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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2018 in all areas

  1. I disagree, credits lacking any real value is a LRP system. Most player do not care or even bother using credits, only a few dedicated RP'er accept credits as payment and when you do, it doesn't feel good or meaningful. The current credit system is broken, for example, the vault only has like 7000 credits when gamblers regularly win 100 000 or even 1000 000 000 credits. If rampant embezzlement of station funds by the heads and inflation could be kept in check this could be a great system. Warning, my dreams start here! You could introduce new traveling salesman jobs tasked with selling a variety of goods to the station and sending credits back to HQ, thus removing credits from the economy and giving rich people or departments something to spend money on. One round you could get a Donk Co salesman peddling boxes of the new spicy donk pockets to the crew, another you could have an antagonist salesman from a syndicate affiliated corporation trying to bribe the HoP with fine champagne and designer bags in order to embezzle the stations funds. I think having an economy could create some great RP opportunities. (Here is the champagne sprite is drew as an example of a credit sink or trader item.)
    3 points
  2. Chaplain will be the best job ever if this is implemented. "God spoke to me today and told me to obtain a 50 million credit space pod, we need to spread the gospel to Mauna-b, hallelujah!"
    3 points
  3. Will I receive backpay for all the s̶o̶u̶l̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ hours I've spent protecting y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶u̶n̶g̶r̶a̶t̶e̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶e̶s̶ the station while playing Sec? Cigs and coffee ain't cheap. I like the idea of any feasible economic system that makes money in this game more meaningful.
    2 points
  4. Hey so I've played a couple of rounds as a service borg and had some good fun, but as I was requested the strongest drink I could make. I naturally thought of the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. Thing is, Service borgs don't have Gin or Cognac to make it, so I couldn't do my customer justice. Those aren't all, either. Service borgs don't have Rum, khalua, tequila, vermouth or wine. (I might be wrong it's hard to remember what all was missing) This is pretty major seeing as a service borg's job, among other things, is to provide drinks. Not only that, but they don't have synthanol either. So if you're solo running the bar, you can't serve IPCs entirely. The inventory also gets a bit crowded with all of the bottles in it. I've seen other servers use the shaker as a drink synthesizer. activate the shaker, pick a fluid, and pour, plain and simple. As opposed to looking around your inventory that cuts half of the bar out of your vision for the right bottle which doesn't always have the right name. (E.G. tungsta triple distilled is vodka) So yeah. Please let just let us serve whatever drinks we want instead of being arbitrarily restricted to only a few and have to explain to your customers "uh, I don't have that one." And maybe help make the borg inventory a bit more compact.
    1 point
  5. I arrived at the station as a mere assistant, quickly getting bored of being that. One quick A-help later and i was allowed to steal non-antag items. Quickly rushing around, grabbing basic gear, i started checking wires, quickly finding the right one. Now to my checklist of items i wanted. Wardens Jumpskirt A cargonian PDA chip Captains bedsheet Chaplains Bible A fukken multitool Now, the very first thing i got my greytidey hands on, was the bible, the "Church of Fortnite", it looked ugly and praised some weird purple guys nethers, but the Chaplain was far too easy to snatch it from either way. The multitool was EZ PZ, asked a cargonian IPC for it, also asked for their PDA, got smacked by said IPC. Tried my hand at getting the bedsheet, hacking my way through the teleporter and into the office, only to find the blueshield waiting, smiling widely as they believe they`ve caught the syndicate agent roaming the station. Tazed and cuffed, i get dragged to the brig. They find my note in my duffelbag, listing the items im trying to get. The blueshield turns into a redshield and leaves. Get a five minute sentence (Actually it was ten, but when noone was looking, the warden not only let me out early, but handed me the jumpskirt as well, nice guy) Headed to cargo, asked for the chip, same IPC smacked me. Hack my way in, still no gloves on, how am i not dead. Get into QMs office, grab PDA chip on table. The shuttle has arrived at this point, i`m not planning to get on it, but it`s still a countdown. Frantically tries to get into the captains office again, get smacked by the HOS and thrown out. Try the teleroom route again, AI notices and bolts. Time runs out. Four out of five items gotten, not bad for a first time, even if the items were rather petty. Show my items to a more friendly IPC at the end of round. They congratulate me, then shows me their E-mag and whatnot. "Nice!" Im terribly sorry with how the text is set and how short each line is, but i just wanted to tell this nice little tale from my last shift.
    1 point
  6. I suggest adding a whole new range of credit purchasable luxury foods, drinks, clothes and other assorted luxury items. Have you become filthy rich under this system? Don't worry there are thing to spend your fortune on. Want impress your fellow Tarajans by only eating the finest imported Chinese gold hamsters? only 15 000 credits per cage of 3. You could even pay the chef extra to cook you a meal using the finest ingredients, perhaps you fancy a 9 000 credit wheel of blue cheese? No problem As long the credits are useful to someone they will start flowing and soon you will be able to buy all kinds of goods and services(including stolen goods, for all you greytiders). (Sprites are WIP)
    1 point
  7. you can also mix chemicals IN people. shoot someone with a syring filled with 2 u blood, 2u synthflesh, 2 u SR and 9 u phlogiston/chlorine trifluoride. laugh as they get eaten by a carp.
