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  1. And now some useful, useless, and wait what, tips The traitor bola stuns and slows the target on hit, while a crafted bola and energy-bola just slow you down on hit. It is very robust. Prowling maints? Wear a hoodie with the hood up. If you get kidnapped and stripped, they'll have to remove the hoodie first to remove the hood to remove your headset(s). Use the extra time to call for help. Headset sprites disappear if you put an item in the alternate ear sprite. An ID in your PDA in your PDA slot will still grant door access, but you'll show as unknown on sechud. The security dispatch uniform looks identical to the blue polo undershirt option + tan pants. No one suspects the pen uplink. Wear it in your ear GAR Mesons act identically to a kitchen knife, perfect for stealthy cultists with whetstones. They also make for budget throwing stars. (very budget) NTSL 1.0 & 2.0 working real funky with voice changers and agent IDs. Have the voice changer active when talking in person, disable it when talking on comms, and whisper so no one sees your talking as your fake ID (Unless you're wearing a hardsuit,). Genetically mute players and the mime don't whisper when cult communing. You can't cult commune when cuffed. However, you can use intercoms, prep a message starting with :i and a cry for teleport from your fellow cultists. Send the message when a foolish officer drags you within tile range of an intercom in the brig. This has gotten me teleported out numerous times safely. When scrubbing off runes, clean the floor, not the rune. Cult whispers can be heard up to two tiles away, unlike one with regular whispering. You can convert the T-Comms sat to a cult base fairly easily. Throwing the beacon into space will get invading sec killed. Each map has a different camera network. Box only has SS13 and AISAT, Delta has SS13, AISAT, Engineering, etc. One for each dept. Sorta irrelevant with multi-cam mode now, but more useful in the past. All space ruins have magical infinite power (but not atmos!). Cult bases in places like the syndicate listening post (not DJ outpost) are great calls. As a nuke-op, to save time on T-Comms, only destroy the processing units, T-Comms will become garbled and useless, plus it'll clog up chat and prevent more people from seeing your combat actions. EMP flashlights have 4 charges, cost 2 TC, and recharge overtime. They instantly kill IPCs, disable borgs, disable headsets & drain baton batteries. They also unlock locked lockers without evidence. For 3 TC, (EMP light & toolbox) you have some nice gloves, a full toolkit, a toolbox that does as much damage as a circular saw, and the same abilities as an EMAG in regards to door-opening and locker theft. An EMP flashlight will also drain all security equipment on someone and completely level the playing field, you just need to get close and personal. Don't use the taser setting on the hybrid taser. Use the disabler beam. Stamina damage is MUCH more effective than stuns, and much more energy-efficient. You can keep someone down indefinitely with repeated disable shots once they're already down with no change for repercussions. Even if they have adrenals they'll stand back up (but only at walk speed) Bio-suits are , in practice, useless in regards to viruses. Please stop wearing them, you just look silly. Bomb-suits make for decent budget armor during nukeops and you need to save your own skin as non-sec. Hot chocolate & a firesuit with helmet make you space proof. All of delta is fully simulated, Box is not. Meaning you can deconstruct all the shuttles (including the nuke-ops shuttle) with the right tools on delta. On Box you cannot. Screwdrivers & surgical drills when targeted at the eyes cause immense damage and blinding (like a flash). But if the person has any sort of eye protection you won't even attack them. Bridge access gets you access to cryo, keep an eye on cryo as a head-of-staff antag for security or scientists going to sleep, they usually have good equipment on them. A white jumpsuit, a random bank ID number, and a science labcoat is usually enough to fool any HOP into giving you a replacement ID. You can tell a lot about a man by what shoes they wear. Fancy sandals (from loadout) change color according to your ID. Spider toxins? Can't make it to medbay? Chug the shit out of duke-purple-tea. It'll offset the toxins til you can get proper treatment or until they flush through your body. Skrell don't actually have a no-breath DNA flag, the check for breathing underwater is an if-statement in the water tiles code. So uh, do with that what you will. Black jumpsuits are fire-retardant. But since unlike TG, we don't have burning/melting of items, this is mostly useless. The bible is just a box with a different skin. Real cultists stick their cult tome into said bible. Plasma windows burn and explode, reinforced ones are fireproof. You