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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2018 in all areas

  1. A Short Introduction Much has been said about the curious specimens colloquially known as "Shadowlings" by the doomed crew of many a research station and scientific outpost. Despite the numerous encounters with the creatures, as well as a multitude of detailed after-action reports from failed Ascendance Events, very little is known about them, be it their history, behavioral patterns outside known encounters and even biology, if such a thing even applies. While officially NanoTrasen defines Shadowlings as Xenos Umbra, following in the naming scheme utilized for other creatures such as the Xenos Mutatio ("changelings") and Xenos Venenum (genus utilized for a variety of giant spider species), recent findings (Bolton & Carter, 2512) have cast doubt on the notion that Shadowlings can even be classified under the same taxonomic rules as Realspace animals, considering their innate connection to Bluespace. Curiously, it appears that the creatures have an increased interest in NanoTrasen assets and activities when compared to other companies, sovereign governments or other smaller independent polities, most likely due to the former's heavy interest in Bluespace experimentation and various active Research&Development projects dedicated almost exclusively to the weaponization of this dimension of space, hinting at their true nature. However, despite this fact, and due to the disparate sources involved in collecting data about the creatures, a full picture of their species as a whole has never been painted before, something that presents itself as a clear and present security risk for the company, its employees and its shareholders, considering the disastrous effects of Ascendance Events and the amount of damage involved. Due to this lack of a complete picture, the NanoTrasen Board of Directors has empowered me, Senior Research Director Quincy D. Huxley, to seek out and compile any information available on the Xenos Umbra, with the ultimate goal of compiling a full compendium of the sum total of knowledge available at this point in time on the creatures themselves, starting with the first recorded encounters and ending in the current day and the verifiable increase in Ascendance Events. This will most likely require vast amounts of resources; therefore, full access to a special company wallet has been granted, and a personal shuttle provided for any transportation required; this shuttle will be equipped with a small library and research laboratory, as well as a Series-17 Bluespace Restrictor Cell, meant to house exactly one (1) Shadowling specimen, should one be acquired. This will most likely be a long-term endeavour, and I have therefore terminated my current contract for the sake of proceeding with this study. Provided enough space is available, I will inquire into the possibility of recruiting additional trusted researchers. For now, however, I must gather what little data I have available, and set course for my first chosen destination. Signed, Quincy D. Huxley References: Bolton, K. D., & Carter, L. L. (2512). Anomalous readings in post-experimentation toolsets: an investigative report on Xenos Umbra effects on laboratory equipment. NanoTrasen Science Report, 4685(15542), 425-498. END LOG.
    4 points
    3 points
  3. Let's get down to business To defeat the mimes Did they send me shitsec? When I asked for crimes? You're the saddest bunch I ever met But you can bet before we're through Mister I'll make a clown out of you Break in with the chemists Get thermite and win Once you slip the captain Use the spare, break in You're a silent, pale, pathetic lot And you cannot robust too Somehow I'll make a clown out of you I'm never gonna slip up Sec Say hello to those who'll brig me Boy was I a fool in lobby, choosing civ This guy's got me in a cell Hope he doesn't shoot right through me Now I really wish that I knew how to slip Be a clown You must be swift as a gygax mech now Be a clown With all the force of a blobbernaut Be a clown With all the strength of nuclear op Mysterious as the dark of side of scimaint Time is racing toward us Till the mimes arrive Heed my every order And you might survive You're unsuited for the service SOP So pack up, go home, you're through How could I make a clown out of you? Be a clown You must be swift as a gygax mech now Be a clown With all the force of a blobbernaut Be a clown With all the strength of nuclear op Mysterious as the dark of side of scimaint
    2 points
  4. Bunch of quotes i've saved up
    2 points
  5. ⬤ ⬤ N a r ' ⚈ s i e What dark things sleep in blackened halls, Whose sister toils and sweats for days without rest! Equations seep into the walls And keep the march of time at bay. ⌼ IV.
