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  1. I have 300+ unspent karma. At a certain point, you have more than you'll ever need, and its only polite to encourage donors to give it to someone else, instead.
    2 points
  2. This is... fairly strange, but I've been here for almost five years. I've unlocked all the karma purchases, and quite honestly I'd prefer if people gave karma to players that need it more. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate that I make people happy while I play, but I... really don't need it now. I'm sure I'm not alone, either.
    1 point
  3. 13 days have passed and i still wasnt bwoinked for playing a character named Bible McFartle
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. A few hours ago before this post, we had a nice Cult vs. Xeno+Terror queen vs. Station round. And while regular crew were being captured by xeno one after another, some guys at engineering set up a nice little robotics lab and produced durands at industrial scale. Our hive would be wiped out by them if not terror queen (or princess or whatever) who came from nowhere and helped us. Anyway, it was nice little chaotic shift, and it inspired me to draw a little durand sketch. Peace.
    1 point
  6. I've long wanted an "Advanced pAI" item, something that takes high research an more expensive materials, but is actually useful to have around, beyond simply shrieking over general chatter anyway. It's data jack cable instead becoming a wireless transmitter, It's medical suite giving far more information, like a portable body scanner or Health Analyzer with the augment, etc. The concept behind a pAI is great. Be someone's personal Cortana an be more or less a sentient smartphone. The execution of them, leaving so limited, makes them of dubious value beyond just someone to talk to. An Advanced shell/pAI Upgrade can be locked behind much more stringent requirements to balance out the additional utility it provides, since not everyone is liable to get one.
    1 point
  7. Add inductors would be neat, I believe tg code has them where they can transfer power from a cell in the inductor to another object, be it an APC, SMES, Borg, Stun Baton or other battery powered equipment. Could split it up so power 2 or 3 gives a low efficiency one that only passes 50w per 100w used, a mid level one at power 5 that does 1 for 1 and power 7 could be a bluespace inductor that can remotely transfer power to anything in line of sight. Engineering 7 could be an Advanced RCD, 'Clone Tool' that could scan and detect an area up to 5x5 tiles and then build it somewhere else. As for Data 7, hard to say what would be applicable. A remote body/surrogate system perhaps, VR-like pods where you build an IRC or similiar body then hop in the pod and control it remotely, good for allowing crew to work on radiation or toxic hazards without putting themselves at harm, though obviously leaving the controller completely blind and oblivious to any dangers around their actual body. Or a pAI implant that allows you to directly install one into your head and chat privately chat with them in psuedo-telepathic whispers (think Cortana plugged into Master Chief's helmet in Halo.)
    1 point
  8. If you want the worst shitcurity round I've ever had to experience (And to be fair, I rarely experience shitcurity myself) it's immortalised on Yogstation's forums, specifically an admin/player complaint that got ugly fast. Still. Have a couple of stories to tell. Brig Phys. Scientist prods me to get a surgery table, so I do with his help, and then ask for permission for implants. Both Captain and HoS quickly approve of it. (Neat!) So, I pop over to RND through the power of telespace and ask for implants from the Scientist there, same one as before. He puts them all in a bluespace locker and comes to sec with me to drop them off, and then I ask over sec comms if anyone wants implants. No reply. HoS is busy, Captain isn't really meant to be getting this sort of stuff, and I ask again. Then an officer comes in, no bother, job done. A Second officer is asked to come in near the surgery room, and I ask if he wants anaesthetic or just to sleep it off. No reply. So i take his backpack off, put him under and quickly implant him. The man gets up and complains about how long it took, which I brush off. Then he leaves. Without his backpack. Womp Womp. ":s Hey Sec? Can we get a big round of applause for [REDACTED] for leaving his bag in my office?" That officer doesn't reply. Open up the backpack. Tasers, cuffs, the works. Nothing he shouldn't have, but everything he shouldn't leave lying around. Take the pack and dump it in the armoury, specifically namedropping the officer and where his backpack is. Get back to implants, and have to rush for a screwdriver and crowbar for an IPC Pod Pilot implantation. That Second officer storms back into my office and demands his backpack. I calmly tell him it's in the armoury, and that I told him on comms. So he is one of those officers. Quietly make a mental note to PDA the Warden about this guy, juuuust in case. HoS rolls up, and after a quick greeting and puts the tank on himself and lies down on the table. This guy doesn't fuck around. After a very short but pleasant LOOC conversation about Nurses and Biology the job is done and he is implanted, and I see him off. Outside of that, I PDA the HoS about the above Officer about the muteness on comms, forgetting his backpack and one other thing (can't recall) but the shift ends quietly beyond that. We had abductors. And *most* of sec dealt with them rather effectively. I might've suffered an EMP heart attack and needed defibbing thanks to abductor implants and might've been dragged to medical by a injured, armless officer, and they might've dropped an egg laying guy in perma at some stage... But you know. Space Station 13.