can pipe anything and everything with backpressure from the holding tanks and a passive vent. The tanks never stop pumping, even if power is out. (They also like to just break a lot.) As a simple mob, vent crawl and then exit the vent for permanent meson vision. (Bug that no one can figure out) On Delta, if you have the steal 28 moles of plasma objective, you can just fill an extended emergency oxygen tank in the incinerator room. It starts with a plasma canister and has no cameras. Free objective. Alternatively, on other maps, go to medical secondary storage and steal the spare plasmaman internals. No one is going to miss them, and sec likely won't take them from you if you get searched. Don't want to be staff but want to have a cool name color on the discord? Contribute to the codebase, become depressing faded paper yellow. It's a lifestyle. For hijack-atmos techs, grab some spare metal, make a bunch of canisters and using the relabel button in the NanoUI window make them look like regular station air canisters. Fill them with frozen plasma, and replace the backup tanks in maintenance. From there you can open the valves into distro. The CE and sec will scramble to atmos only to find nothing amiss. You can shoot frozen N20 out of flamethrowers. One tap bonebreak threshold for feet and hands is 15 brute. Pickaxe, sus toolbox, circular saw, & surgical drill will all do the trick. Surgical drill has no inhand sprite. Invisible robusting. You can stab anyone with any pen, it'll give the same message as a sleepy pen. Reset expiration date on dead bodies by defibbing them letting them die, and defibbing again. When medical is busy and cloning is busted, you can keep people on the brink until a cryo-cell or sleeper is ready. Officer Pingsky will stun anyone in space if spaced, because the poorly written AI thinks that all of space is the AI-SAT. Simple mob robots are immune to inertia and can move about empty space freely. You can heal the brain by doing organ manipulation on the eyes or mouth with a trauma kit. No need to cut the head open. Is sec onto you? Just find a mirror and change your hair style and color to something outlandish, then back to normal when spotted again. If you have an agent ID and can change jumpsuits, none will usually be the wiser. This works in reverse for undercover sec officers. Teleprods will stun and teleport people 15 tiles away, if you prod yourself you'll move 40 tiles away. The teleprod can only be gotten via admeme magic. Chaplain & cultists have a different prayer color in a-logs so they're easier to spot and respond to. You can remove your secret documents from the secret document folder, and put some other documents in it. It'll look the same, screw over your fellow traitor at the swap. Remove the secret documents from the obvious folder and stick them in a less obvious one. Make a bunch of papers with the same name and put them in said folder. Security is unlikely to remove and check each document for the real one. Let alone check a folder. Rarely, you can get yellow secret documents in a specific space ruin. Vodka & other alcohol works as a budget anesthetic and spaceacillian alternative. No one questions the chemist in maints so long as you say you're fungus hunting. You can macro item specific pickups. The holy baguette, when used near the clown, will make the clown go color blind briefly. Skrell have livers, they just don't work in a gameplay sense. They can go septic and everything. Internal organs have a check in the code for them to not rot/get infected (rotting and infections are the same thing) so long as they are in a freezer type container. However legs and arms don't. So leave the legs and arms on the monkey in the back so they don't go bad. Corazone and epinephrine is usually enough to offset a septic heart causing non-stop heart attacks. Combine with the occasional defib and you can keep someone alive. As a hijack atmos tech, wire a TEG directly into the grid to dust/gib/burn anyone near APCs or doors that are shocked. Be immune with insulateds and or an engineering hardsuit. Roboticists have access to tech storage, but so do atmos techs. Grab insulateds before the robo-nerds do. Take a flash if you're feeling meta. A pAI in your back pocket is both annoying, and useful when being kidnapped by an antag. The only trade off for that protection is having to entertain said pAI. If I'm incorrect on any of these, do correct me, I haven't been on the server in 3 months, so my view is a bit outdated atm.
    2 points
  2. I said the exact same time to the diona, the borg and the skrell. Only the lizard seccie ever asked kindly. I've had my fair share of being a shitcurity, but still, smashing someone with a baton on green is a tad too harsh
    1 point
  3. I just found out you can put a nerf gun in your mouth like you're committing suicide but when you pull the trigger you essentially just EAT the dart, it's gone.
