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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2018 in all areas

  1. I now have this traitor dream of a fire extinguisher full of fluorosulphuric acid. Thank you for that image.
    2 points
    2 points
  3. Also could be short for Television (TV)
    1 point
  4. @ZN23X you're silly, but it is a fun naming style! T3A-V4 > Tea-va > Teva which is a brand of Sandles that Heretic and I own. Lol Unfortunately it's not a romantic relationship, Nurn'kal probably doesn't understand the concept of it.
    1 point
  5. You can keep your pen and cigerette handy by stashing it above your ear. Buckets are just handy 120 ml beakers and can be heated up. Fire extinguishers can also be filled with other fun liquids like holy water to ward off vampires or just fill it up with acid because you're a bastard. Tired of people finding your contraband? Unscrew a vending machine and pull it out, drop your goodies in a box on the floor, cover that baby up with the vending machine and screw it back up.
    1 point
  6. "Jenkins, what's this on your PDA?" "Uh.. Nothing!" "Are you.. Are you LEWDING with other people?" "No, I promise, it was just a one time-" gibbed
    1 point
  7. Wow, this is a pretty good guide on how to get job banned as captain! Good job!
    1 point
  8. A drawing of my beepboop T3A-V4 A kiss...
    1 point
  9. From Jack Finfin, untested: X4 can be placed on playing cards allowing it to me armed and thrown as a rudimentary grenade
    1 point
  10. you can tie wire to coins so when you put them in machines, you have a slight chance of getting them back after paying for stuff with it.
    1 point
  11. Started the round as usual, being a civilian, grabbed a multitool and other goodies and hacked the clothes vendors to get my outfit. Tacticool Turtleneck, Brown Trenchcoat, Balacava, Fingerless gloves and a nice red scarf, basically i`m anything but trustworthy looking. Being code green, i decide to run around with no ID visible, i manage to reach the kitchen before getting tazed by my first seccie, how lovely. Argue space law with them, the Diona sec does not understand, drags me to the brig, very, very slowly, god Diona are slow, strips me bare and beats me (Not stun) with their baton when removing cuffs, then leaves me bleeding, thankfully a kind brig phys took care of me, i really should`ve given her karma for that. Free to go again, still green, once again, no ID visible, run around the hallways, reach cargo before a Sec borg tazers me and their Skrell buddy cuffs me. They tear of my mask, search my bag and let me go, im starting to grow grumpy at this point, if you haven`t guessed. Find a prisoner ID, in the hallway, most likely another one of the victims of the Diona seccie. Take it and use it as my ID, naturally a seccie stops me, but after showing my real ID they let me off, first guy that asked for it instead of tazing and cuffing. Being the unhelpable door hacker i am, i hack into the teleporter, gonna spook the captain by zapping in. Almost immediatly, the Blueshield and Captain show up, the blueshield naturally draws his energy revolver. He fires it at me, fair enough, tazed a- OH GOD HE HAS IT ON LETHAL Get shot several times, at first both me and the captain thinks it was an accident, but then HE DRAWS A CROWBAR AND RUSHES ME, BEATING MY CHEST IN Captain sees this and tazes and cuffs him. Blueshield got ten in the brig for this, i feel like justice has failed, but keep calm, mostly because my blood is mostly outside of my body. Later, after a visit to medbay, i PDA captain about what happened. Turns out, the blueshield has used Lethal force the entire shift, even on green Enough being enough, i cryo, not risking anymore, as the Blueshield vowed he`d finish the job. And that was the adventure of the Not a Good Man, Navera Reach, Greytider and Warden.
    0 points
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