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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2019 in all areas

  1. something something bad time something something sins crawling in my skin
    1 point
  2. Im gonna need a bigger mop for all this filth. - A random janitor after he found me tied to chair in a crowd of vulpkanins. Also applies for this art. Its still real fucking neato tho, keep it up comrade
    1 point
  3. Oh hey it's Sans Undertale.
    1 point
  4. If you dismantle the cargo supply console, and take out the console board, use a multitool on the board to change its mode ... then rebuild the console. You can now order a 'contraband crate' in the miscellaneous options. This can contain contraband posters, ??? pill bottles (including nanite pills), and contraband cigarette packs!
    1 point
  5. I hate those people who always "stumbles" into antags. Worst thing I remembered from a round as warden, was how we were notified of shadowlings. The entire fucking sec force instantly disappeared into maint, HOS included, never to be heard from again. That round I put a buckshot in my own brains.
    1 point
  6. Also remember that your neat traitor gadgets are a double-edged.... sword? Double edged e-sword? D-sword? Uh. That traitor gadgets are both helpful and harmful. Sometimes it's best to stash your stuff or just not buy it until you really need it.
    1 point
  7. You can set-up multi verb macros by writing new verbs in the macro starting with /nverbhere. IE: `say "Bob Ross did nothing wrong!/nrest/n say "And I will lay here in protest til he is released!"` This can be used to pick-up items, eat food, basically anything. If you can do the action by typing it in the textbox, you can macro it. This goes for movement and facing directions as well actually. So if you have DVORAK or AZERTY you can re-map your keyboard. It'd just take ages and lots of verb look up. You can also use this to be a cheeky cunt and cycle through all security gear pickups. But that's pretty borderline power-game. So watch yourself out there. You can use the holster with the H hotkey, but I bet you already knew that. What you probably didn't know is that more often not jumpsuits are smaller than guns in your inventory, and guns can be extracted from holsters with the hotkey while in your backpack (Take that bluespace!). So, if you're that sorta Warden, stuff the guns into some suits for maximum space efficiency. Earmuffs prevent flashbang stun, but not blindness. Combine with regular shades and a normal headset for a ghetto bowman headset. Expanding off of what @Benjaminfallout said. Any item without a defined force value defaults to 5 brute damage. And fist stuns only apply when targeting the mouth (unless someone changed it) Boxing gloves deal stamina damage. Stamina damage is almost impossible to counter even with adrenals due to the way it stacks & handles codewise. Admins, if they've foolishly left combat logs on, can see everytime you hug someone. Hug the admins chatbox to death. The maxcap limit can be escaped using assembly code and ideal gas law with certain holding tank types. TTVs are the only piece of bombcode that properly adheres to maxcap rules. However to achieve more than maxcap you not only need a lot of math, but need a tank that can hold more than 70 liters of gas. It's possible, but I'll never tell you how. Happy experimenting. Prisoner jumpsuits and regular orange jumpsuits are, well the same damn thing. Roleplay as an escapee I guess? You can matrix bullets by resting. Results may vary.