    1 point
  4. a hoodie hood will also protect you from pepperspray/holywater spray, and face huggers as it is a "helmet"
    1 point
  5. Field Report A-4: The NSS Ragnarok, "Shade in the Sun" & the "Jack Lean Incident" The NSS Ragnarok is one of the oldest, still operating installations in NanoTrasen's roster, its inaugural shift occurring in 2298, and the facility itself undergoing extensive structural modifications, architectural redesigns, and even a full conversion to a Plasmaman-only atmosphere for the sake of a three year-long societal study, which ended in the deaths of 76 individuals and the still-active Hanson Edict, which forbids hiring any Plasmaman individuals for work aboard stations with a Security Clearance Level of Delta or above. Nonetheless, the Ragnarok remains as one of the crown jewels of the company's research stations, and continues to produce extremely valuable research data pertaining to Bluespace, theoretical mega engineering and experimental bio-augmentation technology (notably, the first instance of the "Hulk" gene being spliced into a sentient humanoid occurred on the Ragnarok... with disastrous results). It is, therefore, not surprising that Inquiry Team B-9, codenamed "Shade in the Sun", was based on the station, seeing as it was one of the few locations capable of producing Bluespace Interdiction Alloy. This Alloy's name is somewhat misleading, as it isn't, in itself, an alloy of multiple metals; instead, it is simply lead that is, and I'm reading off a company primer here, "infused with raw Bluespace energy via a proprietary, revolutionary smelting technique". What this actually means is entirely unknown, as the secret "recipe" behind the creation of BIA is known only to select few individuals within NanoTrasen's company structure and, to the best of our knowledge, no other entity has successfully reverse-engineered the process via material analysis. However, what is known is that every facility that produces BIA is also heavily involved in the study of Bluespace itself, which might indicate that the lead metals are, in fact, subjected to Bluespace "energies", whatever that might mean. Regardless, the end result is the same: a type of "metal" that can be used to stop the movement of creatures and sentients that utilize Bluespace shortcuts to travel long distances in Realspace. It is unknown to me how this process works, but it appears it can only serve as a cage in actual practice; a Bluespace-connected creature can easily move around it, but cannot leave its interior. This is the standard containment protocol for Xenos Sanguis ("Vampires"), Xenos Umbra and captured SWF personnel. The Ragnarok itself currently counts seventeen holding pens with as many Mark VIII BIA Containment Box units, twelve of them containing Xenos Sanguis specimens, and the remaining five holding Xenos Umbra specimens. It is here that NanoTrasen currently sends all known captured specimens of the latter species, with existing individuals in containment being terminated via an in-built mechanism that produces a bright flash of light, approximately 300,000 Lux in intensity, for a duration of ten seconds; this is enough to not only kill the specimen, but reduce the body to a harmless pile of ash with minimal distortion fields around it. Despite this, the facility has produced very little information regarding the creatures, as, unlike Xenos Sanguis specimens, Xenos Umbra individuals consistently display a complete refusal to cooperate (or, in fact, communicate at all in some cases), as well as a pronounced security risk due to the complicated methods required to keep them contained for experimentation (compare and contrast Xenos Sanguis specimens, who only require a sip of blessed water to be rendered mostly harmless). On multiple occasions, captured specimens simply refused to move or communicate for long periods of time, only to escape the moment a breach occurred in the Containment Box, regardless of how minor it was, suggesting not only a propensity for "playing the long game", but also a well-developed ability to serve as ambush predators, being capable of lying in wait for long periods of time before exploiting the flimsiest of opportunities to strike. This might offer some clues as to how infection occurs to begin with. Nonetheless, Inquiry Team B-9 "Shade in the Sun" began operating off the NSS Ragnarok shortly after the end of the New Langdon Infestation Event. Initially composed of only three Bluespace Xenobiology experts, the team quickly grew to acquire several more key company individuals, including the esteemed Dr. James Woolworth, Dr. Ruth Lancaster, and the ever-controversial SWF Liaison Kingsley Grizwold (whose presence was requested at the insistence of then-CEO Timothy Heeren, due to the SWF's deep involvement with Bluespace and their still-not-well-understood eagerness to cooperate with NanoTrasen in containing the Xenos Umbra threat). B-9's assigned task was to acquire as much information as possible about their subject matter: biology, behavioral habits, Bluespace-related abilities, sentient subversion process and, of course, methods to combat the creatures in practice that could be distributed and disseminated via Standard Security Training Programs (SSTPs), which had, up until that point, been lacking in terms of how to fight these creatures in the case of any surprise infestation. While the existence and expansion of "Shade in the Sun" marked the beginning of a shift in company attitude towards these creatures, the team's initial activities were still classified under Authorization Level Epsilon+, and even today I was not given access to them, even for the purposes of this field study. The only available records, themselves still classified under Authorization Level Delta, are those produced after Work Shift 462.87.4 in 2500, heretofore referred to as the "Jack Lean Incident", the incident itself classified under Authorization Level Epsilon, and having taken me several days to obtain clearance on. This odd name was assigned by then-on-site Chief of Security Jack D. Lean, who was awarded the NanoTrasen Medal for Distinguished Conduct and "Robust Security" Award, then offered the Captaincy of the Ragnarok for his role in saving the facility during what can only be described as a state of siege that erupted during the course of that shift, and