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  1. When you are pulling someone you should be moving at the speed of a walker. Pulling people can be pretty heavy. Roller beds can be used to pull people quickly.
    1 point
  2. In my case, Navera had to get cybernetic ones. Apparantly they gave him a very light voice, because every time he speaks over the radio, people reply with "Yes Ma`am"
    1 point
  3. So my statement is correct. Security equals lung cancer.
    1 point
  4. I always like to point out, I've been using Tetra in any game with a character creator since 2001, she didn't start smoking till she worked security on the NSS Cyberaid.
    1 point
  5. Secure the disk in your pocket then robust those nukies and make them regret invading your station. Abusing the laggy game engine is for chumps.
    1 point
  6. And i was killed by nukie in the same way when like a smartass i am i was holding potassium water nade
    1 point
  7. Nothing says security like lung cancer
    1 point
  8. Shadowlings are, I think, one of the less popular gamemodes. Often, it feels rather hopeless and as if the slings are almost guaranteed to win (at least to me). Here are my thoughts on the shadowling gamemode: 1. It is too snowbally Each thrall you capture not only deprives the station of a crew member but also gives you one more. Now, this isn't unique, cult can convert as well. But the thing with cult is that deconversion is a lot easier, as you just forcefeed someone some holy water while a shadowling thrall requires surgery and gives the slings ample time to burst into the OP and get you back, on top of also taking the doctor. On top of that, being able to thrall mindshielded personnel, especially sec officers, makes this entire factor a lot worse, as slings then use the newly turned officer to then 'arrest' and convert people. It isn't rare for slings to turn most or all of sec to their side, at which point the station is basically completely fucked. And there's never enough time for an ERT to be called, arrive and save the day, which brings me to issue two: 2. There is no proper progression towards a goal Here is how a group gamemode should play out, IMO: Gather resources and manpower -> accomplish objective-> (get rewarded for success -> accomplish additional objective) -> win The issue with Shadowling is that gathering resources, aka getting converts, is also your actual objective. You can just lurk in maint forever, picking off people that wander and suddenly win out of nowhere. The crew gets, if you do it right, almost no warning or indication of how far you've progressed or even that you've done anything. You could in theory do a full stealth win. No other antag type has such a lack of progression. Cult converts, then has to go in and grab the warden or a sec officer for a ritual, then has to take over one of very few specific locations for the summoning ritual, giving everyone a last chance to stop them. Individual antags often have to murder a specific person or steal a specific object, which forces them to go out and be proactive. Even nuke-ops have to get the disk and then set up the nuke. Shadowlings just lurk in maint, grab assistants that come by, then grab occasional sec officers that come by, then they win. They don't need to steal anything or gather any equipment. 3. People let themselves be converted far too easily. It is still not rare for people to run into maint on sling rounds, looking to be converted. While this is something admins can act against via liberal application of bwoinks, we could also stand to make sling thrall less attractive in other ways to discourage it. And here are my thoughts on how to improve the mode: 1. Buff mindshields or make deconversion easier Probably the more controversial proposal. But I don't quite get why cult can't cult through a mindshield and shadowlings just need some additional time to do it. IMO, mindshields should block conversion like they do for cult. Getting a sec officer is still a good catch because you now have all his equipment and access. I'm not quite sure how to make the dethralling easier, but am open to suggestions. 2. Give Shadowlings additional objectives in order to ascend Gathering thralls and then you win feels just too easy. It gives the crew not enough time to respond and very few warning signs. For all you know the ascension could be happening any minute now, even if there's actually just 2 thralls left. Giving slings objectives they have to do before ascension would give a good landmark of how far they've come, give the crew something to rally around, etc. As for specific objectives, I had several ideas: Thralling or killing a certain person, like the captain, could work, encouraging a direct assault on bridge and forcing the slings into the open. Or something more creative like 'make sure XX% of the station is shrouded in darkness' and so on. I'm sure there's many possibilities here. 3. Play up the 'thralls are just used by their masters' angle Slings already have a power that sacrifices their thralls for things, but they are rarely, if ever, used. So my idea here would be to make slings more parasitic towards their thralls, to make being a thrall less desirable. Maybe have the heads of all thralls explode when a shadowling ascends, gotta use all that psyonic energy. This would probably require some reworking of the sling powers for more big, flashy effects with a cost in thrall lives or health. Like maybe teleport to any thrall's location, but it gibs the thrall as you as a living shadow burst out of his chest. Things like that.
    1 point
  9. This will most likely be very controversial, but... I think the hulk gene should be removed (or at least disabled so it can't be acquired via number means, such as through genetics). Hulk gene is so overpowered, it resists almost all forms of stuns, and it can be used to break through almost everything (walls, reinforced walls, anything that can be destroyed). Not only that, if it's coupled with any other equipment (hard suits, science garbage meme chems, traitor/antag abilities) it ends up even MORE overpowered. Hulk gene is also notoriously also abused by non-antags at times. Even though the hulk gene makes the user end up having with their DNA very unstable, it's still very strong.
    1 point
  10. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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