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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Encyclopedia Medicina When I first started playing SS13 the first job I picked up was medical doctor. Over the years I code dived to learn more about the profession and recording my findings. I eventually moved on from medical, but the notes remained. I've reformatted all the data I've mined from looking at the code and placed it into Encyclopedia format, along with my own experiences and advice in medical. Because the info was extracted over a period of a few years some info might not still be accurate although I've tried to go back and update everything. If there is anything you know for sure is inaccurate please let me know. I've tried to stick mostly to facts and not opinions although a but of editorializing was necessary. If you disagree with anything herein feel free to reply and give your reasons respectfully. If anything is inaccurate or incomplete please let me know so a correction can be made.
    1 point
  2. You can hurt people with coins. Somehow. Not just tossing them. Melee with a coin. Most objects that deal zero Melee damage will deal one brute damage when thrown. So you can in fact kill another player by tossing normal playing cards at them. Most items under "useless" in the traitor up-link are in fact useful. Such as the syndicate smokes that will heal you if you smoke them. They also make you look cool. You can quickly and easily spam out of any grab as long as as you're not cuffed and awake. Even when slipped. If they didn't know about the easy spam to get out of grabs then you'll be able to quickly and easily kill people by smashing there heads on closed toilets and urinals. Just have your hands around there neck and have them on the tile of the Toilet/urinal and spam click on it. They will died in about ten clicks. Your punches have a low chance to "weaken" AKA stun whoever you hit (in fact most things do) . This mean if you're lucky you can first punch stun someone in full riot armor and keep stunning them tell they die. I've done it before and I got to say... fair and balanced. Pest killer will near instantly kill the Ant race. Yes, you can kill one of the two people that play that race just about as fast as an EMP kills an IPC. Same with Plant people and plant killer. EMPs have a small AoE around them that won't instantly kill an IPC. It will cause burn damage. Feel free to brag to your friends about how many EMPs you've survived. I'm at 17. Get on my level. If aiming for the eyes and your target has nothing keeping them safe forks and screwdrivers have a 5% (or 10% I forgot. It is one of the two though.) change to stun and temperately blind your target. You can use this to stun them with the first hit and keep them down tell they die. I want to you know this is incredibly fun to die to. If you're reading this you're a big nerd that needs glasses and reads books
    1 point
  3. Mulebot Adding two metal sheets to a mulebot gives it a cowcatcher ram, it works just as expected, pushing anyone in the way of the mulebot aside harmlessly, like when beepsky is chasing a suspect. Make mulebots colorable with paint, we all know we deep inside want neon-green snails terrorizing the hallways whenever someone cuts the safety wire. Give more destinations inside RND for the mulebot to arrive at, I know quite a few eggheads that refuse to leave their 2x2 laboratory to visit the crate delivery, so let's just move the delivery to them. Possibility of setting to mulebot to either Deliver or Retrieve a crate at the delivery zones, right now, I do believe they'll only drop of crates and nothing else. Cargo A cargo mech, while the Ripley with clamps do a good job, that much armor scares security, so maybe a sorta forklift-like mech with the operator visible would scare them less? Think the mech from the Alien movies. More cargo-related tech, self-returning crates, mule-HOVER-bots, you name it! More stuff to press-gang RND into researching. New crates, I mean, we already have plenty of stuff available in the supply console, but maybe add a few high-end items available to be sent from CentComm, to the right prices of course. Add glass windows to the conveyor in the mail room, or pressurize the pipes to do harm, far too many people use it as a free ride. Make the ORM unwrenchable, said pipe-riders often escape from the mail room by simply unwrenching the ORM and pushing it away, seriously, the ORM, big, fat, loaded with too much glass, how even? Civilian You know that handy console there's in almost every work room? The green screen? Where you can things like request help or supplies? The one noone uses? Make it possible to be used as a supply request console, with the selection inside tied to the department it's located in. Generally more fancy things for the civs, right now everything is reserved for RND, Sec or medical, where's our bluespace spraycans and floorcluwne detergent. More arcade games, Orion Trail and the same boss fight game but reskinned get a tad dull, let's get more games, anyone up for ping pong? More PAI Programs, simp!y swipe your ID card through it and several new job-specfic options become available! Where's my free e-mag at boss?
    1 point
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