lasted for an almost unbelievable seventeen days, involving five different Red-Level Emergency Response Teams, three different Gamma-Level Emergency Response Teams, and required the hitherto unheard of activation of Asset Protection Squad "Black Rose", the existence of which forced NanoTrasen to publicly disclose the existence of what were later decried by SolGov as "company deathsquads". The "Jack Lean Incident" itself was so immense in its scope that NanoTrasen feared it would leak out and potentially end up in headlines across the galaxy; it placed the company in an almost impossible position: either publicly admit that they were aware of the existence of Xenos Umbra specimens in a PR-friendly way and hope the backlash was manageable, or continue with information suppression and not only risk having it be leaked anyway, but also risk a repetition of the event at other locations. In missives exchanged between the surviving members of B-9 and then-CEO Daniel B. Simmons, the former advised the latter that full disclosure was preferable, as it would help prevent further disasters in the future. Simmons acquiesced, and NanoTrasen made the now-famous "Stanton Declaration" at the Galactic Forum (so named due to the choice of Forum Representative being John Stanton, a man famous for consistently being the company's bearer of bad news for the entire length of his career). The "Jack Lean Incident" involved not only the aforementioned facility and ERTs, but also direct fire support from the NDV Kraków Heavy Cruiser, the NDV Sinister and NDV Tomahawk Support Cruisers and legendary NDV "Hammer of God" Superheavy Battleship, logistics support from the NRV Phobos Transport Barge, medical support from the NRV Humilitas Hospital Ship , as well as several dozen smaller vessels providing food, medication and ammunition from the nearby NCS Providence, NSS Odin, NMB Stellar and NXS Amazon (whose particular brand of Bluespace-infused mutant tomatoes were noted as "supremely useful" by CoS Jack Lean). Due to the survival of the station, and the fastidious nature of the on-site Security Staff's record keeping, there is a surprising wealth of information on the full timeline. Work Shift 462.87.4 begins without any complications or staff complaints; simultaneously, Inquiry Team B-9 begin organizing their next General Meeting, whereby members of the team would exchange all information gathered since the last one (which, at this point, was non-existent, as it had been for several of the last cycles). One of the members, Dr. Curtis P. Pendleton, is noted as having arrived late and in a state of noticeable sleep deprivation, which they explained as being the result of a poor reaction to "shitty cantina burritos", which had resulted in prolonged bouts of vomiting and extreme gastrointestinal discomfort. Dr. Pendleton is advised to return to his assigned living quarters and seek medical attention, but refuses, stating they had already contacted on-site medical personnel and acquired some stimulants which would help them function properly until the shift was over. B-9 is reported as being highly suspicious of this, considering the shift had barely begun, and another one of its members, one Dr. Cassandra L. Wellington, suggests calling on-site Security forces due to suspicions of drug usage. Dr. Pendleton becomes agitated at this point, and requests Security staff not be called; this leads to a minor scuffle when Dr. Wellington attempts to activate the intercom, ending in them being knocked unconscious, three other individuals present being severely injured, and Dr. Pendleton running into the nearest maintenance tunnel. Due to the nature of B-9's studies, Chief of Security Jack Lean is immediately contacted. Code Red is declared approximately five minutes later, and CoS Lean convinces on-site Captain Horatio Smith to broadcast an alert to the station that "hostile xeno organisms" were on the loose. All maintenance tunnels are locked and bolted down, staff are ordered to remain within their departments and the on-site Armory is unlocked, its contents distributed to on-site Security staff. Immediately afterwards, the NAS Peabody (attendant administrative station to the Ragnarok) is alerted, and an Emergency Response Team is requested. CoS Lean leverages contacts in company structure to authorize the activation of ERT Hispania-9, a Red-Level Emergency Response Team specialized in combating Xenos Mutatio specimens (so chosen due to the very real threat of deadly melee combat). Hispania-9 arrives on station ten minutes later. Despite the extremely heavy-handed and lightning-fast response, as well as the genuinely astounding organizational and leadership skills displayed by Captain Smith and CoS Lean, Dr. Pendleton is never found before he "hatches" into a Xenos Umbra specimen. Unlike all other examples of infestations, the new specimen, heretofore referred to as U-P, was heavily talkative over the radio, condemning NanoTrasen's actions and promising anyone who would join them a "glorious rebirth" in "the Father's embrace". Despite the best efforts of the facility's AI Unit, the location of the radio signal is never positively triangulated for suppression, and, fearing what a telecommunications lockdown would do to Security staff cohesion, CoS Lean allows communications to remain active. This results in several incidents of personnel attempting, and often succeeding, in breaking into the maintenance tunnels, only to be immediately captured and subverted by U-P. What followed for the remainder of the standard shift's duration was what was described as a "game of cat and mouse" by on-site Warden Ruum-Voo Tuuurl, whereby Security staff, in coordination with Hispania-9, would organize a raid of the maintenance tunnels, apprehend several thralls, lead them to on-site medical personnel, remove their frontal lobe tumors, and then be saddled with further personnel who were either captured by U-P or deliberately sought it out. At the end of the standard work shift, Captain Smith and CoS Lean message the NAS Peabody and request a transfer shuttle not be sent until the on-site threat had been properly handled. The situation on the Ragnarok deteriorates over the next several hours, as attrition begins to take its toll on on-site Security forces and other personnel. The number of thralls begins to steadily increase