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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2018 in all areas

    1 point
  2. The second one got me, just... i`ve done it before with two voxxes, i`ve never been skreed at so much.
    1 point
  3. I would agree that it's less fun to be an emagged drone now than it was before. However, the goal is to increase how much fun everyone has. This is similar to the self-antagging and antag-hunting rules. They make the game less fun for some people, but they are necessary to keep the game fun for everyone. We're getting into subjective things here, but I've always felt emagged drones were incredibly unfun to deal with, and that's a sentiment I've seen agreed with by a lot of people. Obviously this is opinion, and if you disagree that's valid, but my impression of it is that we're all better off now not having to deal with them.
    1 point
  4. I once had an security officer as my personal bodyguard because of a fake CC fax I made. When going to the bar he didn't let me drink or smoke since Jessica is 17. This both made my round and my day.
    1 point
  5. Got a new one.... So doing my usual maint looting run. It's 30s into the shift and I'm not expecting much, actually I'm just trying to find some damn tools. See an electrical locker that by rights should be empty by now. "Huh, a used storage implant..." I say to myself as I search through the untouched T-RAY scanners and other assorted junk. I grab it an immediately head to sec to turn it in. Get to the brig, HoS is right there infront of me. I drop it at his feet and say where I found it in maint. He thanks me and tells a fellow officer to fetch the detective, good deed done for the shift. I leave the brig and meet up with my friends we chat and catch up until 10 minutes later the HoS complete with an entourage of 3 other officers show up. "Miss, you're under arrest for possession of contraband and being an EoC" the HoS says.... A YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I get cuffed, dragged to brig like I'm public enemy No. 1 and sat in processing for another 5 minutes. The officer and HoS wander off, leaving Kennard the Detective standing across from wondering why the hell I'm here. As I'm being dragged I call for the IAA and state my case to them in processing. As soon as Kennard realises that I brought the implant to sec and thus it had my prints on it he fetches the officer that put out the arrest (The same one who saw me drop it infront of the HoS) and yells at them for their incompetence. He immediately uncuffs and escorts me out. Apparently towards the back end of that round the HoS threw Kennard under the bus and got him demoted. Why we don't issue job bans for gross incompetence I don't know...
    1 point
  6. It's fairly early in the shift. So far no major threats to contend with. I am the AI. I'm doing my normal scans of high risk areas and my camera view falls upon the Head of Security's office. His locker is open, with his recreated laser gun just sitting there. Now as a crewsimov AI I generally don't care about objects which are traitor objectives, but a lethal weapon is a bit different. It's capable of harming the crew and allowing it to be grossly unsecured would quality, in my mind, as allowing harm though inaction. A lot of AIs would have made a snarky announcement embarrassing the HoS, but this really isn't A.N.G.E.L's style. Besides, an announcement would let everyone know it's still there unsecured, which would be unsafe. So, I simply PDA the Head of Security requesting they secure their locker. About 10 minutes pass and I check on it and the locker is still open, gun still exposed. So, I jump to the HoS to see what he's up to. He's attempting to Brig the clown, only he neglected to take the clown's PDA. The clown slips him on his PDA while they are both in the cell. The HoS gets up, walks off the PDA and proceeds to stuff the clown into the brig cell's locker in response. He then walks back over the PDA, which is still on the ground, slipping himself a second time. Meanwhile, in a rare display of camaraderie with the clown, the mime has gotten involved and is trying to slip security in the sec hall with a bucket of water. A security officer decides the best course of action to subdue the mime is to take an entire box of flash bangs and try to flash bang the mime. He accomplishes only flashbanging himself, resulting in him dropping the box of flashbangs, which the mime promptly picks up and begins using to throw live flashbangs at everyone in the security lobby. So to recap the trainwreck in progress: The HoS's gun is sitting in his office, in an open locker. The HoS is in a cell being slipped repeatedly by the clown's PDA. The Mime is throwing flashbangs in the security lobby. The entire time the Brig Physican is watching this unfold with, what I imagine, is a mixture of horror and amusement as he tries to explain basic brigging procedure to the Head of Security. The mime escapes, allowing Officer Flash Bang and the Head of Security to focus their efforts on the clown, which mostly involve trying to pepper spray him through his mask before giving up and simply allowing him to walk out without serving any brig time. After this, I message the Head of Security again reminding him of his unsecured gun. He obligingly secures his locker. I then reported all of this to the Captain. Now, A.N.G.E.L very, very rarely would do something like this. Rating the performance of command really isn't the AI's job, but I calculated that this security was so inept that not warning the Captain may constitute harm by inaction. It doesn't really matter much as I am ignored anyway. The clown proceeds to annoy the Head of Personnel to the point where the HoP calls for his demotion. Afterward, the clown begins sending death threats to the HoP, and is ordered to be arrested. Since he's threatening to harm crew, I decide to get involved. The clown isn't on suit sensors and have removed their ID, so I check the unknowns. I find a female humanoid unknown, and the clown is a female human. This unknown is running around with a bandoleer and a double barrel shotgun, with no ID, face covered, on red alert. I call for security to arrest him, but they are somewhat slow to respond. I notice he is wandering the halls and once he spots the HoP he begins to follow. I alert the HoP immediately, who runs to the Brig. Security responds, and the person begins to flee. I lock down the corridor, bolting all the doors and dropping firelocks, trapping the suspect in with two security, who eventually manage to subdue him despite the person releasing many smoke bombs. After being arrested it turns out my theory was correct and this person was indeed the clown. Security demands a medal for apprehending the clown, and the captain agrees. I am not given a thank you. Around this time, Central Command calls for the Head of Security's demotion, and he becomes a normal officer. While this is a win, it's balanced out by the one competent security officer on the team cryoing out of sheer disgust and frustration. You would think this would end his tail, but there is more to tell. Former-HoS suddenly orders me to lock down the brig. I jump to him and request he provide a reason why, that's not really something I'm going to do without a good reason, as locking security officers into the Brig is potentially harmful. He states due to Xeno activity. I ask him if he means the Shaft miner in the Xeno costume standing next to him. He apologizes. A few minutes later however, he starts yelling about Xenos again, stating he has a face hugger. He runs into interrogation and orders me to seal it. Interrogation has a a vent in it and it was unwelded, for the record. As you might have guessed, it's a face hugger toy. Well, I'm on crewismov, and his order isn't harmful to crew, so I tell him okay, I'm locking down interrogation, just let me know when you'd like to be let out. He again states he has a face hugger and I let him know he can just take it off his face whenever he would like. Command has started to get wind of this and is naturally freaking out, so I let them know it's a toy. Ex-Hos takes it off his face and orders me to release the lockdown on interrogation. I happily comply. Crewsimov. And then I got subverted and abducted by aliens, but that doesn't really have much to do with security, so it is here the tale ends. Probably one of the most interesting rounds watching security as the AI.
    1 point
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