    1 point
  9. Xray vision has been a pretty controversial topic. Many of us have stories about when it has screwed us over and ended our round pre-maturely. Here is a story of a unique problem I had with Xray… I am the Blueshield. I slide a cig out of my pack of Robusts and fire one up. I grab my gear and take a peek at the manifest to see who I’m keeping an eye on this shift. The captain is Gerhard Van Lutz. Been a long time since I’ve worked with Gerhard…haven’t seen him much since the accident that changed him from a human to a vulp. This will be interesting…I think to myself. I head to the bridge. As I enter I see a male vulp partially hidden by the chair he is occupying in front of the crew monitor terminal. I say “Sup bos---ohhh you aren’t the captain.” Stupid me…mistaking one vulp for another. This particular specimen happened to be the NT Rep, Wolf O’Shaw. How could I NOT notice it was him? He’s not wearing a shirt, I mean…he NEVER wears a shirt…and those muscles….oh my…get it together Tet... He grins and says “Nah, I’m the more handsome one” Such ARROGANCE but…well…who am I kidding… Flustered, I stammer “You all look magnificent to me…” as I look away shyly. YOU ALL LOOK MAGNIFICENT TO ME? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? STUPID! GET IT TOGETHER! Seemingly unphased by my blunder he reinforces his previous statement saying “But I’m better” as the captain emerges from his quarters. We exchange salutes and he greets me with a familiar “Hello there, madam” He’s always been so proper…so much less brash than Wolf. I’ve mostly only worked with him back when he was human…he’s…well he’s different now… FOCUS!! I shake away my thoughts. Over comms we are hearing confirmations of a cult. So soon? I haven’t even finished my first cig yet. This reminds me, the one I’m currently working on has lost its flavor, so I stomp it out on the floor and swap it out for a new one. Confirmed cult and I am stuck on the bridge babysitting these two? Lucky me! NO! BE PROFFESSIONAL! This is gonna be a looong shift…I should take a walk to get my mind off things. I inform the two of my intentions and begin hunting down the rest of command to implant them, as well as gather supplies from Security. Now that I’m fully geared up I start making my way back to the bridge. What is that GODAWFUL sound I hear echoing down the hallway?! The clown, Loud (yes...thats his name) is standing in front of the bridge, playing as many instruments as they can at once, as awful as they possibly can. The noise was disabling. I swiftly draw my revolver from its holster and silence the noise with one golden bolt. The NT Rep and captain both protest my action over comms. I plainly respond “I had to end the noise” Wolf counters “I’ll end your noise in a minute” I continue with “It was dangerous to your ears.” I glide past the still convulsing clown heading towards the locker room. At the beginning of the shift Slith recommended I dye my hair blue, voicing some complaint about a Redshield. I figured I’d give it a shot. I stand in front of the mirror and use its built in RHD (Rapid Hair Dyer…kek) to change my hair to various shades of blue. AWFUL! I dye it back to its unnatural bright anime gurl red and I notify Slith that the blue hair is a no-go and head back to the bridge. The clown is gone now. No more noise. “See?” I say “Threat neutralized.” Gerhard questions “The clown?” “Yea…notice how your ears don’t hurt anymore? Your welcome.” Wolf grumbles “You are making my ears hurt” Gerhard says “As I was just saying to the NT rep…I am pretty sure that ‘song’ will keep anyone away, cultist or not…” We enjoy a moment or two of peace until… Gerhard groans “There it is again!” as he retreats to the conference room. Wolf leans back in his chair and sighs. I screech “Oh—god—its—AWFUL!” as cover my ears. Through the now muffled noise I hears a report of someone being attacked on security comms. Annoyed I respond “My EARS are under attack by the CLOWN!” Gerhard returns holding an unopened pack of Robusts and morbidly says "I think I need an additional pack today..." I perk up and exclaim "Aha! Cheers!" as I rattle the last cigarette out of my first pack. I swiftly swap out the old with the new as I adjust my vision in Wolf's direction. My eyes widen as I watch him pull a cigarette out of his pack of Uplifts with his fangs. My mechanical heart begins to overclock as I am filled with uneasiness. Oh dear… I stammer "Oh my...I need to uh...get some