as the facility's ability to respond to U-P begins to wear down and fail; eventually, Security staff transport the remaining contents of the on-site Armory to the Engineering Bay, setting up a field hospital and using the department's proximity to the Ragnarok's Medbay to quickly transport captured thralls for surgery. Despite still retaining the ability to strike out from these two departments for a few hours afterwards, non-thralled staff are eventually reduced to erecting improvised barricades and barriers, and fending off repeated assaults from thralled personnel; this included the usage of several high-powered floodlight units, and a complete barricading of the maintenance tunnels that linked Engineering to Medbay, which were a focal point for U-P's direct assaults, and served as the "field headquarters" for CoS Lean for the duration of his namesake event. Due to the dwindling number of active, loyal staff members, CoS Lean orders that all captured thralls be given a Mindshield Implant after surgery, in a desperate bid to stymie further subversion; records indicate that application of the implant, while useless at halting the thralling process itself, provided individuals with the ability to resist U-P's calls over the radio. Eventually, after 24 hours of active siege, CoS Lean and Captain Smith, together with Hispania-9, storm the Bridge, capture three thralls and severely injure U-P; however, the main purpose of the raid had been to reestablish communications with the NAS Peabody. Immediately after this is done, a short briefing is provided, and a request for emergency aid is sent. The NRV Humilitas is sent to tend to the wounded (thanks to its on-board teleportation suite), escorted by the NDV Sinister and NDV Tomahawk. Concurrently, Emergency Response Teams Scythia-1 and Britannia-15, two Red-Level ERTs, are activated, quickly followed by two more Red-Level Teams, Aegyptus-11 and Cartago-8, along with Gamma-Level ERTs Zeta-3, Beta-27 and Iota-50. At this moment, CEO Daniel Simmons declares the NSS Ragnarok "Priority Defense Epsilon", indicating it was to be defended at all costs, and only destroyed if all on-site personnel were dead and/or subverted. The siege had begun. Fighting continues aboard the Ragnarok over the course of the next two weeks, with the siege escalating until the remainder of the noted support vessels and associated facilities are involved. Improvised docking bays are constructed out of scaffolding and spare construction materials to allow smaller vessels to bypass the use of the standard docking bays, which had been lost to thralled personnel, and the field hospital constructed in Engineering is eventually expanded to include two relocated Surgical Operating Rooms in order to ensure the safety of valuable medical personnel. Simultaneously, several dozen shipments of Mindshield Implants are issued to the NSS Ragnarok, and CoS Lean issues a command for all dethralled personnel to be issued one after surgery is complete. Slowly, combined on-site and ERT forces begin to push back against U-P and subverted personnel, until the former is once again forced to retreat to the facility's maintenance tunnels, and NanoTrasen-loyal staff regain control of all vital areas of the station. Local command center is shifted to the Ragnarok's Bridge, and continuous communication is established with the NAS Peabody; due to the extended siege and amount of damage caused during it, as well as the extended duration of operations, Asset Protection Squad "Black Rose" is dispatched as an emergency measure. Approximately three hours after activation of "Black Rose", U-P is found, terminated, and its body cremated. The "Jack Lean" incident is unique in its scale, as it showed what even a single Xenos Umbra specimen was capable of; Dr. Pendleton was fully aware of not only the station's layout, but of all information gathered by NanoTrasen in their studies of the creatures, allowing them to act in hitherto unknown ways in order to confuse on-site Security forces, such as subtle brainwashing via radio, use of active siege warfare instead of quiet subversion, and somehow managing to avoid creating any of the electrical and power issues common in just about every other recorded instance of active infestations. This incident also cemented NanoTrasen's belief that Xenos Umbra specimens were parasitic lifeforms; Dr. Pendleton had been a respected NanoTrasen employee for close to thirty years before "Jack Lean", and never exhibited any traits associated with infection until the day of their transformation. Additionally, it conclusively proved that newly born specimens retained information known to their hosts, indicating a semi-symbiotic relationship between the two. It was also a turning point for company policy, not only in regards to information distribution, but also attitude towards the creatures: from that point forward, standing orders would be to fight off any infestation to the last possible moment, rather than eliminating infested locations preemptively before an Ascendance Event took place; which makes "Jack Lean" even more unique, as the Bluespace distortions recorded by long-range scanner arrays were on the level commonly associated with such Ascendance Events, and yet, no such one took place, seeming to indicate that Xenos Umbra specimens can voluntarily prevent such cataclysmic events from taking place; U-P appeared to want to break down the command structure via subverting the entire crew of the Ragnarok, and though Bluespace distortion levels were so high that at times they impeded long-range communication from even reaching the station, no such Ascendance happened, suggesting that, perhaps, the parasitic lifeforms are capable of independent, goal-directed behavior outside the standard observed path. This is extremely worrying, as U-P demonstrates that such specimens may very well eschew their Ascendance for the sake of psychological warfare on a grand scale. On a more positive note, "Jack Lean" also conclusively proved the effectiveness of Mindshield Implants at providing passive resistance to subtle, potentially Bluespace-influenced, brainwashing, though NanoTrasen has yet to develop a model that can resist the creation of the frontal lobe tumor associated with the process of "thralling". Further research is required. Signed, Quincy D. Huxley ENG LOG.
