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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Alright so they are forcing the medical system to be far less realistic and less fun. Neat. Imagine going to the ER and the doctors where like "sorry their heart stopped in the ambulance so we just body bagged them because there was nothing we could do, chest compression are witchcraft" They should put a conveyor system into and out of the cloning pod because that's all med bay will be now.
    3 points
  2. It won't though. Like I'm not saying that I agree with the changes, at all. But that's just being a little disingenuous about the state of it, we both know that's not an accurate metaphor or equivalence at all, that there ARE systems at play and that doctors ARE doing those systems. They may not be systems we like, an the cloner will definitely be used more now, but to say medbay may as well be a conveyor to an from the cloner is just willfully misrepresenting the issue. Because I guess smaller injuries, surgery for things like broken bones, internal bleeding and limb reatattchment and the entire crit state just don't exist anymore, Paramedics don't exist and what is even that SR thing. Like. Yes. The Cloner will be used more, too much in the eyes of many, it's less realistic, etc. But god damn, y'all act like reviving dead people was your ONLY job and that with this change, all non-dead people will cease to exist, in a perpetuial state of being not quite dead, but also dead, a Schrodinger's Hellscape will overcome us all an doom will fall onto our station as Nar-sie nibbles on our meaty bits. Yes. The system's got some serious problems. But let's stop playing pretend that dead people being revived was the ONLY thing Medical did and that removing defibs suddenly DELETED those other non-dead players. It's exaggeration beyond the point of being worthwhile to the discussion. It adds nothing but noise at this, it just muddies the issue on both sides and makes it actively harder to debate and discuss. The strong emotional response has been noted, but now we need more then an emotional response, now we need more depth and criticism to be had about it.
    2 points
  3. In my opinion the Magistrate's role should never include administering punishment, especially corporal punishment. They're a bureaucrat, a scholar, and a paper pusher. Once sentenced the Magistrate leaves it to Security to carry out the sentence as laid down and afterwards their involvement in the situation ends. So yes, I'm quite obviously against the addition of a whip or cane to administer flogging. I'll also echo the sentiments of Spartan and Spark, its quite inappropriate, defeats the purpose of the Legal System if you can get off with some lashes only to immediately be healed of your wounds in Medbay or by the Brig Physician after its over. Rules side, we'd end up with players who'd flog an individual to death, whether for kicks or because they don't realize it's too much, and then they'd end up in trouble because of it. So no, just a hard no from me on this idea.
    1 point
  4. I'd argue it's more realistic not to have magical defibs that revive dead people. I don't feel realism has much value though. I agree with you on less fun, but of course that's subjective. You're right that it's hyperbolic to say literally everyone will have to be cloned. That said, it will reduce the 'pool' of patients medical has that can be interacted with in ways other than cloning them. That's going to be rough for a department that already struggles to generate enough to do most rounds. Exactly how bad it's going to be is open for debate, but it's going to be some degree of bad.
    1 point
  5. I haven't gotten a chance to really sink my teeth into the New Crit system. My only medical rounds have been in chemistry and I just know I'm pumping out chems all shift with barely any free time. However my big gripe currently is not all the changes are centralized in one place. Its hard to tell whats change and what hasn't. Can we have a end all location where all these changes are listed. Discord points to the guide and the guide doesn't mention a lot of the smaller changes. Almost every round the CMO will still give me their hypospray not realising it contains mitochloride instead of omni. The only place that seems to be mentioned is halfway down the PR. I only learned Corazone was disabled by reading the feedback thread. I was adding rezadone to my SR pills to help combat the clone damage without realising that that detriment to SR no longer exists. Its going to be a hard pill to swallow either way but can we at least get all the changes transparent and centralized?
    1 point
  6. Enter Takker Khan, my Chaplain. He worshipped a rather untraditional religion: The Pantheonic Multiverse. The belief that we lived in an infinite multiverse, and that occasionally, we would get a glimpse of another universe, causing fiction to spring forth. The most influential beings in the multiverse would become Ascended, the equivalent of gods. In partly an attempt to show off and partly to show people that yes, this was real, I created a magic circle and asked the Ascended to put something harmless but interesting there. The ascended (played by @Normalyman) put the multiverse sword there. (Yes, it's actually real.) It refused to budge, so I prayed and was told that it would kill me if I tried. James Picard came by and tried to get it. I told him this, and he cursed the ascended, which caused him to become retarded. After he got Mannitol, he expressed an interest to fight the ascended. They responded to this by shocking him with a lightning bolt and throwing him around a bit, followed by M.D. House in the form of a medibot running by and healing him. James Picard still continued to want to fight them, so I decided to humor him and set up an arena in the Holodeck. After he issued a challenge to divine combat, Bruce Lee showed up to fight Picard. After getting elbowdropped to death, he got cloned, returned to the holodeck, and decided he wanted Round 2. So I fought him myself with my Extradimensional Sword. After winning thanks to said sword, I cut off his head, put it in a magic circle, and recieved a blessing in the form of genetic boosts. I had to cryo after this, but I was informed by Normalyman after the fact that Picard got cloned again and said he wanted to join my religion.
    1 point
  7. Honk, I've lost my track on where we are going now, so SR on clonables is possible again. Fair enough, then.
    1 point
  8. You can still do brain transplants VIA SR as far as I'm aware, by the way. It should fullstop revive them, period. It is a revival chem after all.
    1 point
  9. I took in some Sketch commissions this week Starting off was two for Aceluke! One is of CM character, and the other is a cute wedding picture of his character Alex Rockwall and my character Dreamy. ^^' A commission for Von_bon that was a gift for Frick Frack of their demon boi A commission for Taac of their Skrell character Vol, and their Unathi Lyn I may draw Skrell all the time, but my god is is hard to draw other Skrell, lol A commission for Shazbot of their lizard elf(?) character Patricia I've been slowly uploading all the completed commission on my Deviantart, so I thought I'll just post them in "waves" Commission are still closed, this was just an "open for 24 hour deal" kind of thing for only Sketch Commissions.
    1 point
  10. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the way people will react to the new changes, is just building extra cloners? I mean, if the treatment ends up having more reliance on cloning, which was nefed, odds are they'll just build a second one every round, similarly to how upgrades to the ORM are expected by mining every round. I feel like if you wanted to make death more impactful, simply enforcing clone memory disorder, making anyone who's cloned forget what killed them rather then all the changes. It would make trying to keep people alive and not just straight cloning important
    1 point
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