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  1. Head canon, maybe now canon; Tetra was in a band when she was in her late teens. Because I wanted to draw a tired Jonah, and something that is totally "mood" He's definitely going to drink that whole coffee pot himself.
    2 points
  2. Here's a drawing that I've forgotten to post sooner. Is Zeke too dramatic? Of course he is. Does Tetra look like she just came from some 80s punk/rock band? I think so.
    2 points
  3. Autumn Aggley art by capnKitty <3 Full name: Autumn (Ophelia) Aggley Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Place of birth: Norhtern Earth Height: 160cm Blood Type: B- Hair: Red Eyes: Dark green Physique: Small to average NanoTrasen relation: Very Loyal Body markings: Tattoo of a dolphin located on her lower back, a tattoo of a small pink heart on her left side tummy, and a big scar on her left wrist. She also has a few piercings, a ring through her right eyebrow, a ring through her upper left ear and a tongue piercing with a real diamond. General Occupational Role(s): Librarian Scientist - Focus on Xenobiology Research Director NanoTrasen Representative Biography: Born on earth but with a passion for space since young age; Autumn was meant to end up among the stars. She is the only daughter of Dr. Jackson Aggley, a successful Senior Commander Research Director of NanoTrasen, an honorable member of NT with tight bonds to Central Command. Autumn always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps. She has been employed by NanoTrasen since the age of 17, but was vowed into the NanoTrasen cooperation the day she was born. She started out in the medical department but quickly changed path after seeing too many people pass away from her on the surgery table, and focused all her time to become a scientist, just like her father. She fell in love with research, and whenever she is not seen in the library or goofing around with friends, she is doing some solid research - xenobiology is perhaps what she loves to do most when it comes to science. Autumn dislike talking about her mother. Autumn Aggley is a very positive person. She puts friendships above everything and is always open for new people and to create new bonds. She has an outgoing personality but can come across as a bit bitchy if you don't know her, but she usually means well! Her attitude also sometimes make her come across as naive or self centric - this due to have always been the popular girl in most context throughout her life. Autumn is quite jealous, possesive and sometimes obsessive. Autumn is the type of person who can hang out in the bar or the library a whole shift just for the sake of conversation and gossip. She is very curious about other people, nosy, is probably a better word. Some people has described her as a devil in disguise. She's terrible at combat and dislike guns and violence greatly. She only ever use a gun if there is an immediate danger or threat to someone she love. Autumn has a PhD in literature and is very proud of her literature achievements. Shes a member of a CC qualified book club where she takes part in analyzing literature (serious book club, not a cult). Autumn loves books and is known to like literature from old earth authors and she's very passionate about poetry. She also enjoys self-care books, and has huge respect for books on the topics of love and philosophy. If you've lost Autumn and you don't get a reply, go to the library - where she often gets lost in words! Autumn is a self-claimed relationship expert and love expert and is more than happy to advice people about it. A few of her friends are Plash, Desmond, Aleister, Lus, Hector, Ordosian, Coline, David F, Alicia, Guthen, Shesi, Kitty, Toby.. among others. She also has a strong (confusing) bond with Mommy, the AI. Autumn is currently dating Aleister Burnwood, theyre so cute like oh my god. art by capnkitty art by GutTC
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. So a definitly not gay skrell got saved by smokestack No. 1 Paradise i guess
    1 point
  6. This is where the art actually ends.
    1 point
  7. A pair of illustrations.
    1 point
  8. Maybe the drinking should stop...
    1 point
  9. I don't really know why a station owned by a single corporation would do this, its a bunch of extra work for the transfer of something that does not have value. So I spent some time trying to think of a multiplayer RPG that did not have an economy. I thought the Boulders Gate/Icewind Dale series from late 90s, but they had market places. TG is massively popular and we are talking about a port of their system. Considering every multiplayer RPG I can think of has a persistent economy, and TG has a persistent economy. I just don't see this as an issue.
    1 point
  10. This has been totally dead for a while and I'm way behind. *awkward laugh*
    1 point
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