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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello, My name is Milos (with 's' sounding like sh), nickname's either Mike or Zix. I have been playing SS13 for quite some time now, my friend showed it to me and I was hooked ever since but we never joined forums for some reason. Until now. I'm really happy about Paradise Station and community and I'd like to join you guys. I feel like I know how to play and do good role play by now. I enjoy playing almost any role on the station but I'd like to be the best HoS ever since I only recently played as HoS and it was really fun. Also, I am interested in finding out how to get Karma stuff works and so on. What else should I write here?
    1 point
  2. Pretty much no one ever does autopsies, sadly. There's just not that much point, because if you have a body, you can usually bring them back.
    1 point
  3. I'd say robustness is far further down the list of a good HOS than most people think. The biggest two differences in my experience between a good sec force and a bad one is not how quick they are with a baton or a tableslam. It's organisation and communication. No worse officers than those who don't use the radio. (And yes, there are those who basiaclly don't use the radio at all. Roll call? No reply. Help, I'm being attacked outside the vault? No reply or reaction. Who booked this prisoner? No reply. The worst.) You can usually tell if a shift will be good for sec or not after a few minutes, just by the amount of radio banter, and what is being said. And a lot of that is on the HOS. You have to get your officers to work together, and to do their different jobs efficiently and correctly. Reports if they see anything on patrols, notes on prisoners, cooperation with the warden on proper brigging (no abandoned prisoners in processing, no toolbelts in cells, no dying voxes with no headsets), properly coordinated patrols that cover the entire station regularly, and proper mobilization in case of a crisis (by that I mean: everyone's there and armed if there's a maniac with a double sword, but you don't get six officers watching the clown slip people in the bar, either.) Radios > Paperwork > Tasers.
    1 point
  4. Echoing this, I have an Unathi who intentionally speaks common poorly but speaks his native language fluently.
    1 point
  5. OH yeah, I remember Ghost. He was the boss. Quite literally, most shifts. As for consistent characters: absolutely. You just... have to be a bit liberal about it. You are allowed to remember whta happened in past shifts, up to a point. The problem comes when someone was an antagonist, but isn't this shift, or they exploded into tiny gibs, but now are fine again, with no explanation... it's best to just keep things vague.
    1 point
  6. Hey thats me. I wish I got a screenshot of that time I was Nuke Ops and one of the other guys was screaming to make sure to turn on your internals and then he collapsed because he never turned on his internals.
    1 point
  7. Playing as a character that cannot speak english easily is all right on this server. Hell, they could be mute. Either way, nothing wrong with being bad at english, its a horrible language anyway-
    1 point
  8. We are an English only server. That doesn't mean that you have to be the best of the best in English since we do have non-native speakers playing however it does mean that you need to be able to communicate in English. If your friend has difficulty typing stuff in English this may not be the best server for him to play on since it is a requirement that you be able to communicate using it.
    1 point
  9. Karma is, on paper, ez pz to get. Do a good job, other people might give you karma. Have a fun gimmick, you might get karma. Make it interesting for your victim as an antag, well, believe it or not, your victim might give you karma. Any other questions?
    1 point
  10. Yikes, chill down Rsik, I know the clown is quite a pest, but at least call an IAA before strangling him-
    1 point
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