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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Damn it, you were there? I had Desmond and I go to cargo because I thought you flushed yourself. Manage to get your ID and CE hardsuit for you to wear. Left a station announcement too. Went to arrival escape pods because I thought you would be there. Instead, found my killer who shot me dead.
    1 point
  2. Ah yes, Kentucky Fried Vox, only thing those things are good for.
    1 point
  3. Here's Churchy, Zeke, Sax, and Jonah watching a movie.
    1 point
  4. How deep can the station shrink into a bloody chaos? And how deep can you shrink with it, at security and as the HoS? This is a one kind of a record. I am the HoS there. I am locked up to CMO office. With no equipment at all, no clothes at all, one hand off, other hand broken, so unable to break out by brute force, well the intercom works, but no-one is responding to help calls... Story behind: Traitors around, security did it quite well... then suddenly, Wolf the HoP and acting captain gets attacked, he survives, and after that, a horrible number of officer casualties happen in just a few minutes. While being treated, Wolf notices borgs killing patients at surgery. Our crew is more or less decapicated, so I rush there with the lone standing officer by that time. It appears that AI is subdued, it makes us hard time to get out from the surgery. A new captain arrived to the emerging chaos, he is not quite aware what is happening. The sec team, that is, all who where enough healthy to talk, begs thecaptain to get the ERT around. While arguing the captain to do it, standing there at the medbay, someone appeared and dragged me to cloning - before I could have said "baguette", as I was talking the baguette with captain - and shot me with his robust revolver. Observing the situation as ghost now, I could see the medbay is in an utter chaos. Doctor Klees appears, after some others who hadn't the meds to treat me to the revivable condition. He throws me to the cloner. Bright flash, your mind says hello and stuff, and oh hello, the dude who shot me, was waiting there along with Klees, he was a doctor apparently. As I was cloned, I didn't know that he's the killer. Still I was not surprised when he blew up something. That resulted into the death of poor Klees, just after I was able to thank him. Somehow, I survived the blow, with just losing the equipment on ground, a hand, and broking another. Killer got off. I woke up, there was a breach, got to run off too, leaving Klees behind, since being too wounded to effectively get out while dragging. Out in the medbay, AI was still borking around (Tanner Aggley subdued it again and again, piece of cake during the chaos). There were people in medbay, but they seem shocked or otherwise unable to do anything useful, like help. Then Wolf appeared, just in the point when I was about to rise my hands up. He flexed me to safety from the breach, by throwing me to the CMO office. Wounded himself, he wasn't able to get in. Someone appeared, probably the blueshield. He ran off taking Wolf to safety. So I closed the CMO office door and uh... talk about prison escape. They're better in it at movies. Solution would be the disposals. Somehow it didn't work. Pipes broken apparently. So, can you beat up this record, can you?!
    1 point
  5. Those were only the 5 worst alarms. The first was was originally 3600kpa when I got in atmos, thankfully Zikikitaki caused a breach in that section as an emergency vent. As you can see form the menu in the background all the connected rooms like medbay and the bar were climbing in pressure too
    1 point
  6. Mulebot Adding two metal sheets to a mulebot gives it a cowcatcher ram, it works just as expected, pushing anyone in the way of the mulebot aside harmlessly, like when beepsky is chasing a suspect. Make mulebots colorable with paint, we all know we deep inside want neon-green snails terrorizing the hallways whenever someone cuts the safety wire. Give more destinations inside RND for the mulebot to arrive at, I know quite a few eggheads that refuse to leave their 2x2 laboratory to visit the crate delivery, so let's just move the delivery to them. Possibility of setting to mulebot to either Deliver or Retrieve a crate at the delivery zones, right now, I do believe they'll only drop of crates and nothing else. Cargo A cargo mech, while the Ripley with clamps do a good job, that much armor scares security, so maybe a sorta forklift-like mech with the operator visible would scare them less? Think the mech from the Alien movies. More cargo-related tech, self-returning crates, mule-HOVER-bots, you name it! More stuff to press-gang RND into researching. New crates, I mean, we already have plenty of stuff available in the supply console, but maybe add a few high-end items available to be sent from CentComm, to the right prices of course. Add glass windows to the conveyor in the mail room, or pressurize the pipes to do harm, far too many people use it as a free ride. Make the ORM unwrenchable, said pipe-riders often escape from the mail room by simply unwrenching the ORM and pushing it away, seriously, the ORM, big, fat, loaded with too much glass, how even? Civilian You know that handy console there's in almost every work room? The green screen? Where you can things like request help or supplies? The one noone uses? Make it possible to be used as a supply request console, with the selection inside tied to the department it's located in. Generally more fancy things for the civs, right now everything is reserved for RND, Sec or medical, where's our bluespace spraycans and floorcluwne detergent. More arcade games, Orion Trail and the same boss fight game but reskinned get a tad dull, let's get more games, anyone up for ping pong? More PAI Programs, simp!y swipe your ID card through it and several new job-specfic options become available! Where's my free e-mag at boss?
    1 point
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