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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2018 in all areas

  1. The current minisat is TERRIBLE. I would think that it would be something to actually protect the AI, along with housing it. As it currently stands, EVERYONE goes to the minisat to take on the ai, from the back part of it, making the 8 other turrets completely useless, as well as the rest of the area. I'd suggest making the Minisat more circular or square in shape, with the AI core in the middle, so it actually has some protection.
    2 points
  2. (I've done a lot of coding and spriting for this, but I must defer to those more experienced with the balance of the game to design mechanics) Locked in an eternal civil war, the Yin are one of the most technologically sophisticated powers in the Galaxy, though they rarely involve themselves in the affairs of others. Their organic forms are little more than wriggling masses of nervous tissue with a flagella, but they inhabit a wide variety of synthetic shells, their "bodies" being anything from small combat drones to entire starships. While reluctant to involve outsiders in the War for fear of unpredictable escalation, one faction has seen a temptation too great to pass over: The NSS Cyberiad. Seizing control of the station and its assets would grant them an excellent production facility for their efforts against the others. And no outsider would know which of the myriad factions to retaliate against. Mechanics The Yin start in critter form (outside their shells) on their ship One will then enter the empty control core in the center of the ship, enabling them to control the ship and its machines, and coordinate the invasion effort. The Yin will then use the Shell Fabricators aboard their ship and plan their strategy. Shell Fabricators These print out mechanical shells for the disembodied Yin to pilot (and perhaps items or upgrades). These draw from a point pool (similar to TC stations), which might be static or might be replenishable by loading in more resources. There are two kinds of shells to print: Invaders, a borg-like, heavily armed and armored shell for overt tactics Infiltrators, a humanoid shell for stealthy tactics. Possibly starts with implants, possibly spends points to print additional implants/equipment Yin can eject from their shells at any time, and while in critter form they can ventcrawl. Their organic forms have a bluespace uplink implant that enables them to communicate with each other at any time. Objectives The Yin seek to claim the station as a new production facility for their war effort, seizing control of all it's assets (including the crew). To accomplish this, they must: 1) Install a Bluespace Shield, preventing BSA fire from hitting the station or its vicinity 2) Take control of the station's systems by subverting or replacing the AI 3) Prevent their new slaves from escaping These really need a lot of work. Unique Equipment Not that many yet, and not sure about these. -Morphic Disguise: a programmable disguise for the Infiltrators. Customize your false appearance then slip it on in the mask slot -Armblade/Armgun implant: a weapon for Infiltrators to use. Not overly powerful -Guns: Probably mostly energy based. Considering giving their weapons a plasma focus -Yin Neurotoxin: Causes victim's brain to mutate into a Yin, exploding out of their skull. Probably not as an antag. Won't have the uplink implant (Probably not using this) -Yin Nanoplastic: transforms the victim into a walking meld of flesh and machine, enslaved to the Yin controller.
    1 point
  3. Why not replace the IPC's epipen with a non refillable oil injector? Off topic but I'd also like to see duct tape be able to make temporary repairs to IPCs as well as hobo rig up casts for broken limbs in general.
    1 point
  4. also just to remember i semingly suck at talking english since im a natural Spanish talker hope its no trouble
    1 point
  5. We tried a sleeper agent yesterday, as far as I can tell, they did nothing whatsoever except cost us 40 TC. I'm however still tempted to try a war round where the nukies don't buy anything except sleeper agents, and go in just with their starting shotguns and free suits and jetpacks, about an hour in when absolute chaos has broken out. Because almost 10 sleeper agents, in a shift where everyone gets shotguns and all-access? Yes please.
    1 point
  6. Oooh, that's a great idea! Way to think outside the box whoever suggested this. This would definitely raise the tension and reduce the problem of repetitiveness.
