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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Some random live stream doodles and art!
    2 points
  2. ALL NEW BLUESPACE ITEMS ARE CONDEMNED ON THE SERVER. This post is void but I'll leave it up since the sprites look cool. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/10771 I really want to code some new bluespace upgrades, and want some neat, not over-powered ideas to occupy my coding cravings. Almost anything could be bluespace and protolathe printed, so comment below what you would like me to code! Coded/Finished items (All sprites were created by @Ionward) Bluespace Medical Hypospray - Holds 100u instead of 30u. Can also inject through hardsuits. Bluespace Handcuffs: A pair of rechargeable handcuffs that has a max of 3 charges to dispense energy cuffs with the same breakout time as zip ties. Vaporizes when broken out of. Suggested by@xeroxide Bluespace Emergency Oxygen Tank: Has a volume of 10 rather than 4. Suggested by @xeroxide Modular Hud Attachment Device (MHAD): Can hold two huds of any type to allowing the user to use two huds at once. Suggested by @xeroxide Bluespace Defibrillator - Able to revive after a patient has been dead for 2/3rds longer than normal. Also gives a little bit of health (more than the base amount) after successful revival. Also can revive through hardsuits. q Bluespace Bone Setter: A bone setter and bone gel combo that's just the IMS for bones. Suggested by me originally than @Pckables made me rethink. Y'all gotta fight for it to get added when I post the PR. Definitely going to code (in a future PR) Bluespace Jumpsuit: Allows walking through players with harm intent. Also provides an ambient glow, possibly a flashlight replacement. Suggested by @Splgrk Bluespace Swiss Army Knife: - All tools of a tool belt (minus multitool and devices) in one "convenient" item. Suggested by @Medi Bluespace light replacer (Non-emaggable): Can replace and pick up lights from range through walls, (like RnD's Bluespace RPED). Can dump stored broken lights into lathes in a similar fashion. Suggested by @Pckables Bluespace Bandolier: Holds more shells. Suggested by @Denthamos. Bluespace RCD: Long range RCD. Costs more the farther the target. Also in borg module form. Suggested by @Denthamos. Link to my github so yall can see the code, item names, and descriptions. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/compare/master...Jazz23:Bluepace-Upgrades
    1 point
  3. There is something soothing about knowing the station is rid of one less unathi.
    1 point
  4. I was observing that round when you got robusted on your own ship! Was hilarious! This happened couple of days ago, and now cows hold a special hatred in Rsik's heart along with clowns. There was a cow orbiting the station on a loop (and funnily enough, would have crashed right into the escape shuttle if it had continued on) that me and Yorrach (who was a stok, which will be explained) had spotted. Considering we had a run-in with a cow earlier which resulted in my pod being exploded, Yorrach who was my passenger being gibbed and me being left legless in space, we were quite adamant about getting some revenge. After transplanting Yorry's brain into a stok and heading back out, we decided to build a wall in front of this cow's path. Suffice to say, things didn't go according to plan. It was my turn to get gibbed... "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" - Yorry's reaction as he watches me get gibbed from the safety of the pod. My brain was recovered and I got transplanted into a... stok unathi, same as Yorry. Figures!
    1 point
  5. "Don't worry man, we all started out sometime on the cyberaid. Ignoring the gore makes it easier to adjust!" "⧫ ◆&✍"
    1 point
  6. Said Trubus, before arm-wrestling swole Zeke and having his arm torn off. "I only have one arm to flex now." Trubus, 18BCE - 1/22/19.
