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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2019 in all areas

  1. A surprise visitor appeared on the Cyberiad Today! Can you spot them?
    2 points
  2. Name: Keteinghzth "Kete" Wawakari II (Kete Wawakari in NT records) Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Vulpkanin; Dalstadt Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Security (including Warden and Head of Security), Mining/Supply, base knowledge of Atmospherics. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERNAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PASSWORD: XXXXXXXXXXX FILENAME SEARCH: KWAWAKARI ACCESSING POPULATION FILE FROM VULPKANIN ASSEMBLY ARCHIVES. . . . FILE FOUND! . . . LOADING FILE. . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biography: In the cramped, dingy hab Alpha-2-1-Tango, of the Vulpkanin planet Dalstadt, Keteinghzth Wawakari II (henceforth known as Kete) was born to a large family of 17, crammed into a space not much larger than 30 metres square. His upbringing was as good as one could expect from a hab-dweller on Dalstadt, and his propensity for crawling into venting and maintenance access shafts got him into legal trouble for trespassing on many an occasion. At the age of 14, Kete got himself involved in a group of off-world "traders", who taught him Tradeband, and due to his knowledge of the nooks and crannies on Alpha-2-1-Tango, and his minute stature, utilised him as a contraband smuggler. Through this, at the age of 16, he was able to amass enough credits to move out of his family hab, and into a small one of his own - which was unbeknownst to him, pre-bugged by the Assembly to catch the "traders". As Kete rose through the ranks, he moved onto other jobs other than smuggling; impersonation, loan sharking, "protection" rackets, and the like were the norm. On [REDACTED], an Enforcement Team led by [REDACTED] raided the hab during a meeting, apprehending Kete and 4 of the other "traders" for contraband smuggling, assault, impersonation of officers, and conspiracy to murder. While the "traders" were swiftly dealt with according to Assembly law protections offered to off-worlders, (see; execution of [REDACTED] via spacing) Kete was stuck, and felt betrayed by the off-worlders, which led to Kete becoming untrustworthy of most non-vulps. After sentencing, Assembly law meant he was to work in the mines for 5 years, unless he chose 7 years in the Corps. Kete chose mining at first, and at the completion of year 1, he opted for starting the full 7 years in the Assembly Enforcement Corps. In the Corps, Kete proved himself to be a valuable asset, his impersonation of others, sharp tongue, and propensity for slipping through tunnels, quickly netting him a commendation from Marshal Schvulf. Kete's exploits have given him rather invaluable experience, though his inability to take much seriously when out of work has led to more than its fair share of problems. Upon completion of his compulsory time in the Corps, he sold his hab to family members, took his uniform, (which we learned, he still wears with pride) and signed up at a local Nanotrasen recruitment office. Public Assembly records indicate his employment on-board the NSS Cyberiad, an NT vessel ostensibly geared towards science. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLASSIFIED - ASSEMBLY CLEARANCE TANGO OR ABOVE ONLY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agent Wawakari has been assigned to the NSS Cyberiad as a sleeper agent, with goals to partially destabilise the company's reputation among Vulpkanin in Nanotrasen's employ, in order to drive more of our race back to Dalstadt. This may require assistance from the Syndicate, whenever possible. Cables have been sent to the terror org stating our willingness to put Wawakari in their employ as needs arise. This is because Vulpkanin Assembly - Dalstadt requires more bodies for the planned pacification of nearby Kelune, in order to bring the entire race under rule of Assembly General Lichfahrel, and rebuild the Vulpkanin back to its former glory. All for the Assembly! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Qualifications: Being raised on a hab planet, Kete has a very minor knowledge of atmospherics, and engineering. His year of mining has made him rather adept at resource extraction, though he proved to be unable to hold his own when encountering hostile entities during his mining duties. His years in the Assembly Enforcement Corps make him an asset to security duties, and undercover work is certainly a possibility for him. His impersonation skills may lead to him sneaking his way into restricted areas if jobless, so take caution. Employment Records: 2543-2551 - Enrolled in compulsory education 2551-2553 - "Traders", Contraband Smuggler (unofficial work) 2553-2554 - Labour Camp Miner 2554-2561 - Assembly Enforcement Corps, Officer/Agent 2561-Present - Nanotrasen, NSS Cyberiad Security Records: 2444: [1 Count of Trespassing] - Unpunished due to being underage. 2547: [1 Count of Trespassing] - Unpunished due to being underage. 2548: [1 Count of Trespassing] - Unpunished due to being underage. 2550: [1 Count of Trespassing] - Unpunished due to being underage. 