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  1. And now some useful, useless, and wait what, tips The traitor bola stuns and slows the target on hit, while a crafted bola and energy-bola just slow you down on hit. It is very robust. Prowling maints? Wear a hoodie with the hood up. If you get kidnapped and stripped, they'll have to remove the hoodie first to remove the hood to remove your headset(s). Use the extra time to call for help. Headset sprites disappear if you put an item in the alternate ear sprite. An ID in your PDA in your PDA slot will still grant door access, but you'll show as unknown on sechud. The security dispatch uniform looks identical to the blue polo undershirt option + tan pants. No one suspects the pen uplink. Wear it in your ear GAR Mesons act identically to a kitchen knife, perfect for stealthy cultists with whetstones. They also make for budget throwing stars. (very budget) NTSL 1.0 & 2.0 working real funky with voice changers and agent IDs. Have the voice changer active when talking in person, disable it when talking on comms, and whisper so no one sees your talking as your fake ID (Unless you're wearing a hardsuit,). Genetically mute players and the mime don't whisper when cult communing. You can't cult commune when cuffed. However, you can use intercoms, prep a message starting with :i and a cry for teleport from your fellow cultists. Send the message when a foolish officer drags you within tile range of an intercom in the brig. This has gotten me teleported out numerous times safely. When scrubbing off runes, clean the floor, not the rune. Cult whispers can be heard up to two tiles away, unlike one with regular whispering. You can convert the T-Comms sat to a cult base fairly easily. Throwing the beacon into space will get invading sec killed. Each map has a different camera network. Box only has SS13 and AISAT, Delta has SS13, AISAT, Engineering, etc. One for each dept. Sorta irrelevant with multi-cam mode now, but more useful in the past. All space ruins have magical infinite power (but not atmos!). Cult bases in places like the syndicate listening post (not DJ outpost) are great calls. As a nuke-op, to save time on T-Comms, only destroy the processing units, T-Comms will become garbled and useless, plus it'll clog up chat and prevent more people from seeing your combat actions. EMP flashlights have 4 charges, cost 2 TC, and recharge overtime. They instantly kill IPCs, disable borgs, disable headsets & drain baton batteries. They also unlock locked lockers without evidence. For 3 TC, (EMP light & toolbox) you have some nice gloves, a full toolkit, a toolbox that does as much damage as a circular saw, and the same abilities as an EMAG in regards to door-opening and locker theft. An EMP flashlight will also drain all security equipment on someone and completely level the playing field, you just need to get close and personal. Don't use the taser setting on the hybrid taser. Use the disabler beam. Stamina damage is MUCH more effective than stuns, and much more energy-efficient. You can keep someone down indefinitely with repeated disable shots once they're already down with no change for repercussions. Even if they have adrenals they'll stand back up (but only at walk speed) Bio-suits are , in practice, useless in regards to viruses. Please stop wearing them, you just look silly. Bomb-suits make for decent budget armor during nukeops and you need to save your own skin as non-sec. Hot chocolate & a firesuit with helmet make you space proof. All of delta is fully simulated, Box is not. Meaning you can deconstruct all the shuttles (including the nuke-ops shuttle) with the right tools on delta. On Box you cannot. Screwdrivers & surgical drills when targeted at the eyes cause immense damage and blinding (like a flash). But if the person has any sort of eye protection you won't even attack them. Bridge access gets you access to cryo, keep an eye on cryo as a head-of-staff antag for security or scientists going to sleep, they usually have good equipment on them. A white jumpsuit, a random bank ID number, and a science labcoat is usually enough to fool any HOP into giving you a replacement ID. You can tell a lot about a man by what shoes they wear. Fancy sandals (from loadout) change color according to your ID. Spider toxins? Can't make it to medbay? Chug the shit out of duke-purple-tea. It'll offset the toxins til you can get proper treatment or until they flush through your body. Skrell don't actually have a no-breath DNA flag, the check for breathing underwater is an if-statement in the water tiles code. So uh, do with that what you will. Black jumpsuits are fire-retardant. But since unlike TG, we don't have burning/melting of items, this is mostly useless. The bible is just a box with a different skin. Real cultists stick their cult tome into said bible. Plasma windows burn and explode, reinforced ones are fireproof. You can