    1 point
  7. if it cost TC, the drawback would be that players are hesitant to spend, as there is no guarantee that who gets picked will be any good, just as when people don't want to pick holopara because it's a roulette roll for competence. edit (imagine spending 200TC to make 20 or more 'sleeper' operatives)
    1 point
  8. You could even let the operatives decide the objective of the activated traitor when they buy the option.
    1 point
  9. I'd almost like to see this. Maybe as a buyable option for the operatives. Activating a sleeper agent with 0-10TC or just a headset key, with an mission given by the operatives to either disrupt the crew in general or have a more complex plan. Ideally they're also given some opportunity to get off station as well. Either getting to the gateway or perhaps being given notice that one pod will launch right before detonation. Making it an every time thing would discourage the security team from trusting anyone which might cut down on crew inclusion. Even having it be a buy in thing would likely cause some issues.
    1 point
  10. Basically someone held from behind in a killgrab should be immune to falling over from stuns (they can't act in this state anyways) or crit, allowing the person to effectively use them to block tasers, disablers, and bullets until the person grabbed has expired or until they've been released. Additionally the person performing the grab should be able to shoot over the person. This lends another layer/option for antagonists who can effectively grab people and use them as bodyshields, threatening people chasing them (if they can pull it off) to back down and retaliating if they don't. It also encourages people not to blindly rush in like idiots when those oh-so-rare hostage situations crop up. It'd be balanced by the fact that getting one of these grabs on someone is actually pretty damn difficult in the first place, and that your mobility is limited while holding a person in this manner (making it really only ideal for maintenance corridors where you can't be flanked from the sides).
    1 point
  11. Issues: 1. Station goals are a neat idea, but with only three different goals, they get pretty boring in practice. Once you've seen one station shield, you've seen them all. 1(a). More complicated station goals aren't easily implemented due to the extensive coding involved. You can't code a way to evaluate "put on a play" without human involvement in the loop. 2. Station goals require the entire station, which leaves you screwed over if/when Botany some other department fails to come through and renders all your hard work pointless. 3. Station goals also only involve a few departments; when the station's job is "haul some satellites into space," the entire Service department can't do much more than Advanced Thumb-Twiddling. Design Goals: 1. I'm looking to make a flexible system which provides a goal which both departments and individual jobs can strive for. 2. I want to avoid consistency: the system should have a lot of different goals, which ideally challenge people's playstyles in some way. 3. The system should reward both departments and individuals in a way which provides some bragging rights, without incentivizing them enough to make them want to game the system. Design: 1. Each department (Security, Cargo, Engineering, Medical, Science, Service) receives a specific goal from a pre-determined list. Similarly to the station goal form, the paper with the departmental goal would appear in the head's office (HoP, HoS, CMO, etc.). The departmental goal is intended to involve the primary job of the department (Engineers, Cargo Techs, etc.), with a goal such as "send back at least 20 empty crates" or "hold a pizza party." Suggestions for goals to complete are definitely appreciated (see below). 2. Individual jobs which are different from the primary department's job in some way (Geneticist, Chemist, Botanist, Mime/Clown, etc.) receive a role-specific goal which they're intended to implement. A Coroner, for instance, could receive a goal like "hold a funeral for at least one deceased individual this shift, complete with a eulogy." 3. Goal completion is evaluated by IA Agents, who can mark a department's or individual's goal as completed (I'd suggest having a particular form to fax to CentComm or something similar, to avoid complicating things). While this system could certainly be gamed, the low reward potential should keep people from gaming it for actual powergame-y reasons. And if someone wants to bribe or coerce an IA Agent into claiming they've done something good...well, that seems like perfectly decent RP, no? 4. Departments would be rewarded with a plaque or some other commendation that goes on a wall (either shipped in or stocked in the IA's office), and a minor greentext at the end under the Station Goal section ("Science Department Goal: 'Create multiple maximum-capacity bombs' - completed!"). Individuals who completed their role-specific task or contributed strongly in some other way would be rewarded with a commendation from their Head of Staff. Each Head of Staff would spawn with their own medal box in their closet, with up to three relevant medals inside (distinguished conduct for the HoP, nobel sciences award for the RD, etc.) Obviously, some medals like the 'medal for exceptional heroism' would still be Captain-only. This: a) allows for many more goals to be implemented, ranging from more conventional goals like "Engineering: repair and re-open the Med-Maint Bar" to off-the-wall stuff like "Service: serve a full-scale feast in the Bar, complete with