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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Here comes 3 sprites depicting a beryllium copper wrench, intended to have the same stats or nearly the same stats as a normal wrench but feel more rare and exclusive. Beryllium alloy tools are much more expensive than steel tools but do not create sparks when stuck against a hard surface and are therefore are used out in the real world when working near flammable material(Such as plasma on a plasma research station perhaps?). My idea for the use of this sprite is that this wrench would be stored in the CE's office, the secure storage or QM's office, and be given out as a reward for good work or stolen by greytiders. I've made two different shades so far and one with a lighter outline, the outlines of two of the sprites are probably way too dark.
    3 points
  2. @Kryson I'm talking about borderline antag behavior as greytide. Any good security player eventually ignores lesser crimes when the snowball of shit they are dealing with gets too big. I'm specifically talking about the players who try to be a noticeable nuisance to sec on code red. The only way the minor stuff is a bother to sec on code red s the flood of PDA messages or callouts on comms for the minor stuff that goes ignored. Just more spam. You also don't see a lot of officers end up in the morgue cuz their bodies are usually destroyed or spaced so they CANT come back. And any time their bodies are recovered they are cloned as a priority so they can get back in the fight, so all you'd get in the morgue is a naked body and probably unidentifiable body since they'll take all their gear from their corpse and they were most likely wrecked by something severe. Antags also frequently outnumber security on high pop rounds. There are mixed Traitor/Vamp/Cling rounds where there are literally 20sih antags. Fully staffed security (including the brig doc, warden, and detective who SHOULDN'T be fighting antags) is a total of 12 members, maybe 16 if you get a lot of borgs. And that's if security is even fully staffed. Security has to deal with that, while typically having the disadvantage gear/ability wise over many of the antags, while also lacking the element of surprise since we stand out like a sore thumb whereas the antags are hidden. Even on low pop there tends to be 5-10 antags where there is only half that many people playing sec, if anyone at all. Add greytide on top of that, it can be awful. You also need to realize that security doesn't know if you are or aren't an antag. YOU know you aren't. They do not. Play a few hundred hours in sec, you'll see what I mean. Again tho, I think we are talking about different types of greytide. If you are just talking about minor thefts n break ins when more important shit is going on, I promise nobody even notices what you are doing except maybe people in your immediate vicinity, so if that what entertains you, have a blast. I personally got bored of that after a few rounds of doing it. If doing that for endless hours keeps you entertained, who am I to judge. Could view me as equally insane for thinking playing security for endless hours is entertaining. Different strokes for different folks.
    2 points
  3. Yeah for clarification, its very context dependent. On slow rounds, especially if you ahelp, you are going to get an amazing amount of latitude in thieving. The problem is, most people go full tide on red alert. When security is too busy dealing with the actual antags to respond to the break in and an officer getting his taser and baton stolen. Even if no major thefts occurred, I have been disappointed many times when ghosting. We fly around and watch, especially if things look like antag activity. This is not to catch people, its because its more interesting to watch. I have seen plenty of breakins, long security chases with much disarm spam and a ton of officers. Finally they get the tide, I go back to watching antags and then... without warning... *bwoink*
    2 points
  4. As of the moment, the shadowling icons we have are of a rather generic, boring, bald human, with the only differences is on depending what eye color your character had previously. I suggest that shadowlings are given different appeareances based on whatever species they previously were, where they keep the shape of their species, but with shadowling based variations.. Examples are: Humans - The boring, current shadowling sprite. Unathi - Red glowy horns and frills/fins. Tajaran - Red glowing tails/whiskers? Vulpkanin - Red glowing tail/fur markings. Slime - Black, trasparent body with red glowing veins. Vox - Glowing quills, tails, and beaks. Drask - Red glowing eyes, along on making those weird arm things red and glowy. IPCs (completely odd that IPCs can turn into a organic being, but oh well) - Red eyes/screens with glowing red wires on their bodies. Skrell - Glowing, red tendrils I also suggest on maybe making the ascended version also have species based sprites.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Who would commit the time to do all that pixel art and coding? I mean, I love and support this idea but...
