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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2019 in all areas

  1. You just get forced into being locked into crit for 2 minutes, then die... but that is inconveniant for everyone because:- You can't do anything really while in crit, then are dead . If you are a terror and get someone in crit you need to wait for the 2 minutes to be up for them to "properly die", so you can cocoon them. Culty healing things can't bring you out of crit Changeling fleshmend, doesn't bring you out of crit. This all needs to be fixed, or ideally just revert to old crit.
    3 points
  2. Seems like the new crit system is screwing up antags far more than regular crew. Lings, Wizards, Nuke Ops, Agents. If they go into shock once they basically have no hope of recovering. Also what was the point of adding variance to medical when you're simultaneously removing many of the basic tools and items?
    2 points
  3. New crit is terrible and unfun for literally everyone involved. I can't forsee myself playing the server much in the future if it were to stay.
    2 points
  4. Something cartoonish where the eyes are the most feminine part of the body Is this what couples do? ... because I"m pretty sure it is. He's actually an IPC, NECROMANCER does get a little thrown off when people think he's "human"
    1 point
  5. While reactions to something new are likely going to end up being negative just by human tendencies... I feel like this new crit system has more than just that pulling it down. The system adds nothing fun, and doesn't really add more variety and options. My most interesting medical experience while the test was on involved a maddeningly long decline through which I was unable to speak, offer advice, make signs, nothing. I just sat there gasping as life slowly ebbed away, which was terrible, but that wasn't too bad because it was dramatic and created an interesting story. The part that made me upset was after this long struggle, they popped me into a cloner and "ding" I was back in better shape than I was before. I don't know if this is what you were going for, it seems like it takes a lot away from the fun of the game to create a little extra RP that was sorta there already. The "depth" of the system is bottlenecked by cloning and SR already. Gameplay-wise, and even RP-wise, it would have been more merciful for the Paramedic to put me out of my misery and just focus on cloning me since the cloning tanks were free.
    1 point
  6. NT is making a Clone Army and they will wage a grand-scale war against the Syndicate. The clones are engineered to be less self-aware, offer less criticism, but still be better than droids. It's all clear now, folks.
    1 point
  7. Exactly! I will play cmo soon. Magnificent, are they?
    1 point
  8. Well at least that's something. I still think the new system is horrible, however.
    1 point
  9. I don't much see the point of discussing these merges if the maintainers/administrators won't take it into consideration to begin with.
    1 point
  10. As a test, I used an admin spawned human and used admin tools to deal 200 burn damage, then timed how long it took for them to die. These times aren't precise as I don't have a stopwatch and had to alt tab back and forth, but are generally accurate within 1-2s. Test 1: 2:28. Subject started taking brain damage after 1:47. Died with 664 respiration damage and 75 brain damage Test 2: 0:56. Subject started taking brain damage after 0:35. Died with 297 respsiration damage and 36 brain damage. Test 3 0:18. Subject started taking brain damage after 0:08. Died with 139 respiration damage and 18 brain damage. Test 4: 1:33. Byond bugged and didn't update the scanner so I don't know when brain damage started. Died with 818 respiration damage and 102 brain damage. Test 5: 1:43. Subject started taking brain damage after 1:05. Died with 530 respiration damage and 60 brain damage. I'd hazard a guess that in a real scenario the odds any of those test dummies could have been saved by medical, even if it was staffed by the best medical players in existence is practically zero, simply because none of them would likely have made it to medical before dying. Keep in mind, these numbers are withn me using admin tools to deal 200 burn damage. In a realistic scenario where someone is taking brute by an antag or atmos death blender, it's probably going to be a lot worse. There definitely needs to be some adjustments made on the time til death, and there certainly needs to be a floor so patients can't just randomly die in 20 seconds. Edit: For some practical advice to anyone playing medical. At round start acquire a bucket. Go to the mendvend. Vend a bottle of Epi, Sal-Glu, Atropine, and Salylic Acid. Then vend 1 pill of Mannitol and 1 pill of Salbumtol. Add 20 of each bottle to the bucket, then disolve both pills in it. Grab a syringe and fill it. Inject literally everyone who comes into medical in crit with that. If you're the CMO, use your hypo instead of a syringe, it's faster. Normal hypos won't take atropine sadly, and if you have to give it separately it kind of defeats the point of the hypo being faster. Edit 2: Actually, forget all that. Just carry Atropine, it's all you need. They can't die unless they suffer cardiac arrest, and they can't suffer cardiac arrest if they have Atropine in them. Defib if their heart is already stopped. Once atropine is in them, treat as normal to get them out of critical. In fact, it should generally be safe to just inject 15u of atropine from a syringe and then dump them into cryo as long as their heart isn't already stopped. Edit 3: Theoretically, you should be able to just add atropine to the cryomix and just cryo everyone. Will require testing. Once that's done, your biggest issue will be your fellow doctors trying to drag your patients away and throw them into cryo. I would recommend murdering them with a hatchet.
    1 point
  11. The change is university unpopular, so it will be implemented and the community will have 0 say.
    1 point
  12. I'm not opting for a poll at all, but to seemingly dismiss feelings about the change as not being part of the discussion or feedback feels a little rash, to me.
    1 point
  13. To be fair, isn't how people feel about the changes part of the feedback and discussion?
    1 point
  14. We're not interested in peoples general feelings or votes over a few days of a system that's a work in progress. We want feedback and discussion about the specifics of the changes. Not a poll that indicates how people feel.
    1 point
  15. You have to give your players some credit. That other post regarding the PR merge speaks volumes to how the majority feels, yet it seems as though you simply do not care. And now here, when you're the one asking for people to discuss it, you seem to be dismissing genuine criticisms as "sarcasm and passive aggression". If I didn't know any better I'd say you were high on power and ignoring us all in favor of backers. All for the money, as it were. But I do know better, and I've seen better from all the staff on these forums. It does seem we're all on edge, as this is a contentious issue for all of us; players and staff alike. We need to be able to break bread and have a genuine discussion on how the community feels, and what the community wants. And don't be surprised when people get emotional about it. This game provides for some genuinely amazing experiences. So when an update may well result in more players spending whole rounds dead, it's easy to understand why people are upset. I'm not going to say there is a perfect solution, as a perfect solution for anything is an impossibility. But one thing that can majorly improve the standings here is opening up to much more community feedback. More polls, more threads like this one, more effort to stay in touch with the player base.
    1 point
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