    1 point
  8. Legit plane. So for perspective, Donald Trumps personal jet (the 757 with the big TRUMP written on it) is a 1991 757-200 Two are up for sale right now in California with 80,000 hour (its been more then two decades) both have an asking price of 9.5 Million USD. Sure, you would need to fix up the interior, maybe new engines, but um..... A G650 is a serious plane.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. This happened in a round earlier on today. I was the QM as Rsik, and it was late in the shift. Decided to head to the bar with Rioz (who was a shaft miner) to chill for a bit. Came into the bar to find it mostly empty, so we helped ourselves behind the counter. As we were getting our drinks, Bubbles, the clown, came up to the bar, asking for a glass of banana juice. Rsik being Rsik, who despises clowns, tells him that clowns are barred, and his request is denied, in true quartermaster fashion. The clown shouts, "YOU DENY MY BANANA JUICE!!!" and takes out a pistol loaded with incendiary rounds and proceeds to shoot both me and Rioz with the intent to murder. We ended up getting shot with about 5-7 bullets between us before the clown does a legger into maints, fleeing from security. So yea, don't deny a clown his banana juice... Even though Rsik will every time, despite the risks...
    1 point
  11. Really? That's fantastic, clowns are great.
    1 point
  12. pretty sure an antag clown can use weapons correctly, where as a normal clown would shoot themselves.
    1 point
  13. While I do agree that money is generally too easy to find with perhaps a half a dozen garunteed spots for a few thalers to be laying about, I disagree with your example of dying because you can't afford the medicine. As already pointed out, departments can get their resources for free, you'd only die if no doctors or medical staff were willing to assist you. All it does is incentivise crew to go to department staff first rather than just bypass them and take what they want. This system actually has some promise of working so long as department accounts came make direct orders through Cargo using their own funds, so if say medical was low on medkits, they could use their funds to buy more from Cargo without cargo needing to spend their points on it, and if medical chose they could sell those kits for a profit and just order even more medkits in the next batch. By making it prohibitivly expensive to be the jack of all trades and do every job yourself and never rely on anyone else, the system at least passively encourages people to allow others to do their jobs and get a little bonus for it. I'm not 100% what /tg/ economy entails on its own, but the idea of being able to pay a fine instead of spending time in the brig for minor/moderate crimes certainly is something that appeals to me, particularly if the HoS/Warden could turn that income into more equipment around the brig for use by the officers. I'm am doubtful that jobs like Janitor, Clown, Engineers or Chaplain have any reliable source of income though in rounds, as they'll get yelled at for trying to charge money to do their job (where as Bartender/Chemist/Cook get away with charging for their products), botanist too has me somewhat worried they might try charging the Chef for ingredients and thats just bad for everyone.
    1 point
  14. Your character's money is persistent and vending shit costs money even from places like medbay and the bar unless you work in that department. This means the chemist can put meds in the public fridge and set prices and shit on them and people can pay for shit unless they're medbay staff because they can dispense it for free. Also it has paychecks which vary from job to job. Edit: And by persistent I mean your money saves between rounds
    1 point
  15. I join the NSS Cyberiad, and look at the available jobs. No station engineer, so I pick civilian/assistants/maintenance explorer. I got bored at one point, and then a bright idea has come, decided to infiltrate the gateway and make an explorer journey, just like the urban explorer in real-life, but this time in space. Before infiltrating the gateway, I explored all maintenance and searched for the following items: engineering tools(wrench, screwdriver, wire cutter, cable, crowbar, welding tool, and multitool(this one is the hardest part)) engineering gear(welding helmet, gas mask, hazard vest, insulated gloves) oxygen tank food and drink supplies lighter power cell igniter space suit flashlight metals and rods At some point, there's a traitor in the station but quickly taken down. several hours later, managed to collect several things on the list, except multitool and space suit. At some point, noticed a lonely backpack sitting on the table in the dorms. Checked the backpack and holy crap, found the traitor version of multitool, which can detect if AI is nearby or watching the holder. Quickly hide it in my duffle bag. While making my way to the maintenance near the gateway access, all station has gone alert due to changelings sighting, and later a poor clown suspected to be a changeling through the radio channel. While all station was busy interrogating the clown (Bubble if I recall), I quickly deconstruct the wall that stands between the gateway and maintenance. My heart was beating very quickly when deconstructing the wall, as there's a chance AI spotted me and alert everyone. About the space suit, I abort it as it was too risky to find one. Wall has been deconstructed, and I reconstruct the wall again so it won't alert any crews that pass through the said maintenance. After I finished reconstruct the wall, it's time to enter the gateway. And before entering the gateway, I leave an apologize note. I enter the gateway and the first thing I saw? A wild space carp (oh crap...). I return to the cyberiad gateway again, the space carp followed me and proceed to wrecked me out. Managed to scream through the comms, and 2 crews came to the gateway access, killed the space carp(apparently), dragged me to the medbay, and proceed to hospitalize me. Several minutes after my health is 100% healthy, I decided to infiltrate the gateway for the second time. Successfully infiltrate the gateway in the same way, but before entering the gateway again, I craft a makeshift spear. In the middle of crafting, a chief medical came in through the ID locked airlock, and I hurry up to abort the crafting and run through the gateway portal. I run as fast as I can, but soon the chief medical caught me before I start to explain. But instead dragged me back to the station, throw me to the brig and let the security handle the rest, he restrains me and proceeds to choke me out until I'm dead. And the kicker? Remember that I mention there's a changeling at the station and everyone go on full alert? Well, he's the changeling. It turns out that he used the abandoned shuttle, which the gateway was lead to, as his hideout. After I died, he changes himself to my character that just murdered by him, grabs all my stuff, exit the gateway and return to the station, strolls like nothing happened, and continue his mission apparently. Meanwhile, I rejoin again as a newly made robot, which only ordered to stroll the primary hallway and drag any critical health people to medbay until the shifts end. And the changeling? he's survived and still strolling at the station until the rounds end, apparently.
    1 point
  16. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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