stuff from Medbay..." I quickly rush off while keeping my eyes fixed to the floor in front of me. I don’t NEED anything from Medbay but...I needed a change of scenery... Be careful what you wish for. As I stand in front of the Nanomed stuffing the basics into my bag, the geneticist, Val Ragnar waves me in his direction. Val offers “Xray?” I reluctantly say “Eh…sure…though it always makes me a bit queasy…” He preps the syringe and injects me. “GAH!” I blink rapidly as my vision alters “I’ll never get used to that” Not even sure why I agreed to this…but…whatever…can’t hurt…right? I receive a non-supportive “Walk it off weakling!” from Val as I rub my eyes and return to the bridge. The captain and NT rep are chatting in some language I don’t understand as I come into their view. Oh god… I stiffen. I stammer “Oh my…this xray vision may not have been the best choice…” I begin to sweat as I try to process what I am seeing. Gerhard appears to be too focused on comms to notice. Wolf barks “Stop staring” I dart my eyes around the room looking for some recluse. “I’ll be uhhh” I barely manage to choke out as I quickly move over to the crew monitor console and bury my face in it. Gerhard finishes what he was doing on comms and says “wait a second...did you...do you...are you able to see through clothing Tetra?” He DID notice! CRAP! Trying to hide how my emotions, I laugh out nervously “NOPE! JUST…WALLS…” Wolf prods “Why are you blushing?” What the hell have I gotten myself INTO!? Gerhard raises and eyebrow and questions “Just walls?” “YUP!” I lie again. Wolf retorts “You’re blushing more red…you are filth” as he blows a large cloud of smoke and rolls his eyes. I can’t help but glance over at Gerhard, then quickly dart my eyes back to the console in front of me. You aren’t fooling anyone. They KNOW! With a resigned tone I pointlessly repeat “Just….walls.…” Gerhard coughs “Aha…ehm…yes…surely…just walls.” Wolf laughs to himself and then begins another conversation with Gerhard in the unknown language. What are they talking about? Are they talking about me? I'd kill to know what they are saying! To add to my annoyance, there is a Medibot in front of the bridge that is repeatedly announcing that I require attention. My readings are probably a bit off due to the alteration. I frown. “This medibot aint gonna shut up” I state angrily as I exit the bridge to seek its treatment. As I walk back onto the bridge Wolf and Gerhard continue their conversation. Wolf has an amused look on his face and Gerhard appears worried. My face contorts as I weakly leak out a “Ehm…” Gerhard echos “Ehm…anyways...” Wolf instructs “Stop. Staring.” My shoulders sink as I slink over to the crew monitor once more. Looking for a distraction himself, Gerhard says “Right…new cigs…that’s what I wanted to do…” and he walks into his quarters. “You’re lewd” Wolf accuses. I offer no argument but glance over at him and quickly look away again. Wolf says “I’m not covering myself up for your benefit” Chewing on my cigarette I grumble “I don’t think it’ll help” Gerhard chimes in as he returns to the room “Help with what?” Frustrated, I stand and point accusingly at both of them “I TOLD YOU BOTH! JUST---WALLS!” as I cross my arms, scoff, and turn away. Wolf heckles “You keep blushing, I wasn’t born yesterday” Why am I even bothering to attempt this charade…this is the WORST! There is an uncomfortable silence for a moment, broken by Gerhard barking “God damnit!” I become alert and raise an eyebrow as I turn towards him “Hmmm?” He gestures around the room “I need a janitor stationed right here for the whole shift!” he angrily scurries around the room picking up the cigarette butts that have accumulated. Sorry boss I DIDN’T NOTICE. I’ve been DISTRACTED! Is THIS his idea of trying to change the subject?! Does he think this HELPS?! I frown and take a long drag to finish off my current cig. Wolf scratches the back of his neck and grins. As he finishes cleaning up the mess Gerhard exclaims “This was one of my main duties so far! Collecting trash in the bridge!” followed by a sarcastic clap. “Fucking glorious!” I defiantly throw my first empty pack on a table as Gerhard finishes depositing the mess in his quarters and returns. Sadly he doesn't notice. As I light up the first cig from my freshly opened pack, I glance back and forth between the two of them scanning them up and down. Less flustered than I initially was, I’m now filled with a bit of excitement. I could get used