a reconstruction of an ancient Viking longship" or "Mime/Clown: act out a scene from a Shakespearean play"), b) gives IA Agents more stuff to do and a reason to visit other departments rather than the usual interaction of "You're doing your job? Cool, keep doing that," c) improves IA's interaction with other departments, since now they can provide something good rather than just being the bearer of bad news, and d) Gives both recognition and reward to a particular department for the work they've done. Expected issues: a) People gaming the system for kicks (IA Agent being a shitter, Head of Staff pinning all their medals on themselves, etc.). I see this issue as a largely self-resolving one, since people being shitheads like this should invite enough public condemnation to limit it. b) People simply ignoring their goals. This is also a fairly self-resolving issue, since the goals themselves don't provide any major risk or reward other than a shiny plaque or medal. c) People mocking a weird goal they're given. This could be addressed by making the goal papers themselves fairly humorous ("Hey Atmos Techs, Comms Officer Steve here. So I know it's normally banned for being 'suicidally dangerous' and similar stuff, but here's what: how about you make a special room for plasmamen? I'm sure the Chief Engineer would commend you for that!"). This should hopefully provide the right tone for the goals, without detracting from the fact that they're a new and interesting thing to try on some slow round. Suggestions for departmental goals: General: -Educate new members of the team / provide public education to anyone who wants to learn about your job Medical: -Remove at least ten appendixes / install at least five MedHUD implants -Get half the crew to maximize their suit sensors / ensure the front desk is staffed during the shift Science: -Destroy the Toxins Testing Range with toxins bombs -Build a quantum-pad network connecting the station -Build and install two additional AIs / build a secondary comms array Engineering: -Complete and pressurize the Construction Site (the one east of the Engineering Outpost) -Build a new room in the Assembly Line area (theater, lounge, etc.) -Repair and re-furnish the Old Bar or Medical Maintenance restaurant Cargo: -Send at least twenty crates on the supply shuttle -Ensure that every order submitted has properly stamped paperwork -Provide every Civilian on station with a Station-Bounced Radio Role-Specific Tasks: Chemistry: Provide every other department with healing grenades / provide Engineering with at least five metal-foam grenades Coroner: Ensure all corpses are disposed of via cremation or mass-driver once autopsied Roboticist: Ensure the station has at least one 'borg with every module type before the shift ends / Build at least two Odysseus Mechs Chaplain: Provide a service dedicating the station to your god / hold at least one funeral service for any person or thing, complete with firing them out the mass driver Librarian: Create a role-playing game in the Library / provide books to all other departments Atmos Tech: Destroy at least one dangerous item in the Incinerator / create a vox-specific (or plasmaman-specific) room this shift (etc. etc. etc.) I'd appreciate any other suggestions you have to offer, especially suggestions for additional goals to complete. I'd like a large number of goals to avoid people seeing the same ones too often, so if you can think of anything else, lemme know! If the maintainers are willing to go forward with this suggestion then I'll be happy to provide the fluff for it like the department/job papers, IA's new SOP regarding inspecting and completing goals, assessing and suggesting new goals, and so on.
    1 point
  12. Enchancing the station and job goal system would be something. From my viewpoint, I learned the SS13 as game here at Paradise, recently I have been testing some other servers. The thing Paradise has, in comparison to the others, actually is that so-called medium role play. Like, the timespan here is perfect. Not too long shifts for an about-casual gamer to participate from the beginning to the end, nor they are too short, for having room to do some RP. However, the station lacks goals that require work from all hands, goals other than just staying alive with the antag terror and space happening. Such a goal would endorse a bit more RP and co-operation to happen. Sure a problem here is how to implement the completion check for the goals. I would say the new goals would not be job or departement specific, but issued to the station as whole; like it is now. The work needed to complete those goals should just be bit more dynamic, and the most, to require more people working for the goals. How about a goal to build a new part to the station? Or a goal to build a new, tiny station or research vessel? These would require the HoP to hire the greytide as low-cost builders, the engineering to see over the work, cargo to supply materials, medical to save the asses of those cheapworkers, robotics to build like new constructor-variants of the Ripley to speed up the building work significantly, some persons from each department to co-ordinate the new ministation's departments, what kind of they are going to be, and so forth. A building goal would, in the other hand, require the completion check done by an admin, or actually, by some on-board person as part of their IC work, like the captain or the RD. Another one, how about a scientific mission to a gateway world, to acquire certain special items, minerals or lifeforms, which then should be processed by Science somehow?
