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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2019 in all areas

  1. No god pls I am pure and good
    1 point
    1 point
  3. A screenshot from discord because why not?
    1 point
  4. I hate when the brig doctor is out of their office. They should be remaining in brig all times unless collecting supplies. Oh well, better luck next time.
    1 point
  5. Hello! First and foremost: I don't know anything about coding. That's why I naturally have no Idea if some of those suggestions are even implementable / worth the amount of time and effort it takes to implement. I'm fully aware that a coders time is limited, and so I'm trying to keep the changes as simple as possible. I don't think any of those will have any MAJOR effects or balance issues either. Most of them I'd consider general quality of life changes and tweaks. Without further ado, here are my suggestions: NOTE: I'll try to sort them into colors, dependend on what I think are easier / more difficult to implement. Green = Propably Easy Yellow = Propably not as Easy Red = Coders pls don't hate me for suggesting that 1: Put a Medical Hud / Medical belt into the Paramedics locker. Grabbing those in the Beginning of the shift is easy enough. But there's a good chance that all of these are gone if you're a late joining Paramedic on High Pop. Considering that Docs and Surgeons have those in their starting lockers, it would be just fair that the Paramedic also has a pair of those. 2: Add "Chemical Beakers" holding 120u to Chemistry. Quite a few chemists, me included, prefer the 120u a bucket can hold compared to the 100u of a large beaker. It's easier and quicker to make chems with it, simply because it's easy to divide it by 3 and 4, the amount of chems most meds use to make. Buckets do the same thing. But A) It's silly to use buckets as a medical chemist on a RP standpoint, and B) You have to pesker Cargo for a few of those or steal them from the arrivals garden / pet store, which in turn are kinda needed at their base locations. 3: Add a Omnizine Bottle into the Chemistry chem lockers. SR is propably the most important Reagent a Chemist has to make. Quite a few races aren't clonable, which in return makes it pretty much mandatory from the start. The only ways to get hold of it in the Beginning is either A) Through the CMO (which is sometimes not possible because there simply isn't a CMO on Station, he isn't cooperating or Hypospray gets stolen) or B) By heating Donk Pockets, eating them or feeding them to someone, and extracting that stuff through a sleeper and beaker. A thing to consider are new players. The Wiki doesn't state where to get Omnizine from. A) is easy enough to do for new players. But I doubt that a new chemist would be able to get Omnizine via B) without some significant help from others. Another points is: Considering that even the Donk Pocket Manufacturers are putting them into easily available food pockets, why shouldn't a NT research station have a bottle of it in its Chemistry lockers? Just remove the bottle of Oil for it. 4: Change the color of the Crew Monitor display to red if someone with maximized Crew Sensors goes into crit. The Crew Monitor already has a Display, and it could significantly improve the response times of people equipped with a Crew Monitor; especially the Paramedic. Also, people wouldn't have to check the monitor every minute if someone is in need of help 5: Make the Pinpointer beep if the target disables his suit sensors / gets them disabled. This isn't a Medbay only change, it could be useful for security / the Blueshield as well. I wouldn't consider it something high on the list, but the disabling of sensors usually means that something could be wrong. And having the Pinpointer beep a few times could draw attention to the Situation, especially if the person is busy. 6: Put an Extra Donut Vendor into Medbay. With all kinds of different flavors. This is very important. I'm sure I don't have the explain why. 7: Replace the Stationary Crew Monitor in the Medbay Reception with an "Advanced Prototype Crew Monitor" Alright, let me explain what I mean with that. Medbays little reception room is nothing more than a glorified door openers office in its current state. My suggestion is to add something "Unique" to it, to get Doctors to actually sit in there, which in return will lessen the amount of people being stuck in the medbay lobby because nobody is opening tha damn medbay Door. Now, let me explain what I mean with an "Advanced Prototype Crew Monitor" What I'm thinking about is basically a mixture of a Crew Monitor, Health Monitor, and Advanced Crew Scanner. People using it would not just be able to locate People on the map, they would also be able to see their health status such as Damage, Damage types, Blood level aswell as internal injuries such as Internal Bleeding, Organ Damage and Broken Bones. This would increase the interaction of Doctors and the Paramedic by giving him information about the status of the patient. Also, it would actually give doctors a reason to sit in the door openers office. This List is work in progress. I'll propably add more later on. Also, feel free to discuss and make your own suggestions. Together we can... uh... make Medbay great again? (Even though I like it as it is)
    1 point
  6. That time I was door crushed and it invariably saved my life from a plasma fire
    1 point
  7. BryanR, EvadableMoxie, Breenland and 6thechamp9 have passed their trials and were promoted to Game Admins. EDIT: marsmond has retired from his position as Game Admin.
