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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Centcom got invaded by clowns! It's now the Clown Command so still CC, sounds fair to me.
    5 points
  2. Shouldve been on the other side Oh lord, sounds fun more fun than command, HAH-
    2 points
  3. Something now spess related, but Spider-man related! So something going around with a bunch of different artist is making a "spidersona" which I had to jump on board of because Spider-Man is my favourite superhero. Here's a Human!Zeke and Skrellian!Jonah What a weird change, at least they look better this time around than back in 2017 when I drew this
    1 point
  4. Here's a list where the spacing indicates when you need to actually deconstruct to print the next set of items. I.E. you can print basic cap, manip, laser, and tracking beacon without deconstructing any of the former (this saves massive amounts of time). Also you don't need science goggles. Also I think it would be helpful to note in this guide is that the sentience potion is interchangable with ambrosia gia, death nettle with chain of command, and glowhsrooms with yellow slime cores (since nothing in the game needs powerstorage 7). Also the wired network card is cheaper than AI purge.
    1 point
  5. And that`s how i got BSAed
    1 point
  6. Warning: You will use my guide at your own risk. If you get permabrigged by security because you tried to sell them syndicate items as a librarian, it's not my fault. This is your disclaimer. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also administration might get pissed at you for making a system that might be interpreted as meta. This could get your anus prolapsed so consider strongly before using. Requirements for running a library store Catalog Book(s) with Item Value for both Buying and Selling Account Record Book with unique MD5 encrypted passwords for user account referencing and proving to the trader that you're the real shop keeper Store Application to apply as a Trader A book which explains the Library Store to players who haven't seen it before Optional items Change Log to keep track of changes in the books that are worth noting, such as an update to a price and what not Shop keepers you authorize to create updated versions of the account records (This will create a huge pain in your anus) With these, a player may create a shop that allows for cross shift trading. The way this works is lets say you start off as a scientist. You can take a box of monkey cubes down to the library and give them to the librarian for a few points maybe, depending on what the catalog says they're valued at. We will say one point for this example. Perhaps there is currently nothing for sale that you want and the round ends. The next round begins and the five points you earned last shift from selling a box of monkey cubes to the librarian, are still with you. Someone brought fifty sheets of iron and gave it to the librarian, which the librarian sells for one point every ten sheets. The scientist is an officer this round and needs to set iron walls in the hallway to slow traffic. They can turn in their points for the iron sheets or save their points for later. They can log off byond, go to bed, stop playing for a while, and still be able to come back and turn in those points for items if the librarian has them. The location the librarian should use if setting up a store "AFTER" creating the catalogs, is the back room with the desk. Just get a wrench, disassemble some chairs and the wooden objects in the small room, and replace them with lockers for sorting things more easily. There are only so many sections to worry about and so you only at most would need maybe eight lockers. You need to worry about the civilian departments, cargo, engineering, medical, science, security, the heads of staff having items sold to you, and even syndicate items which could go for a lot of points that might make it worth an operatives time and possibly help to set the prices for other items. Anyhow, use a spare sheet to keep track of the current points traders have, or use a wordpad on your computer to help when you need to update the account record book. The purpose of the account record book is it makes it easier for other shop keepers who are authorized by the creator of the point system, to operative autonomously and update the system as well.
    1 point
  7. Well, the karma cost is fairly high, so that should limit the shitlers getting access. Overall, I like the concept
    1 point
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