    1 point
  8. You can hurt people with coins. Somehow. Not just tossing them. Melee with a coin. Most objects that deal zero Melee damage will deal one brute damage when thrown. So you can in fact kill another player by tossing normal playing cards at them. Most items under "useless" in the traitor up-link are in fact useful. Such as the syndicate smokes that will heal you if you smoke them. They also make you look cool. You can quickly and easily spam out of any grab as long as as you're not cuffed and awake. Even when slipped. If they didn't know about the easy spam to get out of grabs then you'll be able to quickly and easily kill people by smashing there heads on closed toilets and urinals. Just have your hands around there neck and have them on the tile of the Toilet/urinal and spam click on it. They will died in about ten clicks. Your punches have a low chance to "weaken" AKA stun whoever you hit (in fact most things do) . This mean if you're lucky you can first punch stun someone in full riot armor and keep stunning them tell they die. I've done it before and I got to say... fair and balanced. Pest killer will near instantly kill the Ant race. Yes, you can kill one of the two people that play that race just about as fast as an EMP kills an IPC. Same with Plant people and plant killer. EMPs have a small AoE around them that won't instantly kill an IPC. It will cause burn damage. Feel free to brag to your friends about how many EMPs you've survived. I'm at 17. Get on my level. If aiming for the eyes and your target has nothing keeping them safe forks and screwdrivers have a 5% (or 10% I forgot. It is one of the two though.) change to stun and temperately blind your target. You can use this to stun them with the first hit and keep them down tell they die. I want to you know this is incredibly fun to die to. If you're reading this you're a big nerd that needs glasses and reads books
    1 point
  9. Hi all, As some of you may be aware, a few days ago 6 people were banned for metagaming, including two mentors. More bans may follow as we continue to investigate. Needless to say I'm incredibly disappointed, especially with the two mentors we placed our trust in. Not only does this completely violate the letter and spirit of the rules, but is a personal insult to have our trust violated by people who claimed they wanted to help new players by mentoring them. Taking advantage of our trust and their positions to supposedly help the community is incredibly low. This occured on a private discord server, whose owners seem quite upset that someone would reveal that it's being used to metagame. I've seen terms like "metagrudge" and "witchhunt", being thrown around at the people they suspect revealed them, as well as people being put in "quarantine" to avoid further leaks. This is pretty blatent admission to me that they have no issue with said metagaming - just it being revealed. . We will have absolutely no tolerance for that at all, and I personally find it pathetic that they think that those who were "undermining integrity of server" were those who revealed it, not those who metagamed in the first place. The evidence provided to us was concrete, and I have no reason to doubt its authenticity - especially seeing as there have been admissions of guilt from some of the parties. However, if people wish to dispute that they were breaking the rules, they're more than free to appeal. We've acted on the information we are given, but are happy to discuss such things. I'd also like to take this chance to remind you we take allegations like this seriously. If you suspect something like this is going on without proof, please let an admin know - we won't be banning anyone for unfounded allegations, but tipping us off means we can look into it with the many tools we have. As long as you're not clearly using this to attack people you dislike, then it's ok to be wrong here.
    1 point
  10. USE A TITLE LIKE THIS: "Banned by ADMINNAME: Ban appeal for [YOUR BYOND USERNAME HERE]" EXAMPLE: "Banned by Regens: Ban appeal for [insert ckey here]" IC NAME: The character name you used when you got banned CKEY: This is your username on BYOND DATE OF BAN: Date you were banned, shown in the ban message you get when entering the server ROUND ID: Also shown in the ban message. May not always be present. Looks like a number, e.g: 12345 DURATION OF BAN: Also shown in the ban message. E.g: "until appealed". ADMIN BYOND KEY: The admin who banned you. Please type '@' in front of their name, so it looks like this: @Kyet. If you don't know which admin banned you, ask one of us privately to look it up for you. REASON FOR BAN: The reason as to why you were banned. Shown when you connect to the server. DO NOT edit this, quote the exact ban reason shown when you connect. YOUR APPEAL: Explain why you think we should unban you. The best approach is generally to read the rules, then explain which rule you broke in your appeal, explaining why you won't do it again if unbanned. If you're truly convinced you never broke the rules in the first place, you could alternatively explain why - but that approach has a much lower chance of success. Try hard to identify which rule you broke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE: IC NAME: Grayman Tide BYOND KEY: Greytide16236 DATE OF BAN: 7/9/13 DURATION OF BAN: This is a permanent ban ADMIN BYOND KEY: Regens REASON FOR BAN: Insulting people YOUR APPEAL: I broke rule 1, and openly insulted another player in OOC. I am sorry I lost my temper and did this, and will not do it again.
    1 point
  11. I'd like to clarify a few things on perma bans. A lot of people seem to think perma banning is an excessive punishment. We currently have ~12,000 perma bans active, out of ~45,000 bans total (As of 26/6/21) Bans are not done to punish the players. They are to protect the server and other players. A perma ban forces the player to appeal, apologise and acknowledge their mistake before they come back to the server. This also gives us an opportunity to assess the attitude of the player and their reasons for wanting to come back. Many perma bans result in a shorter duration than a temp ban due to the appeal process. Many temp bans have been extended to perma due to the abusive and disrespectful appeals.
    1 point
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