    1 point
  6. Good morning, Scrubs. Doctor Nyla Morgan here. You may have walked into me before, seen me work. You’ll probably know me as the head of security, but to some, I am The Surgeon. Yes, yes.. I know what you’re thinking “How are you so good at what you do?” and yes, you are right, I’ve put a lot of hard work and guts into becoming who I am. But there is nothing keeping you from achieving this level of expertise as well. All it takes is a good teacher. And whaddya know? I’m right here. So, you want a lesson about medical treatment? Glad you’re interested. Many people sign up as medical personnel and can’t tell the difference between a femur and a tumor.. What? You can’t? Oh boy.. Alright, take notes, Scrubs. Lesson Number One: The Medbay You’ve arrived in the NSS Cyberiad’s state of the art medical ward. (Unless you are the brig physician. In this case, skip to Lesson Number Two: Preparation) What makes it state of the art? Two sleepers, both of which are located aft of the entrance. Aft? That’s south. Four Body Scanners, the green thing that lets you see inside the patients. Four Nanomeds, that can vend all kinds of medical equipment. Three Cryo Tubes, two directly next of the sleepers, one in the starboad ward, also housing; The Cloning Lab, which lets you clone people. Also located in the starboard ward are; The CMO Office and the; Genetics Lab, which uses radiation to gain superpowers. Surgery is situationed aft of the sleepers. Virology is located even further south. Home of diseases and sometimes cures. Medical Storage, containing spare medicine and equipment, located between cloning and; Chemistry, starboard of the lobby. Directly opposite of; The Reception, where nobody ever sits. Also housing the paramedic’s garage. Lesson Number Two: Preparation Intimately familiar with your workplace? Good. Cause now, you’ll have to use it. Check your headset. Say “:m Testing” to announce your presence. Or use “:m Hi” instead. Don’t care which. Just make it known that you are there. Kay? First, swing by the medical storage and open the lockers on the right. Each one’s got some nice stuff in it, but we’re only interested in the defibrillator. Grab it. Close the lockers. Don’t want people stealing our stuff, right? Now you want to grab some handy tools. Equip a medical belt Open the locker next to the shelf, put a pill bottle and an Epipen into your belt. On the table, you’ll find Medical Huds. You guessed it: put one on. Now you can see the health of the crew. Green is good. Orange, not so much. Red is bad, Dark Red? Stabilize them. Get out of the storage after locking everything. Toss the defibrillator on the table between the cryotubes. Put one of the blue beakers into each tube. Start up the freezer or they won’t work. Turn the temperature down all the way. Do the same in cloning. Look in your backpack. The internals box contains an epipen. Put that on your belt. The first aid box? Epipen. Belt. Your first aid box also contains a health scanner. Put that in your labcoat, on your labcoat, or into a pocket. Get to one of the NanoMed Vendors and vend a health scanner upgrade and install it. It’ll show you more detailed information now. Later on, fill your pill bottle with some Synthflesh patches, SR and Saline Glucose pills from chemistry, if they made any. What do you have now? A med hud. A medical belt, with a pillbox and 3 epi pens. An upgraded health scanner. Cryo tubes are set up, a defibrillator is on standby. Do not keep it on your person. Brig Physician? Grab a medical headset from the medical storage locker, use a screwdriver, pick up the encryption key and put it into you bowman headset. Test it with :m and throw the used medical headset in the trash. Ask politely if you may take the spare defibrillator in the storage. Surgeon? Open the upper locker in the the Operating Room. Grab the duffel bag and put your surgery tools inside. Equip your gear, put the defibrillator on the table, lock the locker. Behind you, there’s the anesthetics locker. Take a mask and a tank, put them on the table. Lock it. In the OR Storage, you grab a mask out of a box, the cleaner bottle, leave the IV Drip and the Blood Bags for now. Head over to a NanoMed vendor and put one Spaceacillin Syringe in your belt. That’s all. Oh, one thing I should mention: For the love of god, if I see you carrying around the duffel bag with the tools, I will personally kick you ass. Chemist? Open the chemistry wardrobe and use a gas mask to protect yourself from any fumes, grab a chemistry bag as well. Wear your scientist goggles to see all reagents inside a container. Absolutely NEVER mix water with potassium. Set the Chemical Heater to 1000K. Always make Synthflesh Patches, Mitocholide bottles, 1u Strange Reagent Pills, Formaldehyde bottles, Charcoal Pills. Saline Glucose Solution mixed with Iron is great to restore blood. Make some of those pills as well. Lesson Number Three: Treating patients People will slowly trickle into the medbay for now. Their injuries will usually range from minor burns and brute damage to braindamage workplace related injuries. Nothing a Sleeper won’t be able to fix. They have an endless supply of chemicals. Brute is fixed with Styptic Powder. About 2u for 1 point of damage. Burns are healed with Silver Sulfadiazine. Same dosage. Toxins are purged with Charcoal from the Nanomed. 