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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2019 in all areas

  1. An agent finally caught himself sufficiently enough, by outright attacking me. After a long, long game of hide and seek talks, with evidence 99% worth to jail him from my side, and offers of gambling with a prize of information about a lost person from his side, I was only waiting for it. Yet I was surprised to find him at brig along with three officers batoning him next to a broken mech he had stolen, or by his own words being turning it back in. When I even then resumed it with talking, by his request and the fact that the situation was - inobviously - unclear, he finally decided to end it. And failed it. Execution room. He demands me to personally perform execution by the firing squad, after having whispered me his final words. "Some of us do not have the choice. Remember that when you do these." Shane O'Brien, I am sorry that I couldn't answer your final words, since my breath was busy on gasping the air due your hut-hut CQC tricks. See you in the byond.
    3 points
  2. BSA- make able to be aimed like telesci, using math, additionally allow a few different settings for explosion size and maybe a non lethal mode. Perhaps there could also be a button to enable AI control which allow AI to target an area with it by just clicking the tile, however there will be a delay before it fires to "calculate" the trajectory. DNA Vault- Choose a bundle of themed powers. Like "ascended mind" could have a set of powers like xray, TK, and mind speaking. "Enhanced Body" could encompass of a variety of movement abilitys like no encumberance, speed boost, and leap. Greater Mobility could enhance your range of traversable habitats by giving your heat proof, cold proof, no breath, shock proof. There could be a stealth based one that gives, cloak of shadows, night vision, chameleon, and make you untraceable via cameras. Possibly others Im not thinking of, you only get to pick one. Station Shield- I have no idea, this thing is just as useless as it gets.
    1 point
  3. it seems like you want changes to be made for a bigger payoff, which doesn't translate to being more meaningful. Even if the BSA was easier to aim and use, it doesn't get used, and there's no payoff to building it anyway, since it's usually just "oh, we did it, it fired." Even DNA vault, in it's current state, after the time invested, it's not usually that the powers come into play for much, as it's too late to have impact, and if it was as overpowered as suggested, and rushed for, then there would be complaints from antagonists who were wrecked by super-crew. I do wish however, that there was more inter-departmental co-operative goals, despite people always having the complaints that others will not carry their own weight when it comes to this. My main issue is always with people wanting to subvert teamwork in favor of doing everything themselves, or making their own X, Y or Z.
    1 point
  4. Game over, please insert quarter to continue.
    1 point
  5. The amount of internal screaming I was doing, after presenting evidence that was pretty damning against Shane O'Brien. he was let go and even allowed to take the brain of the person that was killed. Glad to see justice prevailed in the end!
    1 point
  6. Being a Diona as Captain during Nuke Ops isn't fun, but this was probably the most awkward moment I've ever been in.
    1 point
  7. This is the PR I'm referring to: https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/42958 No more RNG disarming. If you want to stun someone with disarms you have to push them into a wall or table. This also make's disarm intent more of a defensive tool than an offensive tool, so it discourages valid hunting.
    1 point
  8. Good thing from a few days back. So, a mostly mute warden and a blind civilian walk into a brig. . . How unfortunate
    1 point
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