to this… The thought is fleeting as Wolf interrupts “Tetra?” Innocently I say “Hmmmm?” “Who’s bigger?” he mocks with a wicked grin. I turn pale as I once again stiffen and weakly chirp “I….” Wait…did he just…? What…WHAT?!? I quickly retreat to the corner of the room and gasp out “OH MY GOD!” while covering my face. “What?” he chuckles innocently “I was just talking about our muscles” as he flexes. While I try to hide my embarrassment, they continue chatting in their unknown language while laughing and chuckling. This is a disaster… The cigarette I’ve been working on has yet again lost its flavor. There is not enough nicotine in the GALAXY to deal with this shit! As I shakily remove another cigarette from the pack I hear Gerhard reverts back to speaking a language I understand again “How many are left madam?” What?! Is this another attempt to diffuse the situation? I respond “Oh um…there’s…I’m on my second pack…” He exclaims “Really?! Impressive!” I quietly respond “They lose flavor quickly…and I’m KINDA stressed this shift” as I turn my attention to the greytide standing out front the bridge. THIS is a welcome distraction. A muffled voice comes through his gas mask “Open please” Very firmly Wolf says “You aren’t boarding a restricted area” Time to take out some frustration on this baldie. “What a lovely gas mask you have!” I say cheerily while clapping my hands together. I grin and change to a low mocking tone “All the cool kids wear those, don’t they?” He scurries off without another word. Skittish little shit. I turn my attention back towards the Wolf’s grinning face and he sarcastically asks “Stress? But Agent Vega, you have Gerhard and I here? You think it would be the opposite.” I glare at him and then quickly turn my back to him as he flexes again. I take a deep breath. He is enjoying this WAY too much! Maybe I’m enjoying it way too much… DO! YOUR! JOB! I get a bit lost in my thoughts as the familiar sounds of an unfamiliar language and laughter come from behind me. A familiar face returns to the front of the bridge. More accurately a familiar mask. The clown, Loud, living up to his name, loudly announces “WITNESS ME!” With a sigh of relief I say “Please, clown, I will welcome ANY distraction right now.” I hear Wolf’s voice increasingly unwelcome voice behind me “Agent Vega, you are in the gun show, there are no time for distractions.” There is a pause followed by a hearty “Ka-paw!” I catch a glimpse of Wolf’s reflection in the glass in front of the bridge. HE IS FLEXING AND POSING?!?! I gasp “MY GOD! I’M GOING TO GENETICS! RIGHT NOW!” Wolf victoriously states “You’re welcome” as I run past him towards Medbay. I frantically bang on the window for genetics while trying to catch my breath “I NEED….CLEAN…SE…SO…BADLY!” What appears to be a glowing and disfigured humanoid resembling the geneticist who bestowed this curse upon me answers the door and screams “DEAF! BORK BORK!” and points to his PDA. I pull out my PDA and frantically message my request to him, shortly after he tosses me a needle. I close my eyes, inject it in my arm, and let out a sigh of relief as my vision returns to normal. Finally this nightmare will come to an end. I return to the bridge. Gerhard is holding his cigarette in hand watching it burn off. Wolf is chewing his cigarette with an annoyed look on his face. “Say madam, would you like a new one?” Gerhard says while offering me a cig. This is much easier to digest. “I uhh…” I wave him off and light another of my own. He inquires “And let me guess, you had xray removed?” I scan both of them with my eyes, look sideways and sigh “Yes. It was---unnecessary…” This is still pretty distracting...hold it together... Wolf’s annoyed look returns to amusement “I think you did it intentionally” he grins. I frown. More unknown words and chuckling from them as I mumble to myself “I’ll never forget it…” That’s for damn sure. His ears twitch and he prods “What was that?” Attempting to maintain my innocence I lie “Hmmm? Nothing” He grins “It sounded like it wasn't nothing, but if you says so…” This son of a bitch won’t lay off! Gerhard offers “Don’t worry madam. We believe you!” followed with a clap. I clear my throat and grumble “Something new every time I work this job…” I plop down in front of the crew monitor yet again. At this point security has cleaned up most of the cult. I glance over at them and sigh “Yea…things are kinda boring now…” and quietly mumble to myself “Maybe I should have kept