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  1. Name: Rsik Ugsharki Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Unathi Blood Type: A- General Occupational Role(s): Mischievous Ninja, Blueshield, Pod Pilot, Shaft Miner, Mechanic Family: Asrair (honorary brother) Biography: *REDACTED* Recent Events: Rsik has recently returned from Moghes, after spending over a month there. He has been very quiet about the reasons for his traveling, although the exact nature of his trip is very personal and only remains known to him and his closest friends. Personality: Rsik is at times a mischievous playful joker. However if undertaking protection details or departmental responsibilities, Rsik has been known to dial back his playful attitude so it doesn't get in the way. While he hates to admit it, he is a soft-hearted endearing lizard who goes out his way to help others, but can be quick to anger if he is crossed and knows how to hold a grudge. Even so, violence doesn't come natural to him, and Rsik only resorts to such measures in self defense. If there is one thing he hates above all else however, is clowns. This fear and loathing stems from an incident in which a clown had slipped him up with a bluespace banana peel, causing Rsik to teleport out in space with no EVA suit. The ordeal nearly killed him, and has left him with a deep loathing for clowns ever since. . Qualifications: Security Pass Protection & Bodyguarding Piloting Sneaking... Employment Records: [Restricted to Security or above] Alleged Former Spider Clan member. Be watchful of resurgence of ninjaritus... Security Records: Notorious rabble rouser and opportunistic when it comes to having a 'go' at Nanotrasen command. Medical Records: Clean bill of health Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Tends to speak in the third person and usually when he wants something to go his way, he'll finish a sentence with a 'yes'... "Rsik would like all access please, yes." Abhors violence, and is reserved even in self defense, often trying to do as little harm as possible. He is no pacifist however, and will go all out to protect those he cares about. Loyalty is important to him, and it is a quality that he respects in others above all else. Loves mice.. as in, to eat them! Had an odd obsession about stealing fancy hats, although this has lessened somewhat. Given the opportunity though, he'll snatch your hat. - Beepsky took on the wrong lizard this time... - Asrair & Rsik, hanging out at the bar - Revenge of the Mice! Rsik's favourite little snack have gained sentience, much to his misfortune. (Also, little cameo appearance by Kennard Rose, aka, his unique mouse sprite)
    1 point
  2. Shadowlings are, I think, one of the less popular gamemodes. Often, it feels rather hopeless and as if the slings are almost guaranteed to win (at least to me). Here are my thoughts on the shadowling gamemode: 1. It is too snowbally Each thrall you capture not only deprives the station of a crew member but also gives you one more. Now, this isn't unique, cult can convert as well. But the thing with cult is that deconversion is a lot easier, as you just forcefeed someone some holy water while a shadowling thrall requires surgery and gives the slings ample time to burst into the OP and get you back, on top of also taking the doctor. On top of that, being able to thrall mindshielded personnel, especially sec officers, makes this entire factor a lot worse, as slings then use the newly turned officer to then 'arrest' and convert people. It isn't rare for slings to turn most or all of sec to their side, at which point the station is basically completely fucked. And there's never enough time for an ERT to be called, arrive and save the day, which brings me to issue two: 2. There is no proper progression towards a goal Here is how a group gamemode should play out, IMO: Gather resources and manpower -> accomplish objective-> (get rewarded for success -> accomplish additional objective) -> win The issue with Shadowling is that gathering resources, aka getting converts, is also your actual objective. You can just lurk in maint forever, picking off people that wander and suddenly win out of nowhere. The crew gets, if you do it right, almost no warning or indication of how far you've progressed or even that you've done anything. You could in theory do a full stealth win. No other antag type has such a lack of progression. Cult converts, then has to go in and grab the warden or a sec officer for a ritual, then has to take over one of very few specific locations for the summoning ritual, giving everyone a last chance to stop them. Individual antags often have to murder a specific person or steal a specific object, which forces them to go out and be proactive. Even nuke-ops have to get the disk and then set up the nuke. Shadowlings just lurk in maint, grab assistants that come by, then grab occasional sec officers that come by, then they win. They don't need to steal anything or gather any equipment. 