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  1. Galaxy brain cultists fill their base with a plasma-air mix. It had predictable results
    5 points
  2. I got less salty and decided to try to play sec. It is awful. Engies sometimes are worthless fucks who grab a hardsuit and fuck off to do reform the old bar or something and never do any work. Sometimes they can't fix an APC, or find power problems. Not sure if secies are worse, or if it's just more impactful. So yesterday start shift HoP calls sec to line cuz clown won’t get out of line. I go there, drag the clown, but his id is still on the table. People won't let me pass through them to get it, but after some time me and HoP managed to get the guy in front of the line to throw it out, and get the id back to clown. While this happens HoS shows up. Clown them proceeds back into the line and pass in front of a guy who was there. He don't let the guy back into his rightful place, so guy disarm drop him and take his place. HoS doesn't like that so he stunbattons the guy and pulls him out of line. The two start arguing and the guy punch HoS in the groin once. HoS stunbattons the guy again, and cuff him, but do not drag him, so the guy leaves. HoS them send me after him. I get the guy and bring him to processing. HoS search him, finds a crowbar, says he's gonna take the crowbar and put the guy in for 204 (possession of a weapon) in addition to the attack. Magistrate is there and says crowbar is not a weapon and we can’t take it unless he used to break in or something. HoS grumbles but accepts it. Magistrate said he could brig him for the other offences, without asking exactly what happened. So HoS puts the guy in for 15 min. I can't fucking keep quiet anymore, so I ask HoS what's the guy charge. He says it's 302 (assault of an officer). I say: the guy punched you once, that's barely battery. Magistrate them start to ask what happened, and Warden comes in too, so HoS can't just pull rank without explaining the situation, he grumbly changes the timer to 5 min for battery. So a perfectly harmless situation, guy dropping clown cutting line, was escalated by the HoS into an attack, and he tried to steal the guys shit and brig him for possibly 25 minutes for this shit. Next shift the HoS hires a shaft miner from pop. Right after the guy get his documents but before he gives them to HoP a girl on the radio calls him attacking her in the garden. I set him to arrest. Someone might think this raised some red flags, but no. Whoever arrested and processed him said we had no evidence of anything happening, and the guy was sec for the whole shift. I bet no one even tried to talk with the girl I named in the arrest notes. So end of the shift IAA calls him attacking him, he denies over radio, but shuttle is on his way, I set him to arrest again but nothing happens. Guy was taitor tot obviously. Also another guy I set to arrest twice, who the RD for some reason was trying to beg sec to arrest but no one listened was in custody twice, left the last time when shuttle was docking and threw a fucking top secret folder on the trash of sec lobby. Also traitor tot. Also for some reason everybody kept asking why he was set to arrest the second time. Even thou I had answered already in comms and it was in the fucking notes I put there when I set him to arrest. Maybe they were thinking someone forgot to set the guy to clear or something, but you can just check the history and see clearly he was set to arrest for a reason, cleared, and then set to arrest for another reason. For some reason when Warden called me into processing to talk about the guy a gun from a completely different crime that I had put in evidence was there and warden was asking the guy about it. The fucking items related to this guy crimes were named in the arrest notes and were also in evidence. Also in this shift I heard in comms a guy was trying to turn himself in. I go to the brig and it’s a cuffed eng and the CE, the eng was beepskied and decided to come to the brig voluntarily to see what’s wrong. Even thou some secs pass by and see it, no one does a thing. So I drag him to processing and go on my merry way. After some time, I pass by processing and the guy’s still there. Warden is also there but it’s arguing with the pod pilot if he can have the teleport gun we had in evidence. Pod pilot says HoS let him take it, Warden says this is against SOP, but he’ll let him if HoS confirms on comms. HoS is silent on comms and the discussion continue. So even thou I’m detective I process the guy, interview him, and cut him loose. I think it’s ok to fuck up. I clearly fucked up in a lot of ways in these first rounds as sec. But at least the warden the HoS should be competent, or at least not outright malicious. Sec can get very crazy sometimes, but that’s why we really need someone to manage communication efficiently. And sec officers can be authoritarian dicks, and that’s why we need someone who tries to apply the law instead of fucking people over. If Warden and/or HoS are not up to the job sec fails completely. (I think this is also a difference between engies and secies. Engies can work really well without a CE. One or two good engies/atmos can carry the station if need be most shifts, even thou repairs will take longer. Sec is a completely different story.)
    0 points
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