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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Did a little check. A clown PDA slip is long enough to pull it off if you're reasonably quick. You have about 2 seconds of leeway. Considering you're a mime and pointing a cane up to the clowns head like a gun... You might get away with it by sheer audacity and the fact its not immediately clear you're not just miming. They might figure it out, but at least they can't say you aren't doing a good job as a mime.
    1 point
  2. Possibly combinable with recent execution shot tips. As a traitor mime you can get a cane shotgun. Which fires all shotgun ammunition as if it were fired from a silenced sketchin. It can't fit in your backpack but if you can get a circular saw to shorten it. Giving you a sawn off cane. Loses a bit of its deniability aspect though as it gains a unique description. Just grab a proper shotgun slug for cargo, slip the clown on his own PDA and one click later walk away as if nothing happened.
    1 point
  3. My proposed changes (and overall nerf) to X-ray would be as follows. In short, if you want to see everything, you will see EVERYTHING and only science/medical implants have a hope of countering the draw backs. If everyone in security gets X-ray then they do so at the risk of their own flashbangs hitting them and without their HUDs without implants from robotics. If Vampires are still going to get Xray as a bonus for their true form power, then the meta of harass sec and jaunt away, then smart security gets to pop a flashbang quickly and stun the vamp through walls if they know the little turd is there.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
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