3. People let themselves be converted far too easily. It is still not rare for people to run into maint on sling rounds, looking to be converted. While this is something admins can act against via liberal application of bwoinks, we could also stand to make sling thrall less attractive in other ways to discourage it. And here are my thoughts on how to improve the mode: 1. Buff mindshields or make deconversion easier Probably the more controversial proposal. But I don't quite get why cult can't cult through a mindshield and shadowlings just need some additional time to do it. IMO, mindshields should block conversion like they do for cult. Getting a sec officer is still a good catch because you now have all his equipment and access. I'm not quite sure how to make the dethralling easier, but am open to suggestions. 2. Give Shadowlings additional objectives in order to ascend Gathering thralls and then you win feels just too easy. It gives the crew not enough time to respond and very few warning signs. For all you know the ascension could be happening any minute now, even if there's actually just 2 thralls left. Giving slings objectives they have to do before ascension would give a good landmark of how far they've come, give the crew something to rally around, etc. As for specific objectives, I had several ideas: Thralling or killing a certain person, like the captain, could work, encouraging a direct assault on bridge and forcing the slings into the open. Or something more creative like 'make sure XX% of the station is shrouded in darkness' and so on. I'm sure there's many possibilities here. 3. Play up the 'thralls are just used by their masters' angle Slings already have a power that sacrifices their thralls for things, but they are rarely, if ever, used. So my idea here would be to make slings more parasitic towards their thralls, to make being a thrall less desirable. Maybe have the heads of all thralls explode when a shadowling ascends, gotta use all that psyonic energy. This would probably require some reworking of the sling powers for more big, flashy effects with a cost in thrall lives or health. Like maybe teleport to any thrall's location, but it gibs the thrall as you as a living shadow burst out of his chest. Things like that.
    1 point
  3. Zeke...what is your opinion on me
    1 point
  4. The game is based on SS13, it isn't as complex but brings more features to the table: E.G parasites that kill your body and then have an NPC take control of it, infecting everyone else, huge freaky ass fish demons that would absolutely demolish your ship, and a variety of medicines that don't seem like they do shit. It's free and in beta I think, isn't that cost effective on your computer. EDIT: it's not in polish only, that may be a polish only server however
    1 point
  5. Updated OP with new artwork - Asrair & Rsik, chillin out.
    1 point
  6. When I initially looked at this I was thinking "Oh neat, it'll be cool to see Jonah as a chick and Zeke as a dude" and then I realized the failure in my thoughts... I GET SO CONFUSED BY HIM!
    1 point
  7. Field Report A-2: The NSS Discovery Incident The NanoTrasen Science Station Discovery remains as one of the company's darkest and most well-hidden mysteries, one that remains secured behind Authorization Level Epsilon to this day; I myself was only authorized to peruse through existing logs due to the nature of my investigation, and even then was forbidden from directly quoting any part of them, being forced to utilize indirect references and "close-enough" paraphrasing. With construction beginning in 2401 and ending in 2432, the NSS Discovery was the first in a new series of research station design iterations that would eventually culminate in the Cyberiad-Pattern Research Station design. The Discovery was set to become the very first NanoTrasen-owned installation dedicated entirely to Xenobiological studies. To that end, it was equipped with multiple decks of reinforced containment cells, several high-tech Hydroponics units and approximately three times more weaponry and riot control gear than most other research installations extant at the time of its inaugural shift. Its final location was chosen to be the Tau-56 system, located in the far reaches of the Tau Fringe, next to a star cluster notable for its high incidence of Earth-like planets inhabited by unique fauna and flora. It operated from 2432 to 2498, after which it was officially declared "Missing Under Suspicious Circumstances". The loss was designed as "Category C", ostensibly standing for "Catastrophic", considering the amount of resources and personnel invested into the facility. While officially NanoTrasen has never provided a reason for the Discovery's disappearance, the "unofficially accepted" explanation is that it was destroyed via unauthorized activation of the on-board Nuclear Failsafe Device, ostensibly installed in order to prevent hostile takeover by the part of any hostile entities, sentient or not. However, the few records that do exist in regards to the Discovery do not support this hypothesis, as no radiation bursts were detected from its last