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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2019 in all areas

  1. If any of you are ghosted and I am on, ahelp. I am more then happy to shove you into a shadow person body and let you roam maint.
    3 points
  2. Quick few ideas If they don't wear a cloak, hoodie or other head covering clothes (a hat won't do it alone) they take burn damage in light. Naturally, they get nutrition from the dark, think a diona but darkshroom version. Speaking of darkshrooms, shadows start with their own darkshroom torch, essentially darkshrooms on a stick, with a metal cup to put over in case you need to turn on the light again, like near diona. Like with Grey and Abductors, looks similar, yet different, in this case, no glowy bits and a more jagged appearance, or whatever- Non-cloneable, but revivable with SR.
    1 point
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