    1 point
  13. Just a little space walk.
    1 point
  14. I was originally going to suggest some additions to the maintenance drones to make their work more easier, but I then realized that it would make Drones a bit too powerful in regards of whatever is happening in the round. My suggestion is to make a version of the Maintenance Drone and call it "Construction Drone". Their main goal should be to build and fix up the construction station, for those players who want to just build stuff and keep away from the station. I believe they should be given a device that spits out the normal circuit boards and some other basic items (airlock, APC, APC worthy battery, air alarm, fire alarm) and maybe(?) give them hands, and cyborg blueprints. If there is some fear on these Drones getting off the construction station and get to the main station, they could be coded to make it so that if the Drone leaves the construction site Z-level, they should be destroyed immediately, along with given the basic Drone lawset but on keeping to the construction station.
    1 point
  15. Drones can go to construction site and fix it already
    1 point
  16. Definitely would help give ghosts something to do...
    1 point
  17. Author of fastmos, which is an addition to Linda. Our atmos is a few years behind the other code bases, in both features and performance. The throwing mechanic makes it appear faster, but the reality is, its super expensive to do tile by tile calculations, which means that to make it spread faster, we would have to increase the rate at which it calculates all active tiles. So essentially, short of porting Bay or TGs system, this is about as good as we will be able to get. Considering that byond is single threaded, this is extremely unlikely to change in the future. Its a known limitation of our atmospherics system. Anything short of a port of a more modern system will not change this dynamic. As far as the 24 minute thing goes, before fastmos, our atmospherics system was 4 times slower. So um, that would be 100 minutes.
    1 point
  18. So, today we had community meeting. I asked "Hey, what about station goals?" They answered "We would like to have more" So, if you have an idea for one nice station goal, post it here, let's see if we come out with something creative. Station Goals are supposed to involve whole station.Who plays in engineering knows, that it's mostly engineering, cargo and science. Current Station Goals: 1.DNA Vault. Basicly, you make room for DNA Vault, ask cargo to order crate with board, then you just wait for science to reasearch parts then collect DNAs. BOOM that's it. Once finished every crew member can just come to DNA Vault and obtain one of 2 random powers. 2. Blue Space Artillery Basicly, you make big ass room ((The hardest station goal for engineering)). make machine frames, ask cargo for boards, then insert them. Scream at cargo for bluespace stuff, scream at science for parts. install Once finished, you have one big ass cannon on station 3. Station Shields Basicly, scream at cargo, make one computer, place sats in space, activate them. Once finished, you are "protected" from meteors. That's also not true, some meteors always breach the station. Current station goals do not involve security, medbay and service ((except hydroponics)) at all. As engineer main, I'd love to see more station goals, cuz people don't want to make the same shit over and over again. I propably will come out with something myself but it's 0:44 am, SLEEP
    1 point
  19. Very much this - station goals need to require 0 admin intervention.
    1 point
  20. Problem with RP / non engineering objectives: The problem with non-engineering/science objectives is confirming whether or not they have been completed without admin checking. I.e., it can be automatically checked if they have been completed. This means that RP based objectives or ones which involve no specific construction can't easily be checked. Solution? Have it so command can call in a station inspector (like an ERT) to come and check that it has been completed. They can come on the ERT shuttle, observe whatever has been completed or done, read the reports / pictures and then head back to the ERT base. They can then press a button on a new computer back where they came from at ERT base to confirm objectives complete. This way no admin involvement is required as it can be confirmed/denied in-character and it would give an extra role (or multiple roles) for those who have died to get back into the game. That way we could have silly non-engineering objectives. Some ideas: Possible objectives: (1) Put on a play to raise morale (HoP responsibility) (2) Organise a fun fair for tourists (Clown/Chef/Bar responsibility) (3) Build and populate a biodome (Biology/Engineering responsibility) (4) Establish a successful colony (Everyone's responsibility) (5) Implement a rehabilitation program and successfully rehabilitate three offenders (Security/HoP/Magistrate/HoD responsibility) (6) Hold a full station trial with jury (Security/HoP/Magistrate/Journalist responsibility) (7) Run an apprenticeship program in all departments so each has to hire and train a cadet in a new role (Everyone's responsibility) (8) Install toilets in each department (Shitty objective) (9) Replace Cloning with a pod-person programme (Botany/Genetics etc.) (10) Ensure the station is spotless and without any mess (impossible objective) Having inspectors would open the station up to bribes, or worse - what would happen if an EOC got one? Oh no!