known location, and no debris belonging to the station was ever found. For all intents and purposes, the station disappeared, and was not simply destroyed. However, the last two shifts recorded as having taken place aboard the NSS Discovery shed a light on the most likely reason for the facility's vanishing: a successful Ascendance Event. Approximately sixteen hours before all communication with the Discovery ceases, the second-to-last ever shift begins with no incident. Research into captured Xenos specimens continues as programmed, with only a few minor scuffles reported by on-site Security staff, ostensibly over a "rigged" arcade machine that on-site Engineering staff had installed in the cantina. However, approximately eleven hours before communications cease, just beyond the halfway point of the shift, several abnormalities in the station's power grid are reported, with several departments issuing formal complaints with the on-site Chief Engineer, one James Blasky, over the constant brownouts experienced by the crew. No abnormalities with the Singularity Engine are reported, and Engineering officially explains the power grid failures as being the result of faulty wiring. Despite extensive repairs over the course of the rest of the shift, powergrid issues persist without being resolved, and Chief Engineer Blasky officially faxes the NAS Karakorum (attendant administrative center to the NSS Discovery) requesting the following shift be equipped for more in-depth repairs of the grid, including potential SMES unit replacements. The rest of the shift proceeds without other incidents. However, at the beginning of the following (and final) shift, the NAS Karakorum issues a notification to the NSS Discovery, warning on-site captain, Melinda Bernstein, that a crewmember from the previous shift, one John Berkeley, never reported at the end of their work period, and that a full search of the station was mandatory in order to ascertain their whereabouts. Captain Bernstein indeed orders on-site Security staff to search the station for Mr. Berkeley, to no avail. Powergrid issues persist, and in fact worsen throughout the first half of the shift, until an odd report on the part of the on-site Cook has Security staff investigate the walk-in freezer, where they find multiple slabs of meat missing, along with one of the back doors being hacked open. Security is unable to follow any trail, but comms chatter logs indicates that Security staff suspected it was the work of the missing crewmember. Approximately three hours before communications cease, all lights within the Medical Department simultaneously fail, plunging the area into darkness for approximately ten minutes before Engineering staff respond with enough replacements. All contact with medical personnel ceases past this point, and Medbay goes into lockdown. On-site Security staff respond by issuing an arrest order for the on-site Chief Medical Officer, one Andrew Adams, and issuing Riot Control gear to multiple officers. Approximately two hours before communications cease, the NSS Discovery's powergrid shuts down, plunging the station into complete darkness. On-site Engineering staff do not respond to this, claiming they were evacuating and citing multiple encounters with hostile entities in the maintenance tunnels around Medbay and within the department proper. Command-level comms chatter is rather confusing, and it seems that the administrative staff was never quite aware of what was happening, believing the situation to be some sort of mutiny, up until approximately one hour before communications cease, when Captain Bernstein issues a request for an Emergency Response Team, citing an infestation by unknown lifeforms that had, to their best of their knowledge, consumed most of the Medical and Engineering staff. The NAS Karakorum scrambles ERT Gallia-15, a Red-Level Emergency Response Team composed mostly of close combat specialists and accompanied by three medics. Upon boarding the NSS Discovery, approximately 15 minutes before communications cease, Gallia-15 reports that all on-site comms chatter has died down, and that none of the facility's electronics appeared to be functional, the team being forced to use emergency crowbars to force open depowered airlocks in order to progress. Gallia-15 reaches the Discovery's Bridge, only to find it empty, and the Captain's office ransacked. Gallia-15 reports this to the NAS Karakorum, presumably the reason why an unauthorized nuclear activation is believed to have been the cause for the disaster, the on-site Authentication Disk being missing. At this point, approximately 5 minutes before all communications cease, Gallia-15 reports a loud scream that seemed to be audible throughout the entire station. Following this message, Bluespace distortions severely compromise communications with Gallia-15, with the last few words audible in the logged recordings speaking of red eyes, Bluespace teleportation and large mobs of brainwashed crewmembers. Eventually, all communications with Gallia-15 cease, and no further messages