1u heals about 2 points of damage. Oxygen is treated with Salbutamol. The surgeons will be thankful if you use a lot of it. 10 u Epinephrine when patients are critical. Trust me, it saves lives. Injuries that aren’t healing? Robotic limbs. Send ‘em to get tools and patch it up. Give the patient a scan in the green body scanner afterwards. Anything showing up there? Internal Bleeding? Liver damage? Broken bones? Send them down to the surgery rooms, after telling them what the scanner said. Later on, your sleeper may be upgraded by the scientists. You’ll get advanced chemicals that are extremely useful. Pentetic Acid treats Toxins, but causes burn and brute. Good at purging poisons, too. Omnizine will heal all injuries. Do not overdose. Go with ~10u. Mutadone for people that are shaking, mute, give off radiation.. It fixes genetic mishaps. Occuline will treat most eye damage and fixes deafness. Mannitol will fix brain damage. If people are bleeding, often times they can be fixed with Styptic Powder. Give them a scan for Internal Bleeding. Administer a maximum dose of Salbutamol, some Saline Glucose Solution and Iron. Send them to surgery, stat. 90% blood level is ok. 85% is still fine. (Should they be a donor, stop now.) 80% can become troublesome. 75% will start making them pass out. Consider a blood bag. 60% is really bad. Use a blood bag. Lesson Number Four: Oh no! A corpse! Aaah yes. A dead body. Sooner or later, you’ll encounter a deceased crewmember, be it in the lobby, cloning, the morgue, or even in surgery. There’s nothing wrong with that. Do not freak out. Stay calm. What should you do? Just remember D.E.A.D. Defibrillate Epinephrine Analyse and treat Defibrillate Should they not come back to life after D.E.A.D. inject them with formaldehyde to keep their body from rotting. Should push come to shove, you will save the surgeons a lot of trouble this way. Now, here we go. The big one. The one thing many of the new scrubs get wrong. The one chemical that can make you a hero, or the dumbass that gets fired for malpractice. Strange Reagent Consisting of holy water, unstable mutagen and omnizine, a 1u pill of this stuff will revive a dead person. Granted, their soul still wishes to reside in their body (If their player wants to play.) Fix them up. Injections and digestion won’t work on a corpse, they cannot metabolise chemicals. Use Synthflesh patches, they will treat burns and brute. Your first aid kit? It’s got two stacks of advanced burn and advanced trauma kits. 6 uses. Apply them locally on the corpse. Usually the head, torso, lower body. Limbs tend to be robotic and won’t work. Use your health scanner again. Are they below 90 combined brute and burn damage? If so, use your Strange Reagent pill on them. They should still have Epinephrine in them from D.E.A.D. so they should be ok for about 30 to 40 seconds. Depending on the cause of death, administer charcoal and salbutamol. Put them into the cryotube, SR gave them Genetic Damage. Give them a body scan. Infections? Spaceacillin. Dead organs or septic limbs? Scream for Mitocholide and A surgeon that knows their stuff. Do not use Strange Reagent unless you fixed them to below 90 combined brute and burn damage. I know what you’re thinking: “But Nyla, it only gibs at 150 combined damage” And yes. Yes, you are absolutely right. BUT: It also takes gene damage into consideration. Which usually clocks in at 50 points. 