2553: [2 Counts of Contraband Smuggling, 4 Counts of Impersonating an Officer, 1 Count of Intent to Cause Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 Count of Conspiracy to Murder, 2 Counts of Assault, 2 Counts of Trespassing, 1 Count of Jaywalking] - Punished with 1 year of mining, 7 years of enrollment in Assembly Enforcer Corps, 1000 credit fine. 2561: [1 Count of Trespassing, 1 Count of Public Intoxication, 1 Count of Inactivity During a Breach] - Punished with 400 credit fine. Reports of association with known and suspected USSP terror group member(s). Medical Records: 2553 - Multiple Lacerations, Broken Bones, Short Clinical Death - Caused by an encounter with a Hivelord in the Labour Camp. 2555 - Laceration on Thorax - Minor scarring on left side from knife, unable to be seen through fur. 2558 - Head Trauma - Bludgeoned with crowbar; led to vision problems, must wear corrective lenses. 2559 - Broken Right Radius and Ulna - Caught in malfunctioning door, fracturing both forearm bones. Personnel Photo #1 (From enlistment in Assembly Enforcement Corps, 2560): Personnel Photo #2 (From enlistment in NanoTrasen's Security Force, 2563): Commendations: Reprimands: Other Notes: Wawakari speaks highly of his time in the Corps, but not much, if at all, about his time working for the "Traders". Wawakari dropped his full first name, and the numeration. Given reason is "...ease of pronunciation.", Agents suspect another, underlying reason. He has also coded a pAI personality for use by Nanotrasen employees in his spare time, K.E.T.E., based wholly upon himself.
    1 point
  3. That time I was door crushed and it invariably saved my life from a plasma fire
    1 point
  4. I'm against pretty much all of these for either making life harder for antags or hurting interdepartmental cooperation. 1. On high pop there are sometimes shortages of supplies. However the Belt and Med HUD are neither critical nor terribly hard to get. As someone who works RnD and Botany decently often I'm more than happy to outfit the paradmedic if they swing by the window and ask. Who knows, if you're joining late enough you might even get upgrades. 2. Same as 1 but I could see Chemical Beakers being printable from a Autolathe. Something to get the Chemist out of the lab for a moment at the start of the shift. Giving cargo something to do. They might even be a little larger but fit in none of the grenade types to keep things ballanced. 3. Absolutely not. Procuring omnizine is a mid tier task for the Chemist. They either need to interact with the CMO, or finagle a chimp to get some. Strange Reagent is always liked yes. But we don't want to flatten the difficulty curve to the point its a straight line. 4. This would be an absolute givaway to any traitor who didn't or couldn't manage to turn off suit sensors before critting their target. As soon as someone gets into crit everyone on station carrying one of the things will know about it. 5. If its just crew pinpointers this one might be alright. As you said, if their sensors turn off while you're already tracking an individual then it'll bug out anyway. But at the same time, now you're alerted even if pinpointer is in your backpack. 7. Might be alright but it seems kinda strange that every jumpsuit on station has the equipment needed to relay that info over the radio network. Its strange enough it can transmit basic health data. If its upgraded though it might give too much info too easily. Previously someone who has 200 suffocation damage might have been in an air drained room, accidentally left their mask on, or got vamped. With the upgrade you could tell immediately. Knowledgeable doctors might even be able to tell what weapons are being used just by the damages. To be honest I'd say that its not the crew monitoring console needs a buff. Its that there need to be less handheld crew monitors available. With 8 on station at roundstart and being easy to print from Science half the roundstart security and medical teams could have them. I'd rather see ONE for the Paramedic, ONE for the Blueshield, and in science at the end of the Bluespace and Medical research paths.
    1 point
  5. A xenobio spider got VERY busy.
    1 point
  6. I was observing that round when you got robusted on your own ship! Was hilarious! This happened couple of days ago, and now cows hold a special hatred in Rsik's heart along with clowns. There was a cow orbiting the station on a loop (and funnily enough, would have crashed right into the escape shuttle if it had continued on) that me and Yorrach (who was a stok, which will be explained) had spotted. Considering we had a run-in with a cow earlier which resulted in my pod being exploded, Yorrach who was my passenger being gibbed and me being left legless in space, we were quite adamant about getting some revenge. After transplanting Yorry's brain into a stok and heading back out, we decided to build a wall in front of this cow's path. Suffice to say, things didn't go according to plan. It was my turn to get gibbed... "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" - Yorry's reaction as he watches me get gibbed from the safety of the pod. My brain was recovered and I got transplanted into a... stok unathi, same as Yorry. Figures!
    1 point
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