    1 point
  6. "What do you plan to do should you aqquire one of our kind? What knowledge do you hope to gain...?" - Halqu'Shi-Ny'Arleth Yessssss finally some well written shadowling stuff
    1 point
  7. Name: Navera Reach Age: 47 standard sol years Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Warden, Coroner and Paramedic Biography Hailing from Terra in the Sol system (Earth, you dummy), Reach`s family belonged to a long line of SolGov servicemen and women. Not looking to deviate from that, Reach joined the SolGov forces when he became 18 years, serving there for nine years, learning all the basics he needed to survive throughout his career. At twenty-seven, Reach was offered a new job abroad the NDV Brutus, serving abroad as a part of the security personnel, and later on, as a part of the onboard MP personnel. During his twenty year long career, Reach picked up a smoking habit, causing widespread cancer in his lungs and heart that required for them to be replaced with new, expensive cybernetic ones. For his loyal service, NanoTrasen paid for them, on the condition he moved to the NSS Cyberiad and took up the job of watching the armory and prison cells, something he has dutifully done ever since. Qualifications Ballistic weaponry Intermediate Space law First Aid Riot Control Basic forensics Employment Records: Long-term security personnel, recently moved to the NSS Cyberiad to reinforce the already excellent security force stationed there. Aging, but not inactive. Security Records: Trained in ballistic weaponry, both lethal and non-lethal, but a severe lack of energy weapons knowledge, seeing them as unneccesary. Knows a fair share of tricks to get out of sticky situations, great care should be taken if trying to apprehend him. Medical Records: Cybernetic lungs and heart due to a severe smoking habit, as well as a cybernetic left hand, the original one having been lost to a firing range mishap. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A somewhat rough looking fellow with an ever so stiff moustache, seemingly in his late forties. His face is somewhat obscured by his moustache and his tendency to wear a cap hides his eyes as well. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Regardless of gender and species, refers to people as "Mate" "Lad" or "Buddy" His robotic hand occasionally lashes out on its own. Favorite weapon is shotguns. Constantly tries experimenting in the brig to improve said shotguns. Hates the Syndicate but has a pity on their agents.
    1 point
  8. Carmen Gold, the lewdest on the station. Has a special spot for slimes, especially blue or pink ones. (Added in) Honestly though, squishes ICly make my character freak out, because OOCly i just see them 'squish' and i think ITS THE MOST GOD DAMN ADORABLE THING I'VE EVER SEEN I JUST WANT TO HOLD ONE AND SQUISH IT
    1 point
  9. I read it all and nodded along the way! Now, only one thing I have to say If it ever gets added, I hope science can make drilling slugs-
    1 point
  10. I've never played as a service borg before, but i did notice that some bartenders that leave either for cryo or for tatoring. So you have to select each bottle? Jeesh, that's actually frustrating, counting the fact that inv items move when you remove one, it's actually my worst nigthmare. Bartenders can use the booze dispenser, why don't borgs have their own already?
    1 point
  11. I am not much of a xenobiology player but i like the golems and golem spam rounds can be very memorable. I recently found out that TG has an amazing selection of golem types. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Golem Some are just slightly more robust but other types such as the plastic, glass, sand and cloth golems have very interesting abilities. I think this would be a very fun system to port, both for the xenobiologist and the golems. Do you think it would take a lot of effort to port this? Let me know what you think
    1 point
  12. I have recently been working on cataloguing tastes of various reagents. Many of the reagents taste of "bitterness", which appears to be the default when there is no "taste_message" string in the definition of a reagent. I think that it may be time to have another look at the various tastes and update them a bit, and for that, I'll probably need help. All 412 of the reagents currently available in the codebase are eligible for an update, either improving upon the current taste_message or adding a brand new one, both of which I have found to be trivial tasks for any given reagent. I am capable of updating the tastes myself, and intend to make this relatively simple work my first PR. The creative side, however, is where the community comes in. In short, I need tastes for the various reagents, as coming up with something fun or interesting for each of them would be a gargantuan task on my own. There are a few guidelines: 1. Feel free to wax poetic for more exotic drinks or compounds, but basic stuff should be relatively straightforward. Feel free to elaborate a little on "liquid fire" and the like, however, so that each base drink has a bit of unique identity. Generally speaking, the more complex the recipe or rarer the reagent, the more leeway you have. 2. Don't be unnecessarily verbose: get your concept across using somewhere between one word and a sentence. Try to avoid including too many ideas in a single taste: Each one should have one concept regardless of specificity so it can be mixed and chained with other tastes. 3. The entries on the spreadsheet marked in red or yellow are priorities. All reagents, however, are up for a new taste. The spreadsheet can be found here. Feel free to edit it in order to add your ideas (in the columns to the right). This is kinda like brainstorming, so don't be afraid to put in whatever you think might be appropriate. Once the spreadsheet is filled in enough, I'll curate the ideas, edit for consistency and present a new set of tastes for approval before implementing. In addition, I've found a taste_strength variable which seems to be correctly implemented after testing, but completely unused. This may be used to make the taste of poisons more subtle and harder to pick up, or make certain condiments very overpowering such as salt, soysauce or msg. Messing with those is something of a stretch goal, but is simple to do.
    1 point
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