    1 point
  21. Humanitarian Crisis A nearby planet/space station is suffering from a natural disaster and urgently requires aid. NT has taken a contract to supply said aid, now it falls on the crew to provide it. To fullfil this goal, you need to sent to CC via the cargo shuttle the following items (mostly in boxes) X calories/points worth of meals, giving the chef and botany something to do. Y points worth of medical supplies/medicine, provided by chemistry. 2 Oddys, for search and rescue. 2 Ripleys, for construction work and rescuing people from under rubble. (can probably extend this list quite a bit more) Now, I don't how how the cargo shuttle code works but it shouldn't be that hard to have it detect those things being sent away on the shuttle and adding them to a total, right? Maybe send a fax to the bridge with a running tally of how many points/etc were delivered and how many are still lacking.
    1 point
  22. Here's an idea I had ages ago. Just making this up as I go. Dunno if it's useful or not, but I like the idea. Anyone ever seen that warhammer 40k warp travel explanation? Say it's an experimental warp drive, that NT wants to test, so they can build stations locally, and then warp them to their system of operation, rather than shipping millions of tons of building materials halfway across the galaxy. (I'll use extreme hyperbole here. I know this would be a shitload of work for the spriters and coders.) All we'd need is for some people to sprite a warp engine that engineering can build, and some coder to figure out how to make it do what it needs to do. It'd require two machineframes for the engine itself, an SMES to charge it, and a direct powerline underneath both parts, and a computer with a warprive control board. Y'know, make it stand out from how the DNA Vault and BSA is built. Say the two machine parts need quad capacitors, some BS Crystas. The controls can be installed away from the engine itself (like the station shield's controls) mainly so only command has access to it. And here is what I think it should do: Captain or RD have clearance to "Engage Warp" on the computer. This starts a charging sequences of 5 minutes (Kind of like the 10 minutes of cooldown on the BSA. Only that it has to be manually started) Optionally, this could make a few lightbulbs burst at random, because the powergrid is getting overloaded to power this bad boy (Which involves the janitor to replace lights) or even the Gravity Generator kicking the bucket and needing to be manually restarted, solar tracking computers getting turned off, APCs changing settings, random doors being shocked, vending machines spitting out items. Anything power related. Once the station warps, the space background would change. Getting tinted either blue for bluespace, red for redspace, or going completely black or white for "nothing", green because the station was warped into an aurora caellus... It'd be random. And It'd last until the next warp, which will take you back to normal space. Bluespace would force a minor event related to warp travel and stuff. Like wormholes, the immovable rod, a meaty ore shower, a minor radiation storm causing halucination, ion storms. Redspace would force things like xenomorph infestations, dimensional tears, very rarely auto traitoring someone to vampire, spawn bubblegum or a drake. You know. Redspace entities. (great for security) (emagging the warp engine will send the station into redspace.) Warping into "Nothing" will get rid of all sounds, making people deaf for the time being. Maybe add colorblindness as well? Completion of the objective would be very easy to handle. Did the station get warped somewhere and back? Success. Every warp jump would require a full plasma canister inserted into the engine (they really don't serve any purpose other than the singulo right now, I think?)
    1 point
  23. Even if it sounds fun, it's more of a amin event than station goal. It has to be something that you can code "BOOM constructed, switch that bool to true and there we go, green text at the end of the shift" Building minature station is again, 99% engineering job, since people will come to the station after engineering fill the area with pressure, what means, already hull, power source atmospherics and piping, possibly already making windows, airlocks, etc. etc. to make it secure. What then? Engineering makes shitton of computers, machines, what means science has to bring that from R&D, medbay sec and service would be involved really late if involved at all. That would be the main issue, it has to be something that can be finished without admin involvement. Tho I'd love to see things like that happening, but instead ships docking to that 2-tiles-wide dock in arrivals. It's just not a station goal. All current station goals can be completed on station, they do not require admin to do anything from what I know and provide something in return.