    1 point
  7. You don't play security at all, do you? Or at least not much? I agree greytiding helps give security something to do early on, but if you don't have the capacity to cut the shit once stuff gets busy for security then you are just being a prick for the sake of being a prick and not actually trying to make anything interesting for anyone but yourself. It is unimaginably annoying and stressful when its code red and there is a known dangerous threat on the station and some dipshit is getting in the way cuz "lel muh pranks" completely ignoring the fact that half of security is dead and the rest are already overworked. From an IC perspective, once its code red and there is a known dangerous threat, you should actually give a shit about trying not to be a bother to security so they can better prevent you from being killed by said threat. I also agree with Alffd, if you are gonna greytide hard, accept the consequences when you are caught. If you take it on the chin and get back out there to do your thing once your time is up, you are actually trying to make the round interesting. If you are just gonna spam comms and whatever else with salt when you get caught, you are clearly just being an asshole to security cuz they are authority and you are taking our your frustrations you have with the authority figures IRL (parents, teachers, boss). Security are players too, and whatever hell you personally feel like you are dealing with, chances are they are dealing with worse. Respect your fellow player lol
    1 point
  8. Your character's money is persistent and vending shit costs money even from places like medbay and the bar unless you work in that department. This means the chemist can put meds in the public fridge and set prices and shit on them and people can pay for shit unless they're medbay staff because they can dispense it for free. Also it has paychecks which vary from job to job. Edit: And by persistent I mean your money saves between rounds
    1 point
  9. "Minor criminal activity is allowed as a Non-Antagonist. However, it will be considered Self-Antagging if it negatively affects a significant portion of the crew, or is done without any reasonable IC justification and/or provocation;","Actively diverting Security personnel and resources away from an active and direct Antagonist threat in order to deal with you and your actions will be considered Self-Antagging;". TECHNICALLY it is against the rules so... fuck
    1 point
  10. On a more fun note: On Delta station most areas have a unique Action Figure. The idea being it'd be a fun collectable thing for enterprising young greytides ?
    1 point
  11. Hi all, As some of you may be aware, a few days ago 6 people were banned for metagaming, including two mentors. More bans may follow as we continue to investigate. Needless to say I'm incredibly disappointed, especially with the two mentors we placed our trust in. Not only does this completely violate the letter and spirit of the rules, but is a personal insult to have our trust violated by people who claimed they wanted to help new players by mentoring them. Taking advantage of our trust and their positions to supposedly help the community is incredibly low. This occured on a private discord server, whose owners seem quite upset that someone would reveal that it's being used to metagame. I've seen terms like "metagrudge" and "witchhunt", being thrown around at the people they suspect revealed them, as well as people being put in "quarantine" to avoid further leaks. This is pretty blatent admission to me that they have no issue with said metagaming - just it being revealed. . We will have absolutely no tolerance for that at all, and I personally find it pathetic that they think that those who were "undermining integrity of server" were those who revealed it, not those who metagamed in the first place. The evidence provided to us was concrete, and I have no reason to doubt its authenticity - especially seeing as there have been admissions of guilt from some of the parties. However, if people wish to dispute that they were breaking the rules, they're more than free to appeal. We've acted on the information we are given, but are happy to discuss such things. I'd also like to take this chance to remind you we take allegations like this seriously. If you suspect something like this is going on without proof, please let an admin know - we won't be banning anyone for unfounded allegations, but tipping us off means we can look into it with the many tools we have. As long as you're not clearly using this to attack people you dislike, then it's ok to be wrong here.
    1 point
  12. One shift when the botany department were busy growing lube melons i decided to help the poor chef out by growing some much needed wheat in the garden. My attempts at improving the potency of my wheat crop instead resulted in me gazing upon a few stalks of the humble oat; Avena sativa. To my dismay the chefs employed by Nanotrasen seem to have never seen an oat in their lives and have no idea how to cook even a simple oatmeal porridge! I suggest adding a few oat based recipes as well as an oatmeal reagent produced by grinding the oats. Here are the two recipes i had in mind: Oatmeal porridge Suggested recipe: 10u Oatmeal 5u Water 1u Salt Suggested machine: Microwave Oatmeal balls This recipe might not be all that familiar to players outside of Scandinavia, but it is a classic oat based pastry around these parts. It's the perfect food item to make when a radiation storm blesses you with the delightful Swedish accent, bork bork! Here is a snippet from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havregrynskugle Suggested recipe: 10u Oatmeal 5u Sugar 5u Cocoa 5u Coffee Suggested machine: Candy maker It's also might also be worth considering adding a bag of 30u oatmeal to the flour locker at roundstart so the chef may cook a few bowls of oatmeal porridge for breakfast. The bag could be a simple palette swapped flour bag(like the rice bag currently is), or i could create a new sprite. Do you have thoughts about my suggestion, critique of my sprites or perhaps another great oat recipes you'd like to suggest? Post below!
    1 point
  13. Also works for Borgs and hilarious way to kill a CE is ripping apart a SMES or APC and leaving the sabatoged cells nearby. booby trapped lights can cause some hilarity as ghost haunting can trigger the boom, though most lights aren't near switches so it's difficult to lure a target that way. The more plasma the bigger the boom. clown shoes can be washed with crayons to make them look normal, but they still squeak. Steal someone's shoes and leave the duds around for them to grab instead.
    1 point
  14. Yes, congratulations.
    1 point
  15. Lit alcoholic shot glasses are also usable as pocket-sized flares.
    1 point
  16. Did you know that when you light a lighter it becomes a bulky item?
    1 point
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