xray…” Gerhard says “Ohhh of course!” while waving around a cigarette butt he grabbed off the floor “Trash again!” I chuckle. At least I'm not the only one suffering discomfort this shift. Wolf nods towards me “Those were Vega’s. Wasn’t me. All Vega” Gerhard demands “Clean it up goddamnit!” I shrug and say “Yessir!” and begin to march around the bridge picking up all the trash. I deposit it in the trash can in the conference room, march back into the bridge, and stand at attention while saluting and announce “Mission complete. Sir!” That’ll show him. I hold the pose for a few seconds before I burst out laughing. Not seeming the least bit amused he points to a spot on the floor “Missed one” He groans and retreats to the conference room, but quickly returns. “You bought all of them?” he asks Me “Hmmmm?” He sighs “The Robusts.” Delighted I say “Oh you smoke Robusts too? Here, I’ll fetch some more” as I hand him an unopened pack from my bag. Wolf shakes his head and chuckles to himself. “Thank you madam” Gerhard says as I head towards the dorms to restock my supply. When I return to the bridge the Captain and NT Rep are having yet another conversation in their unknown language. I glance back and forth between them silently. Wolf squints at me “You got xray again, didn’t you?” REALLY?! Well…I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it… I remorsefully respond “No…” then murmur out of the corner of my mouth “…not yet” I scan them with my eyes once more, then let out a sigh. Wolf grins “Like what you see, Vega?” With a saddened look I turn away and say “I’ll live. I’m just uhh…just remembering what it was like when I could see through walls.” I begin twirling my hair and get lost in my thoughts again. Then the Head of Personnel, Aevon Cook, enters through the conference room. He greets “ ’Sup lads, this where all the cool kids hang out?” His voice has a bit of an accent to it. I respond “Doing our best to fill the bridge with smoke.” He scorns us “Smoking ain’t cool, aight? Stop hotboxing the fuckin’ bridge.” I retort “Ohhh trust me, you don’t want to see me without my nicotine.” as I fire up a fresh cig from my newly acquired pack. Aevon says “We should probs do somethin' about that cult.” Wolf says “Thats what security is there for” I agree “Thats right. Our job is to sit here and look pretty.” Then mumble to myself “…especially the Captain and NT rep…” I don’t have xray anymore but they are still easy on the eyes… Wolfs ears twitch and he raises an eyebrow towards me, flexes, and grins. Aevon replies “They dealin' with it?” Gerhard says “Of course they are, excuse me, Blueshield?” Annoyed, Aevon sarcastically says “Sure, lemme just pull out my security headset.” Aevon SHOULD have access to security comms... Ignoring the Captain I make my way over to him “Ohh you must not have security comms switched on, here” I help him adjust his headset. “There!” Wolf and Gerhard begin another conversation in their unknown language, and then Aevon joins them. Another one…great… I roll my eyes and say “Ohhh yall have your own special language…speaking of cool kids…” Annoyed, I demand “The fuck yall sayin?” Aevon chuckles and says “They talkin’ bout how big they dicks are” Gerhard quickly objects “Excuse me?” Wolf teases “Mines bigger” Gerhard commands “That’s highly inappropriate” Aevon chuckles “See?” I stiffen. What?! WHAT?! Wolf!? Gerard?! WOLF!!!! THIS WAS WOLF DOING!!! HE STARTED THIS!!! BUT GERHARD TOO?! NO! HES NOT LIKE THI--- My face red with anger and confusion, I explode “WHAAAAT!?!” Wolf laughs and Gerhard face palms himself. Aevon adds “Fuckin’ dodgy ass captain” I continue “OH—MY—GOD!!!” Through my blind rage I fail no notice Gerhard attempting to explain that this is all a ruse. Wolf rolls with it and can barely contain himself. Aevon has a sly smirk on his face. Terry Watson suddenly appears in front of the bridge and awoos “I thought I smelled something off” “YEA!” I point at Gerhard and Wolf accusingly “ITS THESE TWO!” I scoff at them and then stomp out of the bridge. As I leave Aevon pours on “HOLY SHITE SIR HOW COULD YA SAY THAT?!” while holding back his laughter. My mind races. There’s no way…what else have they been talking about?! DISGUSTING! UGH! MEN!! This is the worst day ever! I retreat to the familiarity of the brig to find some comfort. After a few moments sitting in the brig meeting room burning through the rest of my Robusts I hear Wolf through my headset “Vega, we were just kidding. Don’t