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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2018 in all areas

  1. First Name: Sihsse Last Name: Zsak Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: N/A Picture(If Available) Coming Soon Age/D.O.B: 30 / 29.12.2532 Place Of Birth: Moghes Species: Unathi Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Lawful Neutral Affiliation: NanoTrasen Religious Beliefs: None Childhood: Exile Adulthood: Scholar, Chemist, Doctor, Gardener. Detailed Information Appearance: He's a short, slender Unathi with a very rare hot pink color of scales. At a glance easily mistaken for female Unathi. Humorless ocean blue eyes stare out from behind glasses very rarely seen without. Character Voice: Soft spoken androgynous voice that some hear as male while others mistake as female. Personality: Is polite and usually gentle, very reserved around new individuals but tends to warm up rather quickly. Serious when involved with his work and while hard to anger can be equally hard to appease. Medical Record: Somewhat weak eyes that're easily susceptible to bright lights. Partakes a home brewed vapor based on Mitocholide to keep his lungs healthy from his smoking habit. Character Biography Background: [REDACTED] Family: [REDACTED] History: NanoTrasen keeps a tight reign on his background, whether it was at his own request or at the request of his superiors only a few within Central Command are privileged enough to know it. Official documents released to the public has his history starting from when NanoTrasen acquired him from Moghes, where after lengthy medical stay he found work within their Law Department as an assistant, filing papers, sorting, retrieving books for the various Agents and Magistrates. Being well read and with a decent education it didn't take him long to get a grasp of Space Law and Operating Procedure that rivalled many of the Agents and even some Magistrates. His calm personality and tendency to enjoy paperwork had served him well within the department and he quickly found himself officially employed in Internal Affairs as one of their Agents. Eventually after several reports of various issues, some even including fellow Internal Affairs Agents, he was deployed to the NSS Cyberiad to watch and report back the operations of the staff and when necessary even the Command. After some time spent on the NSS Cyberiad working in their Law Office and occasionally in the Medical Department, he has received a promotion from the NT High Court to the position of Magistrate. While excited by the new job trepidation was felt, as it was a job that he knew could easily make him more enemies than it did friends. Personal Relationships Emily (Friend) - "I very much enjoy her company." Henk de Fries (Acquaintance/Respected) - "I may not sssee eye to eye with Henk but I trusst his judgement." Chayakriti (Close Friend) - "Sssshe's saved me more than once and I will return the favor without quessstion." Reikatkratch (Good Friend) - "I really enjoy hanging out when I'm off duty. Alwaysss good to go on an adventure with." Yaya (Close Friend) - "He'll get me in trouble one day. I won't mind it though becausssse I'll hve had a good laugh." Kikiyaya (Good Friend/Respected) - "Sssshe taught me the sssecretss of growing plantss. A wonderful teacher I'll alwaysss remember fondly." Wolf O' Shaw (Friend) - "A terrible flirt ssssomtimesss and alssso can be rude. Sssstill fun to chat with" Vraz Worker of Clan Karaz (Acquaintance/Respected) - "I may have offended you with sssaying ssssir but, I admire your application of Law, Magissssstrate." Kennard Rose (Acquaintance) - "He'sss a good fellow. A good bartender too." Rsik Ugsharki (Close Friend) - "He knowsss more about me than anyone elssse on thiss ssstation and acceptsss me. I could never repay the kindnessss asss long as I live." Equanimity (Friend/Respected) - "Our time together may have been ssshort but you taught me many thingsss and I'll forever be thankful for making me feel more at home on Cyberiad." N.A.T.H.A.N (Acquaintance) - "Amusssing fellow Agent. I'm glad to ssssee you doing well in other departmentsss. I don't think Law wasss for you." Thali Kaallu (Friend) - "Ssshe's very nice. I hope her marriage goesss well and many happy yearsss ahead." Kakiitachi Ikuzeru (Friend/Respected) - "Thank you for sparking my interessst in resssearch. Even if I'm not in Ssscience I sssstill remember what you taught." Korlas 'Delta' Lassh (Friend) - "I think ssshe needss to take more vacationsss. Ssshe's very nice but I think ssshe's overworked sssometimes." Shesi (Good Friend) - "My firssst relationsssship wassss becaussse of your teasssing. It may not have worked out but atleassst I got a good friend from it." Lyn Atan (Friend) - "We ssshould talk." Asrair Ziesuzuo (Friend) - "I'm glad I got to met you but we really need to hang out more in the future." Rioz Kszo - (Good Friend) "I'm ssstarting to think that wisssshing othersss good luck has become a cursssse....." Wilson Mounsion - (Close Friend) - "I truly am sssorry to hear about the divorce and am not sssure what to make of everything involved in it but, I will be here for you if you need me. You've proven to be a very good, loyal friend on more than one occasion and I hope to return the favor" Gerhard Van Lutz - (Friend) - "We don't sssspeak of that and you sssaw nothing." Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations NanoTrasen - (Like) "I may not agree with them on a lot but, they gave me the chance I needed." The Syndicate - (Neutral) "Sssome agentss are evil... ssssome do thingsss becausse they need to, whether or not they want to. I ssssympathize with the latter." Space Wizard Federation - (Neutral) "Alwaysss wanted to learn magic." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Aspires one day to visit Jovan and see the beaches that Rsik talked about with the hope of maybe owning a little house on the beach where he can enjoy a the heat and the sand that reminds him of a home he'll never return to while he can also enjoy the flourishing vegetation and the wonderful feeling of moist air from crashing waves that he never knew of until he left Moghes.