are received from the NSS Discovery from that point forward. With no further information to work with, the NAS Karakorum authorizes activating ERT Mercury-3, a Gamma-Level Emergency Response Team. Mercury-3 would deploy to the last known location of the Discovery, only to find all traces of it had disappeared. Despite searching the Tau-56 system and surrounding star cluster, no signs of the station, or debris belonging to it, were ever found, and NanoTrasen officially files the "Missing Under Suspicious Circumstances" notice 3 standard days later, followed by classifying all information pertaining to it as Authorization Level Epsilon, despite the lack of any hard evidence concerning any tangible, known threats. However, NanoTrasen's actions betray an already budding interest in the Xenos Umbra threat, as the disappearance of the Discovery occurs several years after the company was made aware of the species' existence, and follows many of the patterns exhibited by known and recorded Ascendance Events, such as frequent powergrid issues, lighting system malfunctions and progressive subversion of the crew, in addition to frequent mentions of red eyes and brainwashing, not to forget the massive amounts of Bluespace distortions both reported by Gallia-15 and recorded on long-range scanner arrays. This seems to indicate that early action taken towards these creatures involved an attempted suppressing of information, rather than dissemination and study. To this end, I will need to attempt to identify similar attempts at censoring vital information, and seeing where they may lead me, then attempt to ascertain what caused a shift in attitude towards these creatures, seeing as modern NanoTrasen policy both acknowledges the existence of the creatures, and actively encourages its research divisions to acquire as much information as possible about them. Signed, Quincy D. Huxley END LOG.
    1 point
  8. This happened in a round earlier on today. I was the QM as Rsik, and it was late in the shift. Decided to head to the bar with Rioz (who was a shaft miner) to chill for a bit. Came into the bar to find it mostly empty, so we helped ourselves behind the counter. As we were getting our drinks, Bubbles, the clown, came up to the bar, asking for a glass of banana juice. Rsik being Rsik, who despises clowns, tells him that clowns are barred, and his request is denied, in true quartermaster fashion. The clown shouts, "YOU DENY MY BANANA JUICE!!!" and takes out a pistol loaded with incendiary rounds and proceeds to shoot both me and Rioz with the intent to murder. We ended up getting shot with about 5-7 bullets between us before the clown does a legger into maints, fleeing from security. So yea, don't deny a clown his banana juice... Even though Rsik will every time, despite the risks...
    1 point
  9. Chaplain will be the best job ever if this is implemented. "God spoke to me today and told me to obtain a 50 million credit space pod, we need to spread the gospel to Mauna-b, hallelujah!"
    1 point
  10. Hi all, As some of you may be aware, a few days ago 6 people were banned for metagaming, including two mentors. More bans may follow as we continue to investigate. Needless to say I'm incredibly disappointed, especially with the two mentors we placed our trust in. Not only does this completely violate the letter and spirit of the rules, but is a personal insult to have our trust violated by people who claimed they wanted to help new players by mentoring them. Taking advantage of our trust and their positions to supposedly help the community is incredibly low. This occured on a private discord server, whose owners seem quite upset that someone would reveal that it's being used to metagame. I've seen terms like "metagrudge" and "witchhunt", being thrown around at the people they suspect revealed them, as well as people being put in "quarantine" to avoid further leaks. This is pretty blatent admission to me that they have no issue with said metagaming - just it being revealed. . We will have absolutely no tolerance for that at all, and I personally find it pathetic that they think that those who were "undermining integrity of server" were those who revealed it, not those who metagamed in the first place. The evidence provided to us was concrete, and I have no reason to doubt its authenticity - especially seeing as there have been admissions of guilt from some of the parties. However, if people wish to dispute that they were breaking the rules, they're more than free to appeal. We've acted on the information we are given, but are happy to discuss such things. I'd also like to take this chance to remind you we take allegations like this seriously. If you suspect something like this is going on without proof, please let an admin know - we won't be banning anyone for unfounded allegations, but tipping us off means we can look into it with the many tools we have. As long as you're not clearly using this to attack people you dislike, then it's ok to be wrong here.
    1 point
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