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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey Tetra, i got you a syringe from the gene bois! Its X-ray, want? .... Tetra, why you staring at Wolf like that
    1 point
  2. I was reminded of this story while working and I felt the need to share it. It's a tale of long ago where possibly famous and infamous names still walked these halls, and how I managed to even deceive the admins. This was back when I was beginning to make a name of Ashlyn Newbern, a mute geneticist. I was hunkered down and ready to enjoy my time when I noted something. I had a flash. Oh on, it's A Rev round. I settle into my job and wonder how I'm going to be of use as a head rev in this room when I learn one of my fellows has commenced the time classis Yoloflash tatic. The revs however, we're fast and lethal, already lynching security and heads of staff when able. Knowing I was more use not bein found at this point, I disposal my flash and get to kissing securities ass. I rescue a security officer from a lynch mob I knew lost the fight and heal him. I believed at this point they trusted me so I sat and waited for one side to start being victorious. It was the revs at an ALARMING RATE. The third rev head must have manned the cryotubes or something because security began to turn on one another, and a heavily armmed ERT with Jayson Hawlke at its head arrived on station and the revolution began to lose. Then my chance happened. The captains and Cheif engineers death alarms went of in medbay lobby. I bolted out the door and dragged the captains corpse from the revs. They didn't question it, I was a head rev. Security didn't question it, I had been helping them all round. I dragged the captain to genetics and threw him into the machine, copied his UE and UI and made myself into the captain. I had everything from the corpse thankfully and I disposaled myself so I didn't accidently die to the revs. I came out at a destroyed tube at security and made my way to the bridge. Upon arrival, the Blueshield was dumbstruck about my return as I spun a tale of a geneticist who died cloning me and how I hid in a wall locker until they left. The ERT bought it but the Blueshield did not, however the ERT already were pushing me to their shuttle. I sat beside the only living head, the CMO Zoey Sycth and left for cent com where I met Jayson Hawke. I began to panic, Dave wouldn't be fooled by this, he was the best HoS back then. But if he suspecte it he never said, and welcomed me to cent com. We had a brief talk about what I wanted to do with the revs and I answerd to have them all executed. I silently apologized as Dave walked out and me and Zoey began to have drinks and talk about our experiances. She came close and started to do her usual " hold me I'm sad" and I obliged. I then opened fire on her face point blank, killing her in a second. Deadchat went ballistic over it as the round began to end and I hear a BWOINK! PM from DavetheHeadcrab: Why did you kill the CMO as the captain? PM to DavetheHeadcrab: I'm not the captain. PM from DavetheHeadcrab: ....Clever girl.
    1 point
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