pipe anything and everything with backpressure from the holding tanks and a passive vent. The tanks never stop pumping, even if power is out. (They also like to just break a lot.) As a simple mob, vent crawl and then exit the vent for permanent meson vision. (Bug that no one can figure out) On Delta, if you have the steal 28 moles of plasma objective, you can just fill an extended emergency oxygen tank in the incinerator room. It starts with a plasma canister and has no cameras. Free objective. Alternatively, on other maps, go to medical secondary storage and steal the spare plasmaman internals. No one is going to miss them, and sec likely won't take them from you if you get searched. Don't want to be staff but want to have a cool name color on the discord? Contribute to the codebase, become depressing faded paper yellow. It's a lifestyle. For hijack-atmos techs, grab some spare metal, make a bunch of canisters and using the relabel button in the NanoUI window make them look like regular station air canisters. Fill them with frozen plasma, and replace the backup tanks in maintenance. From there you can open the valves into distro. The CE and sec will scramble to atmos only to find nothing amiss. You can shoot frozen N20 out of flamethrowers. One tap bonebreak threshold for feet and hands is 15 brute. Pickaxe, sus toolbox, circular saw, & surgical drill will all do the trick. Surgical drill has no inhand sprite. Invisible robusting. You can stab anyone with any pen, it'll give the same message as a sleepy pen. Reset expiration date on dead bodies by defibbing them letting them die, and defibbing again. When medical is busy and cloning is busted, you can keep people on the brink until a cryo-cell or sleeper is ready. Officer Pingsky will stun anyone in space if spaced, because the poorly written AI thinks that all of space is the AI-SAT. Simple mob robots are immune to inertia and can move about empty space freely. You can heal the brain by doing organ manipulation on the eyes or mouth with a trauma kit. No need to cut the head open. Is sec onto you? Just find a mirror and change your hair style and color to something outlandish, then back to normal when spotted again. If you have an agent ID and can change jumpsuits, none will usually be the wiser. This works in reverse for undercover sec officers. Teleprods will stun and teleport people 15 tiles away, if you prod yourself you'll move 40 tiles away. The teleprod can only be gotten via admeme magic. Chaplain & cultists have a different prayer color in a-logs so they're easier to spot and respond to. You can remove your secret documents from the secret document folder, and put some other documents in it. It'll look the same, screw over your fellow traitor at the swap. Remove the secret documents from the obvious folder and stick them in a less obvious one. Make a bunch of papers with the same name and put them in said folder. Security is unlikely to remove and check each document for the real one. Let alone check a folder. Rarely, you can get yellow secret documents in a specific space ruin. Vodka & other alcohol works as a budget anesthetic and spaceacillian alternative. No one questions the chemist in maints so long as you say you're fungus hunting. You can macro item specific pickups. The holy baguette, when used near the clown, will make the clown go color blind briefly. Skrell have livers, they just don't work in a gameplay sense. They can go septic and everything. Internal organs have a check in the code for them to not rot/get infected (rotting and infections are the same thing) so long as they are in a freezer type container. However legs and arms don't. So leave the legs and arms on the monkey in the back so they don't go bad. Corazone and epinephrine is usually enough to offset a septic heart causing non-stop heart attacks. Combine with the occasional defib and you can keep someone alive. As a hijack atmos tech, wire a TEG directly into the grid to dust/gib/burn anyone near APCs or doors that are shocked. Be immune with insulateds and or an engineering hardsuit. Roboticists have access to tech storage, but so do atmos techs. Grab insulateds before the robo-nerds do. Take a flash if you're feeling meta. A pAI in your back pocket is both annoying, and useful when being kidnapped by an antag. The only trade off for that protection is having to entertain said pAI. If I'm incorrect on any of these, do correct me, I haven't been on the server in 3 months, so my view is a bit outdated atm.
    1 point
  2. All you casuals with your fancy graphics and your tilesets. This is all a true Gamer™ needs
    1 point
  3. Clearly, Xray vision needs to be more realistic, instead. I propose that Xray vision is stopped by metal walls, but penetrates people, making them invisible when you have the upgrade.
    1 point
  4. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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