    1 point
  7. Hmmmmnst, who could this be?
    1 point
  8. Name: Serac Age: 22 Gender: Female Race: Slime People Blood Type: Water General Occupational Roles: Mining/Supply, Engineering, Medical, rarely Science and Security (minor training) Biography: File Search for: Serac File Found! Retrieving data… Serac was born under unknown circumstances and moved to the ice colony Vixia-5 around the age of 7. She politely refused to speak of her years before that, and has claimed to have forgotten the vast majority anyhow. While this information may have potential use, it hasn’t been deemed necessary at this time. The planet itself is mostly populated around the equator, with harshly uninhabitable outlands closer to the poles. There is also known to be a large presence of USSP outcasts colonizing it, and Minor NanoTrasen presence has been established there as well, due to the potential of its resources. When subject Serac initially relocated there, she was taken in by a group she describes as “a cross between luddites and the old Earth Eskimos”. After some time she was properly given up for adoption by said group. She expressed that she never really connected with any of them, and would spend more time wandering the small nearby city on her own. She was quite fond of visiting one place in particular; a small, humble music shop run and owned by an aging man. She spent hours upon hours doodling on the instruments there, trying to figure them out. Some days she’d sit and watch the owner work on instruments in complete silence, almost entranced by it. After some time, the owner adopted Serac and raised her as his own. She quickly latched onto the guitar and piano, and was given lessons by her father. He also passed down what Luthier knowledge he could to her, spending hours teaching her his crafts. Due to her proclivity to be more mechanical, she was enrolled in a local school that focused on mining and engineering trades. She expressed herself that she was always more hands on, and was fond of watching things come apart and be reassembled. She was always interested in what went on under the hood of things as it were, and got into trouble a few times due to her curiosity. Nonetheless she seems to have been a decent enough student to earn her certificates. Near the end of her 18th year, her father passed away. He had closed his shop, and left her an old house he used to own. She was aimless for a while, until she discovered some ads for open positions with NanoTrasen a few years later. She was sent to the NSS Cyberiad with initial assignments in Mining and Engineering soon after. More details can be found in other records. --End data. Qualifications: Trade-schooling based around Engineering and Mining from the ages of 8 - 19. Subject displayed obvious natural grasps of medicinal procedures and was granted NT training for practical on-station medicine and surgery. Trained on and off station in Security by officer Sophia Bloppop (Deceased). Shifts have been granted to the subject if they wish to sign up for them. Granted minor access to research department work given this subject’s technical proclivities. Options are open if subject wishes to take them. Employment Records: Instrument shop clerk, Luthier apprenticeship, studied Mining and basic Engineering trades under a small trade school with hands on experience in the former. Awarded two medals of Distinguished Conduct for esteemed medical practice, going above and beyond the call. Awarded a medal of Distinguished Conduct for exceptional engineering work and crewmember rescue. Security Records: One account of grand theft, bail paid by a relative and pardoned by Central Command officials. Allegedly murdered a possible crewmember in cold blood, but insufficient evidence has come forward to prove it. Unconfirmed questionable ties with the USSP. Deemed to be at present a non issue, but worth noting. Medical Records: Minor alcohol abuse has been noted to have taken place during subject's mid-teen years. Testing and analysis shows this was relatively minor and has since ceased to be an issue, though it may be wise to monitor subject's alcohol intake at times. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): "She stands at 5'7", with an upright yet reserved posture. Her overall demeanor is quite chilly and pessimistic, congruent with her usual attitude. Her eyes seem to cast a cold glare most of the time, making her general aura frozen and icy. Her hair forms jagged hooks and strands, looking somewhat icicle-like. Her voice sounds arid and sort of hushed, yet still present. Her left palm has a sort of circular insignia tattooed onto it. A lightish-blue ring garnished by a small blue thread inside a glass tube rests on her left ring finger." Other Notes: She has recently become an avid member of a burgeoning group known as the Bardic Union. They seem to be focused on the spreading of cultures and art through music, though they also tend to be somewhat reclusive. Her father was known to have heavy ties with the USSP in the past, and was later cast out. Though a non-issue, the lack of information along with how said relations to other similar individuals on Vixia-5 affected Serac may or may not be concerning, and is worth noting.
    1 point
  9. *squish here's a drawing of my slime girl Dreamy Rockwall Here's a drawing of my Elf boi Damien Bryar
    1 point
  10. Jonah enjoys cooking Here's smol child Zeke, he learned how to play the piano during his time in the orphanage.
    1 point
  11. A fun different style that I might to try to draw more in (time to time) Here's one that I did last year (for those who haven't seen it before, or people trying to remember where they say me draw in it) Also, got a new tablet a few days ago... so line work and stuff is a bit different looking. *sweats* Here some crappy pictures ^ And the finished drawing of that is another human!Zeke... finished watching this anime with HereticChurch and my brother, and there was this cute green hair boi and I was like "I must draw more hooman Zake!"
    1 point
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