    1 point
  24. An idea I had would be a NT-owned shuttle coming to the Cyberiad, and needing to be repaired before it could be sent off. It would dock where the Emergency shuttle would normally, be, and need to be rebuilt to repair any hull breaches, broken tech, and resupplied. It could keep all of the departments busy, with Engineering repairing it, and Security keeping it secure. Science could need a certain R&D level to repair a computer on it, with mining bringing them the supplies to make it. And then Supply and Medical could be needed to stock it up before sending it out. Maybe even have an injured pilot need to be cared for? Main issues I can think of, is that it would require an above-average amount of admin involvement, and might impede calling the Emergency Shuttle until it is sent off.
    1 point
  25. Build a miniature station with science, med, small security, bridge, and engineering
    1 point
  26. A comic: the one thing worse than furries...
    1 point
  27. I agree to this in general, but a few concerns: - If the spaceperson holding the meatshield-hostage is able to shoot over their hostage, there should still be a risk of possibility of the hostage-taker being hit by frontal shots - either they get to hide fully behind their victim, or they expose part of themselves to shoot past their hostage - not both. I'm saying this because I imagine it would be disastrously easy for nukeops to advance down public hallways with a phalanx of crewmembers to soak up all the incoming fire. Likewise I could imagine powergaming sec+genetics using humanized monkeys in a similar manner during war ops. While you did mention crit/dead people wouldn't be usable as meatshields, I feel that simply limits the mechanic rather than addressing potentially fundamental problems. - The idea of roleplaying a hostage situation is fun, but I'm really not sure it would be sustained by the community. While this is of course anecdotal - and by no means solid proof - last time I saw a 'hostage situation' play out on Paradise, security did not heed the potential threat of the hostage-taker, stumbled over each other trying to force their way in through the front door and ended up getting the hostage killed - all without the faintest attempt of negotiation and all in contradiction to the HoS pleadingly, insistently asking them not to do so. There wasn't an actual hostage in this case (the 'hostage' was Ian) though I somehow imagine that situation would have gone worse if there was an actual player at stake, rather than better.
    1 point
  28. I really like your shield idea, that'd be an interesting objective that'd require defense. I could see them setting up a sort of base on station, and would love to see them alternating between offense and defense (This would be a great place for the invader shells to come into play). Replace the AI on the other hand... not so much. It's just way too easy to do, especially when it's as isolated as it is. As for the stop the escape of crew, I'm not against the idea, but doesn't that basically mean taking over the bridge and shooting the two comms consoles, then what happens? This could probably used for a new/more unique objective, but maybe I'm just nitpicking. I'm suuuuuper against this. I'd rather we didn't make Vox raiders 2.0. I think that's pretty much proved that non-violent boarding parties don't work well on anything other than high-RP. Plus if they're non-lethal what's the point of invaders, where/what would they do with stunned prisoners, ect. I think an interesting way to take this is to make them into a conversion boarding party that captures crew and turns them into abominations/slaves that assist them with their objectives, eventually leading to a hostile takeover. Obviously that's just my two cents though
    1 point
  29. Very nice, although I hate to play devil's advocate here (since I love the spriting), I would hate to see this suffer the same fate as heist and be doomed to fail as another nuke clone. Nuke involves destroying the station. Heist involved stealing but generally devolved into a shoot em up anyways. This gamemode mimics the other two but seems to be a "seize control" type, while not technically the same objective as heist or nuke, heist or nuke sometimes try to accomplish their objective by seizing control leading to a bloody but fun gunfight. My suggestion is to strongly suggest against violence and limit the "overt" form to very powerful stun weapons. The idea is that they would want very little collateral damage to the crew or station. You can give them very overpowered lethal weapons if you like, but they should require something like admin approval to be able to be used. Also I might be able to help you with this codewise if you need help on that end.
    1 point
  30. Cool. Sounds difficult to code, but really, really cool.
    1 point
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