be sour.” I take a deep breath as I grab a new pack of cigs from the vending machine next to me, then nervously respond “I’m not sour about anything, just checking up on the HOS” No you aren’t. You are HIDING. Liar. Get off your ass. You have a job to do. Wolf informs me “Well…the CMO is on the bridge bleeding out” FUCK!!! I rush to the bridge to find the CMO perfectly fine. He apparently patched himself up. But there is blood everywhere. I gesture around the room while looking at Gerhard “You yelled at me for my cigs…just sayin” The AI chides off an annoyingly familiar “ASS BLAST USA” I scorn them “AI…stop talking nonsense about ancient civilizations” I swear to god it’s like NT is letting stupid teenagers program these AI’s lately… Gerhard looks at the floor with disgust. I persist “You made me clean up all my own shit. Maybe get the CMO in here with a spray bottle” I try to snap my finger but it snaps right off!! OHH GOD! THE PAIN!! I scream “OH MY GOD!!!” Gerhard winces “Tetra...thats...not healthy...maybe you can tell the CMO while having them reattach your finger..." I decide to seek treatment in the brig. I spend a few moments chatting with the brig doc about how things are going for them and complimenting their setup. Our conversation is interrupted by reports of spiderlings. Time to get back to work… I offer the brig doc a casual salute and take my leave. As I head back towards the bridge I notice the blast doors are down. I quickly unholster my revolver and press my back against the wall while scanning the room. I calmly say into comms “Why is the bridge locked down?” Gerhard replies “Noise control” and shortly after the lockdown is lifted. My posture relaxes as I holster my revolver. Must have been the fucking clown again… As I walk onto the bridge I glance around. The CMOs now dry blood on the floor. Other garbage laying around. I clap and sarcastically state “Good thing I cleaned up my cigs!” Gerhard agrees while looking around the room “Yes…this is a mess…a disgusting m---” A warning siren goes off. A radiation field is approaching. We need to retreat to maintenance. I escort the captain and NT rep to EVA maint. As we stand silently in maint waiting for the storm to pass I reflect on the craziness of this shift and whisper to myself “I can’t tell if this is one of my greatest dreams or worst nightmares” Both of their ears twitch. Freaking vulps. God I love and hate them so much at the same time. Wolf says “What was that?” Gerhard questions “Your greatest dream, madam?” I defensively say “It was nothing. I was talking to myself.” The janitor suddenly joins us. I point at him and say “HE! JANITOR!” and he zips away on his janicart. I pursue him. He cannot leave due to the radiation so I have him cornered. I request “Hey man, once this storm is over, come clean the bridge, ya?” He yells back at me “BLIND AND DEAF” I frown and walk away. I approach the NT Rep and Captain and say “WELP! I know why the station is such a goddamned mess! The JANITOR is blind AND deaf.” while clapping. We all chuckle and shake our heads while the radiation storm ends. As we return to the bridge from the shelter of maintenance, I glance at the clock. Finally, this shift is almost ov--- My thoughts are interrupted by another deafening siren. Oh god...Terror Spiders... THE SPIDERS SPREAD THRU THE STATION A DEATHSQUAD CAME IN TO PEW PEW THEN NUKE THE STATION AND EVERYONE DIED THE END!!! Special thanks to @Normalyman and @Trubus for playing their parts and anyone else who contributed to allowing this ridiculous story to become what it did. I did want to note that none of the quotes or emotes were embellished to make this more interesting. I used my evil admin powers to dig up the exact lines. It was all actually typed out and happened in the round. At times I simply added tone to the speech based on how I perceived it personally, though even the tone was sometimes typed out as well, and Tetra's THOUGHTS to add some flavor. Stories like this are why I continue to play this game.
    1 point
  10. This was one of the best if not the best round of spess I ever had and it wasn't due to some sick action or a story on how I managed to kill half of medbay and was robust. It was simply because 3 people who enjoy RP worked together to create a hilarious story that makes you roll around the floor from laughter. And that it did, at least for the three of us ? Put some effort into your RP and it'll motivate other people to join in!
