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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2019 in all areas

  1. Private detective clown out to solve crimes for a fee: This guy was so ashamed his fibers were on the glass he walked back into the cell and repaired it. The actual detective was fairly amused. Went out to get a proper hat, and found a syndie crate with apron fibers, tho sec never aprehended the botanist. Followed some cold case trails to an abandoned ambulance, then had to use my mighty cap gun to escape from a suspicious snowman that chased me away from the scene. After writing a report for the detective, I repo'd next the botanist's janicart from chapel maint, and sold him the fingerprints for 250 credits. Some called for help for a Ripley thievery. The guy had used it to drill Ian to death. Got his confession on tape and Miranda paid me 2500 for handing it to Security and helping to get him out of the Ripley. Tho I have to say, cap guns aren't very effective against mechas. QM blew up! Not much on the scene, but then my keen souless eyes noticed a shipping manifest on the desk. QM had bought security gear for his office. And, as it turned out, they had actually been buying null crates and selling illegal gear all shift without being busted until then! After all that work I finished the shift as any proper private detective -- gambling and drinking.
    5 points
  2. I can't believe no one has posted this yet:
    3 points
  3. I might be wrong, but I've always viewed SS13 as a co-operation based game. People who try to circumvent interaction with others in favor of being a solo do-it-yourselfer building their own lathes/medbays/chem/everything/etc are kind of missing the point, in my opinion. Yes, I get that relying on others has its drawbacks at times, but maybe contribute to improving this, rather than just trying to 'escape' it by making yourself as self-sufficient as possible. Even if we had departmental lathes, etc, you'd still have people trying to circumvent.
    1 point
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