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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2018 in all areas

  1. I am the king of being abused New record maybe? ?
    3 points
  2. Jumping off from this, you can click-drag a bag onto a tile and after a few seconds, you will have emptied the bag onto the floor.
    2 points
  3. You can open and loot a bag on the ground by dragging it over your sprite. No need to actually pick it up. Useful for surgery or stealthily taking stuff from bags dropped on the ground.
    2 points
  4. No comment.....it's not what it looks like!
    1 point
  5. In the current virology code it works like this: All virusses are called one another to activate. When they activate they activate all their symptoms one after another. All symptoms theirselfs do their thing. This seems fine and mostly is. Untill you have 3 virusses with toxic filtering in all 3. Then you get situations like I had one shift. You can space walk indefinitely. I spend half my shift in space. No suit no air. All completely fine. I'm not gonna include my virus but it was quite minmaxed and included all beneficial symptoms. I don't believe this is in anyway balanced and it's easily exploitable. If not abused by an antag it'll make the crew nearly unkillable unless you apply big burts of damage on them. My suggestion is to make it so that symptoms only activate once. It'll take the best working contained in the 3 virusses and activates this one. This will reduce the healing potential from say Toxic filtering from maximal 27.7 points of damaged healed per activation to about 11. This is still alot but this is the maximum possible if you min max the virus. This includes adding side effects and making one dedicated virus for toxic healing. Coding wise this is doable but requires a refacter of the activation code. I'd like advise on this matter since I love virology but this is just to much healing. Way to much.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I usually begin the shift by going to chem for plasma and radium, and get some ethanol too, then I ask a doc or the paramedic for a toxins kit. I mix my antihol with it, and use the charcoal syringe to get blood from PunPun to mix drinks. Great guide, some pretty nice tips.
    1 point
  8. A nice little trick as bartender is mixing your own antihol using salt from the shakers, ash from burned paper and ethanol from the booze dispenser.
    1 point
  9. It is, but it doesn't tell you step by step how to make it with the units, this is for people who aren't naturally good at math, or just want to know exactly how to make certain chems in a bottle each time.
    1 point
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