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  1. Basically someone held from behind in a killgrab should be immune to falling over from stuns (they can't act in this state anyways) or crit, allowing the person to effectively use them to block tasers, disablers, and bullets until the person grabbed has expired or until they've been released. Additionally the person performing the grab should be able to shoot over the person. This lends another layer/option for antagonists who can effectively grab people and use them as bodyshields, threatening people chasing them (if they can pull it off) to back down and retaliating if they don't. It also encourages people not to blindly rush in like idiots when those oh-so-rare hostage situations crop up. It'd be balanced by the fact that getting one of these grabs on someone is actually pretty damn difficult in the first place, and that your mobility is limited while holding a person in this manner (making it really only ideal for maintenance corridors where you can't be flanked from the sides).
    1 point
  2. @Kryson I'm talking about borderline antag behavior as greytide. Any good security player eventually ignores lesser crimes when the snowball of shit they are dealing with gets too big. I'm specifically talking about the players who try to be a noticeable nuisance to sec on code red. The only way the minor stuff is a bother to sec on code red s the flood of PDA messages or callouts on comms for the minor stuff that goes ignored. Just more spam. You also don't see a lot of officers end up in the morgue cuz their bodies are usually destroyed or spaced so they CANT come back. And any time their bodies are recovered they are cloned as a priority so they can get back in the fight, so all you'd get in the morgue is a naked body and probably unidentifiable body since they'll take all their gear from their corpse and they were most likely wrecked by something severe. Antags also frequently outnumber security on high pop rounds. There are mixed Traitor/Vamp/Cling rounds where there are literally 20sih antags. Fully staffed security (including the brig doc, warden, and detective who SHOULDN'T be fighting antags) is a total of 12 members, maybe 16 if you get a lot of borgs. And that's if security is even fully staffed. Security has to deal with that, while typically having the disadvantage gear/ability wise over many of the antags, while also lacking the element of surprise since we stand out like a sore thumb whereas the antags are hidden. Even on low pop there tends to be 5-10 antags where there is only half that many people playing sec, if anyone at all. Add greytide on top of that, it can be awful. You also need to realize that security doesn't know if you are or aren't an antag. YOU know you aren't. They do not. Play a few hundred hours in sec, you'll see what I mean. Again tho, I think we are talking about different types of greytide. If you are just talking about minor thefts n break ins when more important shit is going on, I promise nobody even notices what you are doing except maybe people in your immediate vicinity, so if that what entertains you, have a blast. I personally got bored of that after a few rounds of doing it. If doing that for endless hours keeps you entertained, who am I to judge. Could view me as equally insane for thinking playing security for endless hours is entertaining. Different strokes for different folks.
    1 point
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