    1 point
  8. If someone's chest / head isn't broken before hand, post organ manipulation (be it implanting, pulling their eyes out, shoving the clown's stamp into the head cavity) you can instead quick mend (Scapel in active, cautery in in-active) to seal the incisions and skip over the entire bone mending process. The bones will not be broken. You can also do this to avoid retracting the skin and cauterizing on other organ manipulation surgeries targeting places that are not the head or chest. You will be unable to quick mend if you use the re-tractors to close the skull/ribcage/incision. If you're using a scapel/drill/saw as a weapon, you'll often be prompted to start a surgery while trying to slice someone up while they're downed. Switch to harm or disarm to keep murderizing. Tesla Revolver's will not back shock you if they arc to another target, fire into groups. Wearing insulateds, contrary to popular belief, does not make you immune to the arcs (nor does it reduce damage). They also have a range of as far as you can click. The Tesla Revolver runs on an internal cell battery much like a stun prod (So does a taser actually) however it cannot be modified without admin intervention. Get abussed for infinite Tesla fun. People laying down (be it resting, kill intent, knocked out) in the pool or regular water tiles will begin to drown. This deals more oxygen damage then a no pressure area and continues to cause oxygen damage even once they get out of the area. The have to cough up all the water first. Harm intent someone in the pool for an exceptionally quick choke out. Cigarettes can be both dipped (as mentioned earlier) and injected with chemicals, and mechanically work like IV lines at 0.2u reagents injected per cycle. Cigarettes by default start with 15u Nicotine (a decent anti-stun) in them. Infusing the cigarette with 5u Coffee and 10u Hot Chocolate reduces stun times by a significantly large amount (We're talking better than CNS rebooter at times effective). Each reagent in the cigarette is injected at 0.2u while lit (individually) so the more chems, the more stun resist. The reagents are gone when you get the message "Your cigarette loses flavor" RPD sparks are gameplay functional and can start fires. The suspicious toolbox is as robust as a surgical saw. So is a pickaxe. A bottle to the head does 15 initial damage, and 9 while broken. Spam bottles to people's heads for annoyingly dangerous take downs. You can throw a kinetic crusher at someone in no pressure and impale them (This wall cause internal bleeding and a really nasty status message, you monster) The TEG heat exchanges are considered normal pipes DO NOT RECYCLE THEM. You can insulate reinforced floors with plasteel to make burn chambers that let no heat escape, combo with HE pipes to break thermo dynamics. You can see a back pressure surge as an atmos tech about 5 minutes before the announcement. Distro will begin to steadily climb from 3333 kPa to around 6000 before releasing into the scrubbers net. (However the event is basically non gameplay functional since no harmful gasses are every released) You can shift click windows and walls to see what step is needed next to deconstruct, or reconstruct them (Does not work on regular walls). Wall rot never gets treated. Left clicking a wall with wall rot will instantly make the plating turn into metal. Use this to get into secure areas that are infected, and or cause breaches like a knobhead. On Nations no one knows what IAA is a part of since Nations never gets played, use your all access, or near all access ID to steal everything, anything, and make Commandstotska great again. There's a code check that prevents the supply shuttle from being sent when a player mob is on board (even soulless dead bodies). Do not be afraid of getting shipped to CentComm by a shitter QM. You can vend traitor chemicals from the vendors in medical if hacked. Cryocells, even without beakers, will still keep a person alive so long as they stay in the cell (They're frozen you see) If making a TEG, sometimes your gas coolers can be TOO efficient, as they suck in gas to cool it and only release it when it reaches the designated temperature, don't set it too low otherwise you'll have a terrible cold loop inlet kPa. Military jackets (The loadout and autodrobe ones) can hold weapons, internals, and cigars/cigarettes, giving them more storage utility than regular armor or a jacket. However they