he would knew that I looked up to him once" Snow (Good Friend) - "A fellow Gutter speaker that I had some amusing situations with" Zsi (Acquaintance) - "He may need a vacation soon if he continues to push himself like this" Darr Kis (Good Friend) - "If there is any SOP breach in our medbay I can rely on him to inform me about it" Slade/Unknown (Admire/Fear) - "I-I'm still not sure what he is......b-but I saw the amount of power he possesses......" Tetra Vega (Friend) - "Don't ever give her X-Rax..." Kennard Rose (Friend) - "A wonderful detective when he's not sitting on Slades shoulder as a mouse..." Esha Nas (Acquaintance) - "Efficient, fast and precise although I wonder how this hair isn't getting in their way" M.A.L.I.C.E. (Frien/Fear) - "A good friend even though some of their ideas are....disturbing..." Eva/P.R.I.N.C.E.S.S. (Good Friend) - "While still unsure about their relationship to M.A.L.I.C.E. they have proven themselfs very competent and understanding." Xann Zxiax (Acquaintance) - "Maybe I should start a conversation with him, after he fixed so much equipment for me" Vraz Worker Of Clan Karaz (Close Friend) - "I think after working in security a lot and almost dying a few times...I can consider her a very good friend" Wolf O'Shaw (Acquaintance) - "An amusing fellow although I wonder if it's not cold without a shirt sometimes" Amira (Good Friend) - "She was there that they and saw...it happening.." Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Nanotransen (Hate) - "They destroyed the only thing I had left and now I have no other choice then to work for them" Syndicate (Like) - "If they are not working against me I have no problems supporting them" Shellguard Munitions (Hate) - "I saw how these people value the life of their workers..." The Alchemist's Council (Like) - "So far I have heared only good things about them from the Tajarans on Resh'tzarxx" The Distand Voyagers (Allied) - "They where only people who tried to survive in this harsh world..." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Gerhard feels uncomfortable, when unemployed and tries to help others in that time. He also has a fear of everything paranormal, includings vampires and revenants and starts panicking upon seeing them. In his time living on "Resh'tzarxx" he learned Gutter and now uses it often, when talking to himself. Isn't comfortable with his new body (tail) and smokes a lot to compensate that. Theme
    1 point
  4. This whole thread is just.... Gorgeous
    1 point
  5. Whats the best way for Mining to help R&D out? Whenever you're going full in like this I like to be able to send more than just materials to help out. Usually I take a minute to pack up that roundstart silver and ship it to you so you can make a Bluespace RPED right away but beyond that what do you like from the vendor most? Usually Miners come back with 3000-6000 points worth of materials. Drone AI cost 1000, Lazarus injectors 1000, and Jetpacks 2000. But we also have our own stuff to get as well. We usually like to get magboots, NV Mesons, and the almighty AOE mining explosion. Whats the best way for Mining to spend their points to give you guys a boost?
    1 point
  6. If books in the game could be that long. .... I would strangle the librarian for that book, every round.
    1 point
  7. NPC creatures given sentience such as fake xenos, crates, and bears have no language of their own. This means you speak a language everything understands and understand all languages. Kind of a plot-hole, but useful in some ways. Make a living as a professional translator between corgis and dionae as a bear!
    1 point
  8. I wish I remembered to take of screenshot but I will explain what happen involving myself, @ZN23X and @Normalyman as Agent Vega and Captian Gerhald and myself as Representative. Basic bridge nonsense, however Vega decided to go get X-rays from genetics. Returning to bridge, she would stare at Gerhard and Wolf and look away claiming she sees through walls. Would go beet red when she stared at either of them. Wolf made poor Vega very uncomfortable by flexing and posing and asked bad questions. She decided to get rid of her x-ray. Radiation storm happens and you could hear a small whisper how this is her greatest dream stuck in a tight area of maintenance with Gerhard and Wolf.
    1 point
  9. You can grab the paddles off the defib without picking it up by Ctrl+clicking it. Hivelord remains are actually an organ that can be transplanted into the chest (Organ Manipulation Surgery) for a one-use perfect recovery. Even inert remains work once transplanted. Hivelord remains heal you to perfect health, including healing all internal damage, viruses, and regrowing lost limbs. They even remove cuffs, meaning a transplant can also be used for a surprise escape!
    1 point
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