90 brute/burn total + 50 genetic damage = 140 total. SR is safe. Lesson Number Five: Surgery and You Here’s my personal forte. The field that I shine in. Now, follow my lesson, and you too, will surpass your status as a glorified butcher, and become a surgeon. However, do not take me as an example. I am an extremely experienced surgeon. I rely on speed, more than anything. Do not do this, unless you know what you are doing. If you see me ether a patient, then drag him onto my table without a scanner print, that is bad form. You do not do that. Unless you know you can pull it off, it is malpractice. Here is what you do: Look at the operating computer. It will show you the next step in your surgery. There is no shame in using it for reference. Be confident in your abilities and know your limits. If you know you can perform a surgery, go for it. An IB surgery can be quick and easy. Anesthetics, cut, clamp, fix the vein, cauterize. However, if you are unsure if you can fix a septic limb? Call for help. (There is no need to be ashamed to look at the operating computer and the wiki for refernce.) Have the wiki open. There is no excuse to not do this. Even I sometimes have it open, even though I don't need it. Be prepared. Have anesthetics on your table. Have the surgery back on it. Have a bottle of Mitocholide, a dropper set to 1u and an empty beaker to put it into. The Spaceacillin syringe from Lesson 2? Infections. 5u should suffice. 10u to make sure. 15 if they had septic parts and you want to be on the safe side. Never put anesthetics on Vox or Plasmamen. Use Hydrocodone or Ether. I’d suggest to stay away from morphine. Know your steps. Every surgery starts with the scalpel, hemostat and retractor combination. (Exceptions are plastic surgery and amputation) Do not think more than two steps ahead. Keep your focus. Yes, you will want to use the bonegel and bonesetter to mend the chest… But first you have to get in there and fix the organs. Difficult Surgeries: Alright, your friendly neighbourhood voxy is dragged in. Give them a quick first look. Are they bleeding? Judging by the blood on the floor… I’d say yeah. Are they gasping? Might be from the blood loss. Might be something more severe. Do they have their breather mask on? Can’t see? Ah well.. Are they conscious? Doesn’t look like it. Their health bar is dark red. Stop picking your nose. Epinephrine, stat. Pump them full of salbutamol, they’re bleeding. If you see toxin build up, administer charcoal and try turning on their internals. Use the body scanner. What’s that? Chest is broken and has internal bleeding. Lungs are ruptured. Liver’s dead. Skull is broken. Brain is injured. Left leg is septic. Left arm is broken and has Internal bleeding. Blood level at 45% O- Yes. This happens often. Now’s your time to shine, Scrub. First, you ether them. 20u if you’re quick. You're not, use more. (Dialysis if you’re done too quick) Yell for Mitocholide in your OR (OR1 is left, OR2 is right) Remove the left leg, this is the most vital part for now. Select their left leg Scalpel, amputation, Bonesaw. Put your tools away, you’ll need both hands. Take the dropper, right click it, set transfer amount, 1u. Take 1u of mito, put it into the empty beaker. Grab their leg from the floor, splash the beaker on it. Scalpel, leg, hemostat, Spaceacilling syringe 5u. Their leg is done. Far from over, Scrubs. Remove the liver. Select their lower body. Scalpel, organ manipulation, scalpel, hemostat, retractor, hemostat, select liver. Do the same you did with the leg. Put the liver into their body, use the brute kit, retractor, cautery, the other 10u of spaceacillin. OR Theatre Storage. Quick. Grab the IV Drip. Take an O- bloodbag from the freezer and put it in the drip. Pull it to the vox. Drag the Drip’s sprite onto the Vox’ sprite. Continue surgery. Fix the internal bleeding. If you were quick, the Vox should be at around 30% to 35% blood. The drip should bring that up by 25%. First, go for the lungs. Select their upper body Scalpel, organ manipulation, scalpel, hemostat, retractor, bonesaw, retractor, brute kit, retractor, bone gel, bone setter, bone gel, cautery. Done. Fix the internal bleeding on the chest, yes, it's separate from the lungs. Select their upper body. Scalpel, Internal Bleeding, Scalpel, hemostat, retractor, Fix-O-Vein, cautery. Same with the arm. If you were quick, the vox should be at 50% bloodlevel now. Unplug them from the drip (same as attaching them) Drag the vox to a sleeper. Salbutamol. More Ether. (Styptic if you’ve hurt them. It happens with ether.) Grab another bloodbag. Back to surgery. Click the drip with an empty hand, insert the new bloodbag. Attach the vox. At this point, the vox will slowly stabilise, if you’ve cauterized all the wounds. But you are not done. Fix their brain as you fixed their lung, this will take care of the broken skull as well. Next you fix their broken arm. Take your cleaner bottle, aim behind the surgery table, clean the vox and the floor of blood. Put them in the scanner, see if you’ve missed something. All good? Shake the Vox awake “All good.” Move to the sink, wash your hands, open the door for your patient. “Take care.” You are no longer a Scrub.
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