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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Wow, this is a pretty good guide on how to get job banned as captain! Good job!
    2 points
  2. A drawing of my beepboop T3A-V4 A kiss...
    2 points
  3. Byond 512 used to randomly make characters naked. I used to wonder where my tail went And then I found it. Tailchairs when? *wag When observing, these messages aligned in a way that was incredibly satisfying Who do you think you are Running 'round leaving Skaars
    1 point
  4. Oh come on. I (Grin here) weren't even that sneaky. I walked in through an open door and took a HOP headset and a captain's hat off a table then disposaled myself. While several people were watching. That's not sneaky, that's just blatant. And I still don't know why you and sec believed I had an all-access or captain ID. I didn't. I came in through an open door when someone else walked in and went out through disposals. All legit.
    1 point
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