have no armor. A military jacket does however exist in code with armor and the same functionality of the spawn ones. See if you can trade your sec armor for it via prayer or ahelp. IAA jackets and suit jackets can hold internals. The Plague Doctor uniform has 75% bio resist. Laser Tag helmets are almost as good as hardhats, hardhats are almost as good as sec hats. The tacticool turtlenecks have no armor, tactical turtlenecks do (10 brute resist). The Mad Scientist Labcoat is a fully functional labcoat, meaning it can hold all science and medical items on suit storage. Being blind doesn't actually give you flash resist, sorry. Revenants aren't actually stopped by salt or holy water. Their EMP also instantly E-Mags all borgs caught in the blast. A leather wallet doesn't make you an unknown sechud, it straight removes any ID indicator entirely. Retinal Overlays and robotic eyes can be tracked by the AI even in areas without cameras (Bug, not feature, but still gameplay relevant) Holobadges, despite requiring access to swipe, don't act as a backup ID if you get murderboned and looted. Don't wear one, or wear one, it doesn't matter at all. There is no difference between the warden's jackets armor or coverage, dress however you please. However, the HOS trenchcoats cover different areas. The CE and Firefighter helmets are space proof. They're also armored. The armored top hat, in fact, has no armor. Despite what the wiki says, getting DAC+ or 080 for genetics blocks doesn't matter at all. Only the first value of each block matters. Atmospheric pipes are the last thing to shut off when losing power, if power totally fails you can replace the gas mixer and pumps for distro with passive gates set to the right kPa ratio. You can screwdriver open vents and enable AAC access, renaming the vent breaks the pipenet (Don't do that). The AAC can be used to nullify or automate anything about atmospherics. The computer board can be made at R&D for 125 glass. The AAC is exceptionally powerful if used correctly. The Brig Physicians jumpsuit is better than the HOS or Warden jumpsuit in that it supplies both brute & bio resist. Snazzy. You can mix drinks inside of other players (Or chemicals). Guitars deal very robust stamina damage, apply generously. C20 ammunition deals 65 stamina damage per hit, two bullets and you'll be in stamina crit and bleeding out. Despite being in the description of the weapon, it's often overlooked by Nuke ops. Slot machines are more immovable than immovable rods. This is more meta, but, Heather Somna makes two virus sets, one for general population and one for security, if you can ever blood sample security, gives yourself the better virus. Medical Hyposprays can be emagged to use all chemicals instead of just healing chems. Jenkem has a non gameplay functional overdose threshold and makes people moan and drool. Use to fake brain damage, combine with toilet water grenades for escape shuttle antics. Budget insulated gloves have the chance to be fully insulated, or not at all. Depends on your luck. Despite popular belief, latex gloves leave fingerprints and fibers. Only Nitrile, Black, Combat, and White gloves prevent fingerprints. EMPing the CMO defib makes it combat capable, EMPing regular defibs makes them defib through hardsuits. (Not 100% sure about this one tbh) Anything with cold protection (see hardsuits, spacesuits, and surprisingly security armor) prevents cryo from working. Strip people before you cryo them. Put pens into foam force darts for lethal rounds. Voice analyzers pickup sound based emotes (*clap, *snap, etc) make a grenade assembly with a voice analyzer to work around mutestings and handcuffs. Oh and lastly, Skrell headpockets can be vended out of cryosleep storage. On that note, anyone with (I think it's bridge access, all heads can do it) vend out any item from cryosleep storage. Use as an antag head when a sec officer cryos for a free taser.
    1 point
  9. Nonsense. Also, these are all completely true facts. Syndicate uplink PDAs always have *boom* as their ringtone. People with dual e-swords take 30% more damage from fists, for balance. Closets keep you safe from syndicate bombs and other explosives. IPCs can't be traitors, because they are loyalty implanted at production. Since there's no garlic in the game, vampires are instead weak to watermelons. Vox can't see you if you don't move.
    1 point
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