    3 points
  2. Bunch of quotes i've saved up
    1 point
  3. r e d a c t e d r e d a c t e d The NT IT Tech who had to review your background probably redacted it because of the sheer amount of lewdness, you sinner.
    1 point
  4. Sees new artwork - Reputation with Robotics - Reputation with Security + Reputation with the Clown + Reputation with Greytiders
    1 point
  5. I don't even know if its worth justifying a response to 'Low RP system' in a game where the lore is about a mega corporation sabotaging their competition to secure a monopoly on plasma and development of such technologies for the sole purpose of making one hell of a profit... and the employees of said station operate in some socialist dystopia where they can afford just about anything they'd ever want and receive services for no work on their part? Back on topic, one possible iteration for if/after economy gets ported would be accruing debt. Just showing up for a round and doing nothing shouldn't even break even, people who sit in the bar and drink all shift digging themselves into a whole, cloning and complex medical care charging a fair penny, and if a player ends a round dead they are deducted even more as NT pulls up an offsite back up, force clowns and sends them in on the next shift to make up for productivity, each death then carry round to round penalties where you need to take out loans just to be able to eat some rounds and failing to show up for work (not logging in to a character for 3+ days) could have a penalty tossed on as well, these of course would need to be capped. And dare I suggest running the risk of putting yourself into debt and not being able to legally afford most services the station offers, the Syndicate or other nefarious organizations might prioritize such a candidate for work over mr money bags who always works the high paying jobs and never has less than 8 digits in their ATM balance (or, alternatively if the Syndicate made the loan to you in the first place a rival agent being tasked with harvesting your organs and shipping them out for sale to cover the debt)
    1 point
  6. That is more of an ooc reason than an IC reason, presumably your character has a desire to obtain more credits. I will accept and offer credits as payment because it is better for RP, but it doesn't feel good because the credits are so damn useless. Some kind of overhaul is needed and if a persistent economy is too hard to manage, we should at least consider reworking the current round based system by adding more desirable items for purchase, rebalancing the slot machines and easing credit handling by letting you deposit or withdraw credits at the ATM with only a short 4-5 digit pin code.
    1 point
  7. I arrived at the station as a mere assistant, quickly getting bored of being that. One quick A-help later and i was allowed to steal non-antag items. Quickly rushing around, grabbing basic gear, i started checking wires, quickly finding the right one. Now to my checklist of items i wanted. Wardens Jumpskirt A cargonian PDA chip Captains bedsheet Chaplains Bible A fukken multitool Now, the very first thing i got my greytidey hands on, was the bible, the "Church of Fortnite", it looked ugly and praised some weird purple guys nethers, but the Chaplain was far too easy to snatch it from either way. The multitool was EZ PZ, asked a cargonian IPC for it, also asked for their PDA, got smacked by said IPC. Tried my hand at getting the bedsheet, hacking my way through the teleporter and into the office, only to find the blueshield waiting, smiling widely as they believe they`ve caught the syndicate agent roaming the station. Tazed and cuffed, i get dragged to the brig. They find my note in my duffelbag, listing the items im trying to get. The blueshield turns into a redshield and leaves. Get a five minute sentence (Actually it was ten, but when noone was looking, the warden not only let me out early, but handed me the jumpskirt as well, nice guy) Headed to cargo, asked for the chip, same IPC smacked me. Hack my way in, still no gloves on, how am i not dead. Get into QMs office, grab PDA chip on table. The shuttle has arrived at this point, i`m not planning to get on it, but it`s still a countdown. Frantically tries to get into the captains office again, get smacked by the HOS and thrown out. Try the teleroom route again, AI notices and bolts. Time runs out. Four out of five items gotten, not bad for a first time, even if the items were rather petty. Show my items to a more friendly IPC at the end of round. They congratulate me, then shows me their E-mag and whatnot. "Nice!" Im terribly sorry with how the text is set and how short each line is, but i just wanted to tell this nice little tale from my last shift.
    1 point
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