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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. I can host a private server with forced nukie rounds and everybody's name on the admin list if anybody want's to get their feet wet. (I personally have tried incredible strategies that nobody would ever do in real rounds, having a private server your admin on can really help discover insane garbage that might be fun in the real thing.)
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the kind words, Joe/Jean!
    1 point
  4. Ansari has become a maintainer, as some of you might have noticed on the github! He's also stepped down from CM to focus on this. DarkPyroLord has been granted leave as a Christmas present, stepping down as CM and going on leave. Guiltybeans has stepped down as a CM back to a regular GA. Normalyman, Shadeykins, and Dragonslayer/Shatteredcoyote/Terry/too many names has become our new CMs! Dumbdumn has stepped down from Headmin, and FreeStylaLT has been elected to replace him Brandon, Denth, and Shockpoint, have passed their TA terms, and are full GAs BryanR, EvadableMoxie, Breenland, and 6thechamp9, have been signed up as TA's Neca should do these posts more often.
    1 point
  5. Noticed a lot of similarities between Dave/Nera, so I used one of his poses and similar costume. Hooray.
    1 point
  6. Friend noted some similarities between Orphea (New HoTS person) and my Nera, so I decided to draw her in the costume. Novakid character I've been playing in Starbound through Frackin' Universe. Real shitty camera hours.
    1 point
  7. It's been awhile since I posted here! Not that I've progressed much since then. I have a few things I want to post. Chronologically, here we go. Two of Nera. My new sketchbook can't take much of a beating, so the second one is kind of fucked up. My fault. And the mechanical pencil, I swear. One of a pokemon trainer design I made up. She bundles up in things with lots of fur underneath, usually. Gotta get toasty. Meenah from mostly memory, so her hair isn't true to the original. Yeah, Homestuck. I get it. Oof. But she's cool. Haven't been able to draw much. Lack of ideas, I suppose, don't feel like drawing my characters as often because of some things. So for now I'll probably draw more Homestuck characters to get back into the groove. Maybe soooon.
    1 point
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