    1 point
  11. Although not in relation to Paradise at all, this happened on my second playthrough on Aurorastation. Wanted to try out a heavy RP server for awhile now, and figured I try out Aurora before I check out Bay12. Now usually, I don't have a problem with Sec on Paradise, because anything that does pop up that I might have a legit issue with, could get resolved via the IAA/Magistrate, or if unavailable, then ahelp normally solves the problem. And I can see now that this might be a recurring problem on servers like Aurora, where IAA/Magistrate roles are non-existent or not played at all, and you have to rely on admin presence to deal with the issue. So when my character gets put away in a cell for 35 minutes without formally being charged with anything and just 'wordlessly' thrown into a cell, I'm left with complete disappointment rather than anything else, and on a heavy RP server I'd expect some layer of roleplay to be involved, but didn't even get the basics. And what dastardly crime did I do to get put away for 35 minutes? I used a cleaning grenade and slipped up two officers in an attempt to rescue a fellow revolutionary. My slipping didn't yield much results sadly, and I was tazed, and battered to the point that my right arm was bleeding, despite not offering any resistance. They didn't even know if I was part of the same group but they could have safely assumed as much by my actions, but not a single word was actually uttered at me or indirectly during all of this, and I was thrown into a cell wounded. Having quickly reviewed their space law regulations, nothing I had done would have condoned that sentence. So I ahelped it... I got nothing in response, and my ticket was eventually closed, again, without a response. I didn't actually have to spend a full 35 minutes in jail because about 15 minutes later, a gang of fellow revolutionaries show up to rescue me, but failed in the process.. and from then on, I'm dragged around by the CAPTAIN cuffed and bleeding out. Heavy RP my ass!
    1 point
  12. I shoulda been more clear. The reason Kennard got demoted was unrelated to me. Just pointing out that we REALLY need to consider screening players in heads roles more
    1 point
  13. Got a new one.... So doing my usual maint looting run. It's 30s into the shift and I'm not expecting much, actually I'm just trying to find some damn tools. See an electrical locker that by rights should be empty by now. "Huh, a used storage implant..." I say to myself as I search through the untouched T-RAY scanners and other assorted junk. I grab it an immediately head to sec to turn it in. Get to the brig, HoS is right there infront of me. I drop it at his feet and say where I found it in maint. He thanks me and tells a fellow officer to fetch the detective, good deed done for the shift. I leave the brig and meet up with my friends we chat and catch up until 10 minutes later the HoS complete with an entourage of 3 other officers show up. "Miss, you're under arrest for possession of contraband and being an EoC" the HoS says.... A YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I get cuffed, dragged to brig like I'm public enemy No. 1 and sat in processing for another 5 minutes. The officer and HoS wander off, leaving Kennard the Detective standing across from wondering why the hell I'm here. As I'm being dragged I call for the IAA and state my case to them in processing. As soon as Kennard realises that I brought the implant to sec and thus it had my prints on it he fetches the officer that put out the arrest (The same one who saw me drop it infront of the HoS) and yells at them for their incompetence. He immediately uncuffs and escorts me out. Apparently towards the back end of that round the HoS threw Kennard under the bus and got him demoted. Why we don't issue job bans for gross incompetence I don't know...
    1 point
  14. Alright. New story of shitcurity. It's code green, and sec is raiding scichem, searching everything that moves. I get searched and they confiscate a bottle of smoke powder, a bottle of chocolate, potassium, and phosphorus labeled SmokeSpew, and a boxed space suit and helmet which, by the way, I found in maint, and is listed under non-contraband syndicate items. A friend, who I'm pretty sure knows space law and the contraband page better than I do, convinces sec to return the space suit, but they can't get them to return the bottles of chems that were going to remain in a chemlab. By this time, I know another scientist is a traitor, so I tell him I know hes a traitor and I submit myself to being murdered because I've given up on caring. Then, upon ghosting, I watch as sec arrest the corpse of a traitor miner, bring her to cloning, leave her there, and take about 20 minutes to realize that I'm dead on sensors in the chemlab. I could list more stuff they did that round, but by now you should know the full extent of sec's incompetence.
    1 point
  15. This is the PR I'm referring to: https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/42958 No more RNG disarming. If you want to stun someone with disarms you have to push them into a wall or table. This also make's disarm intent more of a defensive tool than an offensive tool, so it discourages valid hunting.
    0 points
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