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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2018 in all areas

  1. We've discussed persistent economy many times, and there are some huge issues that are in the way of it ever occurring: 1: If money can give any form of in game advantage, than a persistent economy means that older players get more advantage, making things even harder on new players, in a game that's already hard on them 2: If it can't give any form of in game advantage, it becomes kinda useless and just there for looks 3: In the case of crashes, grief, etc, how people will be reimbursed etc for their money needs to be looked at. If the consequences of grief can now impact people over multiple rounds, it will hugely encourage said grief. Crashes and other bugs are annoying to deal with, but if they had repercussions for people over multiple rounds, it would be huge amounts more work for admins. People already get angry enough about crashes and grief - having long term repercussions would make this 10x worth. 4: Meta - both grudging and friends. If you're able to rob people, then targeting them over multiple shifts etc becomes a lot more of an issue with long term consequences, and friends giving each other money etc becomes an issue - especially because of how annoying that would be to track. 5: Antags. If I'm an antag HoP, can I rob station accounts for myself, and then benefit from that the next round? And a host of other problems involving antags... 6: Self-Antagging - is stealing $10 as a non antag ok? $20? $1,000,000? These are just a few of the things that have come up. All in all, SS13 and Paradise haven't been written in such a way that anything is persistent beyond the library, and to make such a change would be huge amount of work, that would also increase the current workload for admins, and make any future PRs with an impact on the economy incredibly touchy subjects. I'd much prefer if we look at making credits more useful and harder to get, before we look at any form of ability to take them from one round to the next. That would need to be done anyway, so should be done first.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Greetings, reader(s)! I'm Silver. You could call me Ashpaw as well if you'd like, though that would be mixing up IC and OOC a bit. Been interested in SS13 for quite some time, but so far I only seem to have time every once in a while. Though when that 'while' comes around then I manage to pull off several shifts in a weekend. Maybe I'll be able to change that somewhat going forward. Still a rookie by most standards, though I would consider myself a reasonably proficient chemist and a not terrible botanist or scientist. Still trying to learn all the time, still trying to ease into new jobs. Does anything else belong in an introduction? It's been so long since I was last on a forum...I suppose if there is, the viewer(s) can let me know. Good fun, have luck, don't die! - Silver
    2 points
  4. I'm still here, but all is lost.
    2 points
  5. Science is for everyone. Even cluwne can research tech levels.
    2 points
  6. A whole different kind of horror from terror spiders. Also, it should have been 88w88, not OwO
    1 point
  7. Always happy to help ? @Sampaiii
    1 point
  8. Enchancing the station and job goal system would be something. From my viewpoint, I learned the SS13 as game here at Paradise, recently I have been testing some other servers. The thing Paradise has, in comparison to the others, actually is that so-called medium role play. Like, the timespan here is perfect. Not too long shifts for an about-casual gamer to participate from the beginning to the end, nor they are too short, for having room to do some RP. However, the station lacks goals that require work from all hands, goals other than just staying alive with the antag terror and space happening. Such a goal would endorse a bit more RP and co-operation to happen. Sure a problem here is how to implement the completion check for the goals. I would say the new goals would not be job or departement specific, but issued to the station as whole; like it is now. The work needed to complete those goals should just be bit more dynamic, and the most, to require more people working for the goals. How about a goal to build a new part to the station? Or a goal to build a new, tiny station or research vessel? These would require the HoP to hire the greytide as low-cost builders, the engineering to see over the work, cargo to supply materials, medical to save the asses of those cheapworkers, robotics to build like new constructor-variants of the Ripley to speed up the building work significantly, some persons from each department to co-ordinate the new ministation's departments, what kind of they are going to be, and so forth. A building goal would, in the other hand, require the completion check done by an admin, or actually, by some on-board person as part of their IC work, like the captain or the RD. Another one, how about a scientific mission to a gateway world, to acquire certain special items, minerals or lifeforms, which then should be processed by Science somehow?
    1 point
  9. 1 point
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